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  • are registered under the CATSI Act
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221 matching corporations found

ICN Corporation Name Status Contact Officer / Secretary ROA/DAA Contact Officer Address Size Documents (link to all documents for this corporation) Extract
7668 Aboriginal Corporation ‘Nattadlu Kanggandi Kurrurru Towilla’(Now Let’s Begin to Look After The Circle of Our Spirit ) Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Emma Sumner Shop 15, 130 Peachy Road, DAVOREN PARK SOUTH SA 5113 Shop 15, 130 Peachy Road, DAVOREN PARK SOUTH SA 5113 Small Documents Extract
1900 Aboriginal Corporation of Employment and Training Development Deregistered on 07/05/2013   106-108 Levels Road, CAVAN SA 5094   Medium Documents Extract
8369 Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/04/2016 Geoffrey Hawkins 155 Holbrooks Road, UNDERDALE SA 5032 2/4 Daly Street, KURRALTA PARK SA 5037 Large Documents Extract
3909 Aboriginal Justice Advocacy Committee Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Trevor Dean Warrior 321 - 325 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 321 - 325 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
8438 Aboriginal Prisoners and Offenders Support Services Aboriginal Corporation (in liquidation) Registered on 29/06/2016 Jack James 19-23 Cypress Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 19-23 Cypress Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
8376 Aboriginal Sobriety Group Indigenous Corporation Registered on 01/04/2016 Timothy Agius 94 Grand Junction Rd, Kilburn SA 5084 2 474 Regency Road, Prospect SA 5082 Medium Documents Extract
3743 Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC (under special administration) Registered on 12/02/2001 Peter McQuoid Level 2, 180 Flinders Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 GPO Box 1171, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Medium Documents Extract
9449 Alliance of First Nations’ Independent Education and Training Providers (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation). Registered on 17/02/2021 Tadashi Nakamura 1 Lipson Street, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 PO Box 409, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 Small Documents Extract
7245 Amata Anangu Store Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/07/2009 Dennis Bate 239 Magill Road, Alice Springs, Maylands SA 5069 239 Magill Road, MAYLANDS SA 5069 Medium Documents Extract
7869 Amewara Kungka's Cultural Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Marleen Brady 5 Shaw Street, Davenport Community, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 103, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
7717 Anangu Ngangkari Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/05/2012 Francesca Panzironi 259 Grange Road, Findon SA 5023 1/403 Lady Gowrie Drive, North Haven SA 5018 Medium Documents Extract
7207 Anangu Tjutaku Tjukurpa Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Janet Queama 2/9 Stevens Street, SEATON SA 5023 2/9 Stevens Street, SEATON SA 5023 Small Documents Extract
3834 Ananguku Arts and Cultural Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/03/2002 Melissa Juhanson 1/241 Pulteney Street, Kaurna Yarta, ADELAIDE SA 5000 1/241 Pulteney Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
7382 Ananguku Mimili Maku Arts Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/05/2010 Anna Wattler Mimili Maku Arts, PMB 252 Mimili Community, Mimili SA 0872 Mimili Community via Alice Springs, Mimili SA 0872 Medium Documents Extract
8702 Ananguku Wiru Palyantjaku Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/07/2022 Sally Scales Level 2, 139 Frome Street, ADELAIDE BC SA 5000 171 Main North Road, NAILSWORTH SA 5083 Small Documents Extract
9433 Angkata Consultant Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/02/2021 Ian Crombie Lot 221 Ferrall Street, Coober Pedy SA 5723 PO Box 221, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Small Documents Extract
7322 Angurratyanha Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/01/2010 Ian Tretheway 3 Lipson Avenue, KADINA SA 5554 3 Lipson Avenue, KADINA SA 5554 Small Documents Extract
2932 Antakirinja Matu - Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 22/08/1997 Michael Pagsanjan 100 Carrington Street, Adelaide SA 5000 100 Carrington Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Large Documents Extract
8546 APY Art Centre Collective Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/02/2017 Skye O'Meara 57-59 GEORGE STREET, THEBARTON SA 5031 57-59 GEORGE STREET, THEBARTON SA 5031 Large Documents Extract
8410 Ara Irititja Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/06/2016   SA Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000   Small Documents Extract
7729 Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 21/05/2012 Juliana Chambers 48 Flinders Terrace, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 609, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Medium Documents Extract
8214 Ardugula (Artakwerle) Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Maria Stewart Room 2, Oodnadatta Railway & Tjukurpa Museum, Ikaturka Terrace, OODNADATTA SA 5734 PMB 227 Umuwa Community, via, ALICE SPRINGS NT 0872 Small Documents Extract
7504 Australian Indigenous Construction Group Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 07/12/2015 Richard Callaghan Unit 4B, 69 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033 PO Box 3074, HILTON PLAZA SA 5033 Small Documents Extract
4721 Bamagee Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/01/2007   26 Day Avenue, DAw Park SA 5041   Small Documents Extract
7954 Barngarla Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/05/2024 Soto Stuppos 65 George Avenue, WHYALLA NORRIE SA 5608 PO Box 155, WHYALLA SA 5600 Small Documents Extract
8978 Barngarla Common Law Holders Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/01/2019 David Wilson 178 Bay Road, MOONTA BAY SA 5558 178 Bay Road, MOONTA BAY SA 5558 Small Documents Extract
8603 Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 11/04/2017 Jayden Richards 65 George Avenue, WHYALLA NORRIE SA 5608 16 Altair Crescent, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Large Documents Extract
8198 Barngarla NativeTitle Holders Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 07/11/2019 Evelyn Walker 6 Carole Court, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 C/- 1st Floor, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
7514 Barni Yunggudja Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/02/2011 Kimberley Hay 345F Caroona Road, PORT AUGUSTA WEST SA 5700 1 Birdie Street, PORT HUGHES SA 5558 Small Documents Extract
8758 Barry Lovegrove Aboriginal Corporation (Intend to Deregister) Registered on 24/01/2018 Barry Lovegrove 45 Olinda Street, Craigmore SA 5114 3 Dew Street, Aberfoyle Park SA 5159 Small Documents Extract
9928 Bibby Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/04/2023 Derryn Gibson 52 View Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 52 View Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
10017 Bira Gargu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/07/2023 Barbara Manolas 19 Gerrard ave, Paralowie SA 5108 18 Anderson Crescent, PORT AUGUSTA WEST SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
9247 BRAINSTRAIT Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/04/2020 Petrina Coventry 44 seaview road, Tennyson SA 5022 44 seaview road, Tennyson SA 5022 Small Documents Extract
3479 Brewongle Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/02/2016 John Lovett 12 Cook Street, PORT Augusta SA 5700 12 Cook Street, PORT Augusta SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
7152 Bullinda Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/12/2008 April Lawrie 15 Gladstone Avenue, KILBURN SA 5084 15 Gladstone Avenue, KILBURN SA 5084 Small Documents Extract
2102 Bungala Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/06/1994 Nathan Freeman 1 Young Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 1909, Port Augusta SA 5700 Medium Documents Extract
3328 Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/10/1998 Tara Bonney 68-70 White Avenue, Compton SA 5291 PO Box 2500, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Medium Documents Extract
8679 Burrumundu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/08/2017 Becky Limerick Level 1, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 26 Haddock Street, Tennant Creek NT 0860 Small Documents Extract
1978 Buttlingarra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Barry Marks 2 - 20 Shard Crescent, WHYALLA SA 5600 PO Box 2478, WHYALLA SA 5600 Medium Documents Extract
7754 Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/07/2012 Wayne Miller 39 McKenzie Street, CEDUNA SA 5690 YARILENA COMMUNITY, 327 DENIAL BAY ROAD, CEDUNA SA 5690 Large Documents Extract
7005 Ceduna Family Violence Legal Service Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/11/2011 Heather Coleman 17 McKenzie Street, CEDUNA SA 5690 25 Will St, THEVENARD SA 5690 Medium Documents Extract
9460 Central Supply Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/03/2021 Julie Brady 19 Range View Road, Stirling North SA 5710 PO Box 1931, Port Augusta SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
4712 De Rose Hill - Ilpalka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 13/12/2006 Thomas Jenkin C/- South Australian Native Title Services Ltd, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
8550 Dieri Mitha Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/03/2017 Raelene Warren 41 Harris Crescent, PORT AUGUSTA WEST SA 5700 41 Harris Crescent, PORT AUGUSTA WEST SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
7146 Dunjiba Kungkas Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/06/2017 Marilyn AhChee Lot 41 Railway Terrace, OODNADATTA SA 5734 82 Fifth Street, OODNADATTA SA 5734 Small Documents Extract
9043 Eddie Betts Sports & Talent Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/09/2023 Garry Winter Level 9, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000 14 Harrow Road, COLLEGE PARK SA 5069 Small Documents Extract
9258 Empower Sports Foundation Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Trae Buckskin 5 Thomas Terrace, Gawler SA 5118 5 Thomas Terrace, Gawler SA 5118 Small Documents Extract
1781 Eringa Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/10/2010 Regina McKenzie Yappala Station, PO Box 186, HAWKER SA 5434 Yappala Station, PO Box 186, HAWKER SA 5434 Small Documents Extract
7499 Family Violence Legal Service Aboriginal Corporation (SA) Registered on 17/01/2011 John Tonkin 89 Liverpool Street, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 17 Lawson Drive, Port Lincoln SA 5606 Medium Documents Extract
9303 Far North Aboriginal Economic Collective Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/06/2020 Sue Abbott 5 Mackay Street, Port Augusta SA 5700 PO Box 1199, Moonta SA 5558 Small Documents Extract
7985 Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 02/12/2013 Basil Coleman

Brett Miller
62 Poynton Street, CEDUNA SA 5690 28 Grace Boulevard, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114

62 Poynton Street, CEDUNA SA 5690
Large Documents Extract
8950 First Nations of South Australia Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/11/2018 Melissa Reid Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 4, 345 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
4154 Flinders Crest Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/01/2003 Julie Brady 69 Elizabeth Terrace, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 1931, Port Augusta SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
8370 Galinyala Arts Hub Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/03/2016 Evelyn Walker 34 Tennant Street, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PO BOX 785, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 Small Documents Extract
7652 Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 16/12/2011 Tamika Reid C/ Rowe Partners, 8 Church Street, Port Augusta SA 5700 1 Phillips Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Medium Documents Extract
7161 Gerard Community Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/12/2008 Lillian Charles Gerard Community, GERARD SA 5343 PMB Gerard, Gerard SA 5343 Medium Documents Extract
9980 Going Out Bush Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/06/2023 Richard Turner 2/48 Greenly Avenue, Coffin Bay SA 5607 9 Elizabeth Street, Port Lincoln SA 5606 Small Documents Extract
7202 Gunditjmara Wungit Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/04/2009 Heather Builth U4/69 Paringa Parade, OLD NOARLUNGA SA 5168 PO Box 85, Upper Sturt SA 5156 Small Documents Extract
788 Gurungu Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 28/09/2011 Peter Lindsay C/- Meertens, GPO Box 218, ADELAIDE SA 5001 GPO Box 218, ADELAIDE BC SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
10336 Guuranda Elders Assembly Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/08/2024 Christina Stockley 822 South Kilkerran Road, SOUTH KILKERRAN SA 5573 PO BOX 105, Maitland SA 5573 Small Documents Extract
7779 Guyanggan Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/09/2012 Darrin Hepworth C/- Keystone Support Pty Ltd, 2/194 Chandlers Hill Road, Happy Valley SA 5159 2/194 Chandlers Hill Road, Happy Valley SA 5159 Small Documents Extract
7926 H.E.A.R.T.S Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Angelena Harradine 27 Pedlar Street, SEATON SA 5023 27 Pedlar Street, SEATON SA 5023 Small Documents Extract
4386 Idarlka Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/08/2004 Sarah Akbar 25 Radiata Street, Wirrabara SA 5481 14 Blackbutt Street, Leigh Creek SA 5731 Small Documents Extract
2044 Iga Warta Homelands Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/05/1994 Terrence Coulthard Iga Warta, COPLEY SA 5732 2 Iga Warta Drive, LEIGH CREEK SA 5731 Small Documents Extract
8782 Indi-genious Lighting Australia Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/02/2018 Anusha Muralimohan 5 Newfield Road, Para Hills West SA 5096 40 Baird Street, Mawson Lakes SA 5095 Small Documents Extract
7634 Indigenous Corporation of Womens Healing and Status Awareness Deregistered on 07/11/2012 Angelina Harradine 27 Pedlar Street, SEATON SA 5023 27 Pedlar Street, SEATON SA 5023 Small Documents Extract
987 Irrwanyere Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 09/02/1990 Jean Ah Chee C/- South Australian Native Title Services, Level 4, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 PO Box 83, KARAMA NT 0813 Small Documents Extract
3137 Iwantja Arts and Crafts Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/04/1998 Elisabeth Conway 20 Church Street, Indulkana Community, INDULKANA (IWANTJA) SA 0872 Indulkana Community, PMB 8, Via, ALICE SPRINGS NT 0872 Medium Documents Extract
7553 Iwantja Social Club Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/05/2011 David Austen PO Box 2691, KENT TOWN DC SA 5071 PO Box 2691, KENT TOWN DC SA 5071 Medium Documents Extract
8796 Iwiri Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/03/2018 Michael Penberthy 1 Lipson Street, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 PO Box 139, Port Adelaide SA 5015 Medium Documents Extract
7532 JOMA Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/03/2011 Jason Bilney PO Box 3097, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PO Box 3097, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Small Documents Extract
2101 Kakalpurannha Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/06/1994 Beverley Patterson 1A Kujani Drive, BELTANA SA 5730 c/- Post Office, BELTANA SA 5730 Small Documents Extract
8139 Kallinyalla Parnkalla Land Sea Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Jenna Richards 19 Easton Road, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PO Box 3166, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Small Documents Extract
3771 Kaltjiti Anangu Store Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/05/2001 Dennis Bate 239 Magill Road, MAYLANDS SA 5069 239 Magill Road, MAYLANDS SA 5069 Medium Documents Extract
7506 Kapi Kumpilpa Terowie Community Centre and Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Alison Dunling Lot 1, Main Street, TEROWIE SA 5421 Lot 1, Main Street, TEROWIE SA 5421 Small Documents Extract
10431 Kapi Wankanya Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/12/2024 Maxine Marks Lot 42 Kulkara Terrace, OODNADATTA SA 5734 79 Fifth Street, OODNADATTA SA 5734 Small Documents Extract
7967 Kaurna Warra Karrpanthi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/10/2013 Madelena Bendo Tauondi Aboriginal College, 1 Lipson Street, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 10 Bristol Street, GLENELG SOUTH SA 5045 Small Documents Extract
4043 Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 17/07/2002 Emma Gollan Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
9156 Kirrilaa Civil and Mining Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 10/01/2022 Wiliam Philp C/- PBS Accountants, PO Box 100, GOODWOOD SA 5034 9 Morgan Street, BROKEN HILL NSW 2880 Small Documents Extract
8093 Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/08/2014 Nyaningu Thomas

Erikafaye Grantham
35 Flinders Terrace, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 C/- 35 Flinders Terrace, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700

C/- 35 Flinders Terrace, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700
Large Documents Extract
4260 Kokatha Lands Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 30/06/2014 Sandra Lee Taylor Lot 49 Hutchinson Street, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 PO Box 526, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Small Documents Extract
3538 Kokatha Mula Nation Far West Division Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/01/2000 Lana Coleman 8 Devoncourt Avenue, Ingle Farm SA 5098 PO Box 716, PROSPECT EAST SA 5082 Small Documents Extract
7149 Koonibba Building Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/06/2010 John Thomas 1 Mickey Free Lawrie Drive, KOONIBBA SA 5690 Private Mail Bag, CEDUNA SA 5690 Small Documents Extract
7148 Koonibba Community Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/11/2008 Corey McLennan

Kevina Ware
2 Burgoyne Street, KOONIBBA SA 5690 30 Lambeff Street, CEDUNA SA 5690

1 Ware Avenue, KOONIBBA SA 5690
Large Documents Extract
8859 Koonibba Community Aboriginal Corporation - General Store Deregistered on 18/07/2022 Corey McLennan 2 Buroyre Street, KOONIBBA SA 5690 c/- Post Office, KOONIBBA SA 5690 Medium Documents Extract
7147 Koonibba Enterprises Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/06/2010 John Thomas 1 Mickey Free Lawrie Drive, KOONIBBA SA 5690 Private Mail Bag, CEDUNA SA 5690 Small Documents Extract
7481 Kooti Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 29/04/2019 Vicki Dodd C/- 16 McIntosh Crescent, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 address surppressed due to safety reasons, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
7559 Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/05/2011 Adam Parkinson Level 1, 180 Greenhill Road, PARKSIDE SA 5063 66 Henley Beach Road, MILE END SA 5031 Large Documents Extract
3194 Kuardia Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Wayne Willis 14 Margaret Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 294, Port Augusta SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
3209 Kuja-Muja Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Quentin Agius 17 Berryman Drive, MODBURY SA 5092 17 Berryman Drive, MODBURY SA 5092 Small Documents Extract
2963 Kumangka Youth Services Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 16/06/2010 Francis Robert James Nam 6 Mary Street, HINDMARSH SA 5007 35 Murphy Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112 Medium Documents Extract
2397 Kupa Piti Kunga Tjuta Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/10/2010 Eileen Brown Lot 89 Hospital Road, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Lot 89 Hospital Road, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Small Documents Extract
10236 Kuranye Wunyinar Land and Water Indigenous Corporation Registered on 04/04/2024 Gladys Sumner 143 Battams Road, MOOROOK SA 5332 C/- Moorook Post Office, Moorook SA 5332 Small Documents Extract
4624 Kurata Park Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/10/2010 George Cooley Lot 224 Giles Street, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Lot 224 Giles Street, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Small Documents Extract
10245 Linking Futures Foundation Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/04/2024 Alfred Agius Unit 6/267 Angas Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Unit 6/267 Angas Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
9006 Love Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/02/2019 Rosslyn Richards 31 Fourth Street, WINGFIELD SA 5013 22 Fraser Avenue, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 Small Documents Extract
9016 Lower Eyre Peninsula Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/03/2019 Evelyn Richards-Walker 5 Fram Street, Port Lincoln SA 5606 PO BOX 3171, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Small Documents Extract
7379 Mai Wiru Regional Stores Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/05/2010 Dennis Bate

Tom Sexton
239 Magill Road, MAYLANDS SA 5069 239 Magill Road, MAYLANDS SA 5069

72 Linden Avenue, Hazelwood Park SA 5066
Large Documents Extract
3643 Manunka Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/06/2000 Nathan Giles PO BOX 3 - NILDOTTIE, SA, NILDOTTIE SA 5238 7 Barry Avenue, MILDURA VIC 3500 Small Documents Extract
9895 Mardawi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/01/2023 Temeika Campbell 50 Old Princes Highway, Murray Bridge East SA 5253 38 Granites Road, TAILEM BEND SA 5260 Small Documents Extract
4476 Mari Yerta Men's and Young Men's Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 28/03/2014 Simon Piesley 7 Portland Street, WINDSOR GARDENS SA 5087 22-24 Fyfield Street, ELIZABETH SA 5112 Small Documents Extract
4554 Marnbi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/08/2005 Dawn Likouresis 32 Carlton Parade, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 645, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Medium Documents Extract
7614 MIB Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/09/2011 Anthony Pike Level 2, 180 Flinders Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 GPO Box 1171, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Large Documents Extract
9926 Mid-Murray & Mallee Aboriginal Corporation (MMAC) Registered on 24/03/2023 Tim Graham C/- South Australian Native Title Services Limited, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000 C/- South Australian Native Title Services Limited, Level 4, 345 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
4269 Milera Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/08/2003 Doug (Snr) Milera 47 Crampton Crescent, PORT VICTORIA SA 5573 PO Box 360, Virginia SA 5120 Small Documents Extract
7706 Miwi-Inyeri Pelepi-Ambi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/04/2012 Rosemary Kartinyeri 50 Jane Street, Port Noarlunga South SA 5167 27, Blackfriars Road, Port Elliot SA 5212 Medium Documents Extract
3295 Mount Willoughby Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 William Lennon Jnr Mount Willoughby Station, PMB 9 via, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Mount Willoughby Station, PMB 9 via, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Medium Documents Extract
7134 Munda and Wanna Mar Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/11/2008 Alan Haseldine Section 47-48 Hundred of Wallanippie, 36360 Flinders Highway, SMOKY BAY SA 5680 47-48 Wallanippie, SMOKY BAY SA 5680 Small Documents Extract
9472 Muyu Wunda Indigenous Corporation Registered on 09/04/2021 Pasquale Copolaro 15 Boorloo Toe, MARREE SA 5733 21/418 Maroubra Road, MAROUBRA NSW 2035 Small Documents Extract
2761 Nalta Ruwe Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Cecil Wilson Old Sturt Highway, Glossop SA 5344 PO Box 170, Glossop SA 5344 Medium Documents Extract
9197 Namawi Mi:wi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 05/06/2024 Amy Chinsami 107 Standen Street, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 21 Willowbark Crescent, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Small Documents Extract
7496 Narungga Aboriginal Corporation Regional Authority Registered on 11/01/2011 Peter Marin 102 The Parade, NORWOOD SA 5067 PO Box 2961, KENT TOWN DC SA 5071 Small Documents Extract
3831 Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation for Land Registered on 15/10/2001 Rex Angie South Australian Native Title Services Ltd, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 22 Hughes Avenue, POINT PEARCE SA 5573 Small Documents Extract
3863 Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 01/09/2001 Andrew Moll South Australian Native Title Services Ltd, Level 6, 27 Pirie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 1 James Street, CLARENCE PARK SA 5034 Medium Documents Extract
7866 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation - Transport and Community Services (in liquidation) Registered on 10/04/2013 Ian Mye 67 Henley Beach Road, MILE END SA 5031 PO Box 1389, COOLANGATTA QLD 4225 Medium Documents Extract
10064 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Education Council Registered on 24/08/2023 Christine Thyer 1 Lipson Street, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 3 Catterall Avenue, Salisbury Heights SA 5109 Medium Documents Extract
7693 National Aboriginal Solutions (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 04/11/2015 Nadia Matko 269 Kentish Road, Bibaringa SA 5118 27 Northside Court, EVANSTON GARDENS SA 5116 Small Documents Extract
9948 Nauo Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 04/05/2023 Kelly Ladhams Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
3384 Newchurch Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/01/2000 Steven Newchurch 39 New hampshire Drive, Parafield Gardens SA 5107 39 New hampshire Drive, Parafield Gardens SA 5107 Small Documents Extract
8958 Ngadjuri Adnyamathanha Wilyakali Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 30/11/2018 Gregory Bell Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 c-/ SAINTS, Level 6, 27-39 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
7713 Ngadjuri Nation Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/04/2012 Andrew Beckworth C/- South Australian Native Title Services, Level 6, 27-39 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 c/- SANTS, Level 4, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
9688 Ngadjuri People Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/02/2022 Christopher Griggs 300 Levee Bank Road, KOOLUNGA SA 5464 PO Box 1090, CLARE SA 5453 Small Documents Extract
9988 Ngai Nhina Yuras Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/06/2023 Tania Solar 28 Carlton Parade, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 3 Boston Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
3667 Nganpa Wanyina Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/10/2010 Kevin O'Toole Lot 1427 Treager Street, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Lot 1427 Treager Street, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Small Documents Extract
10122 Ngarabanna Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/10/2023 Noblelene Mackenzie-Stuart 9 Pappin Court, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 9 Pappin Court, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
4604 Ngarri Mudlunha Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Graham Richards 12 Water Cres, PORT AUGUSTA WEST SA 5700 12 Water Cres, PORT AUGUSTA WEST SA 5700 Medium Documents Extract
8743 Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 06/12/2017 Clyde Snr Rigney 4 Third Street, Murray Bridge, South Australia, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 3 Taplin Street, NARRUNG SA 5259 Medium Documents Extract
9624 Ngarrindjeri Lands and Progress Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/11/2021 Eunice Aston 2 Matson Street, MENINGIE SA 5264 16731 Karoonda Highway, BURDETT SA 5253 Medium Documents Extract
9138 Ngarrindjeri Ruwe Empowered Communities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 27/09/2019 Vera Rankine

Margaret Sumner
50-52 Old Princes Highway, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 133 Swanport Road, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253

133 Swanport Road, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253
Medium Documents Extract
10004 Ngarrpadlarna Mila Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/06/2023 Alison Denee-Thomson 1 Lipson Street, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 PO Box 477, Two Wells SA 5501 Small Documents Extract
4608 Ngopamuldi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/02/2006 Derek Walker 93 Mitchell Avenue, Murray Bridge SA 5253 93 Mitchell Avenue, MURRAY BRIDGE EAST SA 5253 Medium Documents Extract
2212 Ngura Urilpa Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Christopher Waye 21 Frome Street, Port Augusta SA 5700 21 Frome Street, Port Augusta SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
3410 Nguraritja Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Bobby Brown 22 Dennis Street, WHYALLA STUART SA 5608 22 Dennis Street, WHYALLA STUART SA 5608 Small Documents Extract
9803 Ninti Education Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/08/2022 Matthew Taylor 13B Caracas Crescent, Paralowie SA 5108 13B Caracas Crescent, Paralowie SA 5108 Small Documents Extract
9002 Nipapanha Community Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/02/2019 Gillian Marks Nipapanha Community Aboriginal Corporation Office, Nipapanha Via Copley, COPLEY SA 5732 PO Box 548, Edgecliff NSW 2027 Medium Documents Extract
3963 Njinkali Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/02/2002 Sheree Wanganeen 26 Bogart Drive, PARALOWIE SA 5108 26 Bogart Drive, PARALOWIE SA 5108 Small Documents Extract
9853 NOAHS Indigenous Corporation Registered on 11/10/2022 Silvana Kunsmore 15 Queensborough Street, Salisbury Heights SA 5109 15 Queensborough Drive, SALISBURY HEIGHTS SA 5109 Small Documents Extract
10324 Nori Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/08/2024 Bianca Lena Level 4/345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 4/345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
9044 Nukunu Wapma Thura (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC Registered on 10/04/2019 Andrew Moll Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 1 James Street, CLARENCE PARK SA 5034 Medium Documents Extract
7808 Nulla Tjuta Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 11/04/2017 Sharon Milera 78 Hurcombe Crescent, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 74 Hospital Road, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
4779 Nunga Wangga Media Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/06/2007 Christine Brown 250 Seaview Road, Henley Beach SA 5022 250 Seaview Road, Henley Beach SA 5022 Small Documents Extract
8246 Oak Valley (Maralinga) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/06/2015 Kim Gregory 43 McKenzie Street, CEDUNA SA 5690 33 Bergman Drive, CEDUNA SA 5690 Large Documents Extract
10151 Ourland Indigenous Corporation Registered on 07/12/2023 Devon Crebbin 16 Panorama Avenue, Hackham SA 5163 Artvuu Group, 1102/568-580 Collins St, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Small Documents Extract
8783 Outback Energy Savers Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/02/2018 Anup Kumar Raghavan 2 Discovery Way, Mawson Lakes SA 5095 40 Baird Street, Mawson Lakes SA 5095 Small Documents Extract
9435 Palyari Minyungu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/01/2021 David Brown PO Box 221, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 106 Tassie Street, Port Augusta SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
8331 Pangula Mannamurna Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/12/2015 Lisa Murrell 191 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier SA 5290 5-7 Saleyeards Road, Mount Gambier SA 5291 Large Documents Extract
943 Parnngurr Community School Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/12/1989 Renae Berry MLCS Corporate, 102 The Parade, Norwood SA 5067 PO Box 2691, KENT TOWN SA 5067 Medium Documents Extract
10350 Peramangk Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/08/2024 Emily O'Connor C/- South Australian Native Title Services Ltd, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 43 Jervois Avenue, WEST HINDMARSH SA 5007 Small Documents Extract
3547 PIDIA Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/02/2000 Andrea Khan 96 Hurcombe Crescent, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 12 Bishops Avenue, ALBERTON SA 5014 Medium Documents Extract
7355 Pika Wiya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/04/2010 Lorraine Merrick 40 Dartmouth Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 125A Deveonport Terrace, PROSPECT SA 5082 Large Documents Extract
9281 Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Law and Culture Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Samuel Johnson Wati Tjina, Kaltjiti Fregon Aboriginal Community, MARLA SA 5724 1 Fig Street, MALENY QLD 4552 Small Documents Extract
4746 Point Pearce Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/05/2007 Kellie Sansbury 65 Parry's Terrace, POINT PEARCE SA 5573 65 Parrys Avenue, POINT PEARCE SA 5573 Medium Documents Extract
10196 Port Augusta Arts Collective Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/02/2024 Peta Cobourn 57-59 GEORGE STREET, THEBARTON SA 5031 21 Dee Street, WOODVILLE WEST SA 5011 Small Documents Extract
2019 Port Lincoln Tjundia Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 David Dudley 61 Tobruk Tce, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 61 Tobruk Tce, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Medium Documents Extract
1175 Pukatja Roadhouse Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/01/1991 Gwen Gouveia 561 Umawa NT Border Road, PUKATJA SA 0872 PO Box 1794, ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Medium Documents Extract
2242 Pukatja Supermarket and Associated Stores Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/11/1994 Dennis Bate 239 Magill Road, 17 Larapinta Drive, Maylands SA 5069 8 Cataract Avenue, Rangewood, Rangewood QLD 4817 Medium Documents Extract
4644 Ritjuruki Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Douglas Nicholls Old Coorong Road, KINGSTON S.E. SA 5275 PO Box 280, KINGSTON SOUTH EAST SA 5275 Small Documents Extract
8387 Ruby Hunter Foundation (Aboriginal Corporation) Registered on 07/04/2016 Rosslyn Richards 22 Fraser Avenue, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 22 Fraser Avenue, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 Small Documents Extract
9978 Ruwe Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/06/2023 Lawrence Rankine 133 Swanport Road, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 133 Swanport Road, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 Small Documents Extract
7301 Salt Church Yuendumu Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 10/09/2019 Linda Cahill Salt Church Incorported, 25 Northside Court, Evanston Gardens, Gawler SA 5118 16 Amberdale Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114 Small Documents Extract
7135 Scotdesco Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/11/2008 Robert Larking 56552 Eyre Highway, Scotdesco Community, Bookabie SA 5690 PMB 4, CEDUNA SA 5690 Medium Documents Extract
8485 South Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 08/12/2020   C/- 321-325 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000   Small Documents Extract
8185 South Australian Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Council (Aboriginal Corporation) Registered on 23/01/2015 Christine Thyer c/o Tauondi Aboriginal Corporation, 1 Lipson Street, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 3 Caterall Avenue, SALISBURY HEIGHTS SA 5109 Small Documents Extract
9846 South Australian Indigenous Football Council Indigenous Corporation Registered on 30/09/2022 Travis Dodd 25 Victoria Street, Prospect SA 5082 25 Victoria Street, PROSPECT EAST SA 5082 Small Documents Extract
8367 South Australian Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/03/2016 Margaret McCallum 2 Meath Avenue, SALISBURY DOWNS SA 5108 21 Rosewater Tce, Rosewater SA 5013 Small Documents Extract
4028 Southern Barkly Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 09/07/2012 Darrin Hepworth c/-MLCS Corporatae PTY Ltd, 102 The Parade, NORWOOD SA 5067 PO Box 2691, KENT TOWN DC SA 5071 Small Documents Extract
4345 Sugar Shack Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/12/2004 Isobelle Campbell 925 River Road, SWAN REACH SA 5354 C/O Swan Reach, Post Office, SWAN REACH SA 5354 Small Documents Extract
2467 Tangglun Piltengi Yunti Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/07/1995 Gladys Wilson 199 Swanport Road, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 199 Swanport Road, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 Small Documents Extract
8330 Tauondi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/12/2015 Tadashi Nakamura 1 Lipson Street, PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 7 Grant Place, FLINDERS PARK SA 5025 Medium Documents Extract
3890 The Dieri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 19/10/2001 Vicki Dodd 6 Tassie Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 695, Port Augusta SA 5700 Large Documents Extract
7494 The River Murray and Mallee Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 06/01/2011 Sheryl Giles 9 Denny Street, Berri SA 5343 18 Eringa Avenue, LOXTON SA 5333 Medium Documents Extract
1350 Tjaliri Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Clayton Cruse 1 Longview Crescent, Adelaide, O'Halloran Hill SA 5158 1 Longview Crescent, O'HALLORAN HILL SA 5158 Small Documents Extract
7854 Tjayuwara Unmuru Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 13/03/2013 Alexandra Vickery Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
3416 Tjirilya Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/06/1999 Shontelle Lennon-Taylor Mount Willoughby Station, Painted Desert Road, Via, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Mount Willoughby Station, PMB 9, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Medium Documents Extract
7686 Tjukonaru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/03/2012 Naomi Coleman 28 Grace Boulevard, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114 28 Grace Boulevard, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114 Small Documents Extract
7946 Tjukurpa Law and Culture Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Murray George 2/9 Stevens Street, SEATON SA 5023 2/9 Stevens Street, SEATON SA 5023 Small Documents Extract
4625 Tjungu Palya Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/03/2006 Ashleigh Tuck Tjungu Palya Art Centre, Nyapari Community, NYAPARI SA 0872 C/O - TJUNGU PALYA, PMB 126, Via Alice Springs, Alice Springs NT 0870 Medium Documents Extract
8792 Tjurta Arts Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/03/2021 Edmund Wanganeen 29 Sharon Avenue, PARAFIELD GARDENS SA 5107 29 Sharon Avenue, PARAFIELD GARDENS SA 5107 Small Documents Extract
3263 Umoona Aged Care Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/07/1998 Lara Harris Lot 89, Hospital Road, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Lot 1 Masut Place, Coober Pedy SA 5723 Large Documents Extract
9402 Umoona Community Art Centre Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/12/2020 George Cooley Lot 8 Umoona Road, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Lot 430, 7 Jones Street, Coober Pedy SA 5723 Medium Documents Extract
7460 Umoona Tjutagku Health Service Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/10/2010 Dilshan Perera Lot 8, Umoona Road, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 PO Box 511, COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Large Documents Extract
3430 Urdlu Walpunha Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/05/2018 Robert Wilton Unit 3, 1 Roberts Crescent, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Unit 3/1 Roberts Crescent, COPLEY SA 5732 Small Documents Extract
4015 Varnda Urtunha Yurapinha Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Donna Vort-Ronald 3 Goulds Place, SALISBURY SA 5108 26 Manchester Circuit, Craigmore SA 5114 Small Documents Extract
3269 Viliwarinha Yura Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/07/1998 Zaaheer McKenzie 2 Ookara Street, Davenport Community, Port Augusta SA 5700 15 jervois Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
1233 Walatina Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/03/1991 Karina Lester Walatina Homestead, Walatina Station, PO Box 260, MARLA SA 5724 32 BOUNTY ROAD, Hallett Cove SA 5158 Small Documents Extract
7637 Walka Wani Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 11/11/2011 Bernadette Lawson C/- South Australian Native Title Services, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 L4, 345 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
7684 Wambaya Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Jeanette Booth 4 West Terrace, LITTLEHAMPTON SA 5250 4 West Terrace, LITTLEHAMPTON SA 5250 Small Documents Extract
10104 Wambirri Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/01/2024 Robert Walsh 67 Esplanade, Cowell SA 5602 PO Box 53, Cowell SA 5602 Small Documents Extract
1631 Wami Kata Old Folks Home Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/04/2010 Tommy James PO Box 240 Davenport Community, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 PO Box 240 Davenport Community, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
9825 Wangangooridi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/08/2022 Emmalene Richards 44 Dublin Street, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 44 Dublin Street, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Small Documents Extract
8110 Wangkangurru Yarluyandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 11/09/2014 Stephen Kenny C/- Camatta Lempens, Level 1/345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 C/- Camatta Lempens, Level 1/345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
8788 Warida Wellness Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 12/11/2018 Bianca Stawiarski 362A Lower Hermitage Road, Lower Hermitage SA 5131 362A Lower Hermitage Road, Lower Hermitage SA 5131 Small Documents Extract
7918 Warna-Manda Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 23/01/2024 Sharon Betts 22 Kennedy Road, STREAKY BAY SA 5680 1448 Lincoln Highway, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607 Small Documents Extract
8669 Warner Resources Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Stuart Robb 14 Weetunga Street, FULHAM SA 5024 14 Weetunga Street, FULHAM SA 5024 Small Documents Extract
10440 Warntapinthi Wellbeing Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/12/2024 Nicole Pilkington 28 Ann Street, SALISBURY SA 5108 6/220 Stradbroke Road, Rostrevor SA 5073 Medium Documents Extract
7136 Weena Mooga Gu Gudba Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/11/2011 Donna Halls 45 Mckenzie Street, CEDUNA SA 5690 PO Box 520, CEDUNA SA 5690 Small Documents Extract
7011 West Coast Aboriginal Corporation Enterprise Network Deregistered on 04/02/2013 Ruby Saunders Thevenard Post Office, THEVENARD SA 5690 C/-Post Office Thevenard, THEVENARD SA 5690 Small Documents Extract
8537 Western Men's Group Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Alexander Herewane

Rodney O'Brien
61 Queen Street, ALBERTON SA 5014 6 Turnbull Road, Enfield SA 5085

61 Queen Street, ALBERTON SA 5014
Small Documents Extract
2809 Whyallina Heritage Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/07/2017 Leslie Taylor 65 George Avenue, WHYALLA NORRIE SA 5608 29 Davidson Street, WHYALLA NORRIE SA 5608 Medium Documents Extract
8741 Wilyakali (Bimbowrie) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/11/2017 Bianca Lena Level 4, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 4, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE BC SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
10042 Wilyakali Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/08/2023 Leonora Herweijer c/- Camatta Lempens, Level 1, 345 Williams Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 c/- Camatta Lempens, Level 1, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
9676 Winmante Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 02/02/2022 Kia Watson C/- Community GP, Level 1/8 Beulah Road, Norwood SA 5067 10 Johns Street, Flinders Park SA 5025 Small Documents Extract
9333 Wirangu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 24/07/2020 Bernadette Lawson Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE BC SA 5000 Level 4, 345 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
9901 Wirangu and Nauo Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 03/02/2023 Bernadette Lawson Level 6 /27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 6 /27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
7555 Wiri Miya Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/05/2011 Garry Goldsmith 2/14 Bradbury Street, PARAFIELD GARDENS SA 5107 2/14 Bradbury Street, PARAFIELD GARDENS SA 5107 Small Documents Extract
3746 Wirra Waalpa Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/01/2001 Angelina Stuart 9 Pappin Court, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 6 Moore Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
9979 Wirrimbirra Art & Design Indigenous Corporation (Intend to Deregister) Registered on 06/06/2023 Nathan Katthagen 42 Wattle Avenue, HOVE SA 5048 42 Wattle Avenue, HOVE SA 5048 Small Documents Extract
1223 Witjintitja Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 28/06/2010 Peggy Kanate PMB 8, INDULKANA (IWANTJA) SA 0872 PMB 8, INDULKANA (IWANTJA) SA 0872 Small Documents Extract
10483 Wongi-Ahrah Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/02/2025 Marijhan Samy 52 George Street, greenock SA 5360 Suite 60, Box 60, 13 High Street, PORT GERMEIN SA 5495 Small Documents Extract
10217 Wurrukun-Wari Indigenous Corporation Registered on 12/03/2024 Richard Burr 27 Maidos Grove, Valley View SA 5093 16 Dauntsey Road, Elizabeth North SA 5113 Small Documents Extract
4658 Wurtawi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Sally Marsh 33 Port Street, GLADSTONE SA 5473 20 Corriedale Hills Drive, HAPPY VALLEY SA 5159 Small Documents Extract
2199 Yadlhiauda Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 02/04/2011 Bettina Jackson 7 Hobler Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 7 Hobler Street, PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Small Documents Extract
7405 Yadu Health Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/06/2010 Montana Scott 1 Eyre Highway, CEDUNA SA 5690 17 East Terrace, CEDUNA SA 5690 Large Documents Extract
8333 Yalata Anangu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/12/2015 David White C/-Yalata Community, Eyre Highway, CEDUNA SA 5690 PO Box 31, CEDUNA SA 5690 Large Documents Extract
3840 Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka Traditional Land Owners (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC Registered on 02/08/2001 Gregory Bell Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 SANTS, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Medium Documents Extract
213 Yankunytjatjara Council (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 15/09/2010 WALATINA STATION Lester Walatina Homeland, via, MARLA SA 5724 PO Box 260, MARLA SA 5724 Small Documents Extract
4480 Yankunytjatjara Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/04/2005 Thomas Jenkin C/- SANTS, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Small Documents Extract
9419 Yapayapa Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/12/2020 Bradley Lawton 14 Orlando Avenue, Hampstead Gardens SA 5086 14 Orlando Avenue, Hampstead Gardens SA 5086 Small Documents Extract
4244 Yartawarli Aboriginal Corporation Resource Agency Registered on 27/06/2003 William Mansell Level 1 458 Fullerton Road, MYRTLE BANK SA 5064 43 Main Street, YANKALILLA SA 5203 Small Documents Extract
8592 Yuendumu Social Club Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/03/2017 Sandra Bate 239 Magill Road, MAYLANDS SA 5069 239 Magill Road, MAYLANDS SA 5069 Small Documents Extract
3913 Yullu Wirru Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/06/2017 Jacqueline Crawford 11McInerney Close, Port Augusta SA 5700 37 Forster Street, Port Augusta SA 5700 Small Documents Extract