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  • are registered under the CATSI Act
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1331 matching corporations found

ICN Corporation Name Status Contact Officer / Secretary ROA/DAA Contact Officer Address Size Documents (link to all documents for this corporation) Extract
10310 2Spirits Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Queensland LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy Health and Wellbeing Registered on 26/06/2024 Michelle Jeffries 16/421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 16/421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Small Documents Extract
3150 A Dreaming of Yarun Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/12/1998 Lynelle Mace 1/14 Third Avenue, BONGAREE QLD 4507 18 Sixth Avenue, WOORIM QLD 4507 Small Documents Extract
8031 A.C.E. Harlow Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2016 Sentina Lawrence 113 Charlotte Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 12 Lode Street, Edmonton QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
9508 A.J. Ngulla Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/05/2021 Percy Neal Lot 2 Back Beach Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Lot 2 Back Beach Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
7163 Abm Elgoring Ambung Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 17/12/2008 Tania Major Kowanyama Shopping Mall, Gilbert White Street, KOWANYAMA QLD 4892 307 Inurwel Street Kowanyama FNQ 4892, Kowanyama QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
1362 Aboriginal & Islander Community Resource Agency, Rockhampton Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/11/1991 Elaine Williams 179 Lakes Creek Road, LAKES CREEK QLD 4701 PO Box 381, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
697 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Disabled and Respite Care Deregistered on 14/10/2024   11 Kent Street, GULLIVER QLD 4812   Medium Documents Extract
2293 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for all Sports, Health & Recreation Association Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Susan Forde PO Box 475, RICHLANDS QLD 4077 35 Macortney Street, PADDINGTON QLD 4064 Medium Documents Extract
1091 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Welfare, Resource and Housing Registered on 17/08/1990 Josephine Summers D3 Eastern Avenue, Airport Central, COOLANGATTA QLD 4225 26 Brier Crescent, VARSITY LAKES QLD 4227 Medium Documents Extract
2538 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Rodeo Riders and Workers and Sports Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Vera Chapman 211 M/S 825, Boonah Road, PURGA QLD 4306 211 M/S Boonah Road, PURGA QLD 4306 Small Documents Extract
8929 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Elders Dreaming Registered on 29/10/2018 Lynette Miller 75 Abby Drive, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 75 Abby Drive, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
3424 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for the National Indigenous Cultural Heritage Officers Network Deregistered on 24/10/2009 James Gaston 20 Don Street, BOWEN QLD 4805 GPO Box 787, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Medium Documents Extract
9458 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander International Engagement Indigenous Corporation Registered on 02/03/2021 Jesse Martin The Cairns Institute, 14-88 McGregor Road, Smithfield QLD 4878 1519/43 Wilson Street, BOTANY NSW 2019 Small Documents Extract
2836 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Womens Legal and Advocacy Service Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 10/01/2017 Shirley Finn C/- 65 Nanbaree Drive, Bray Park QLD 4500 60 Nanbaree Drive, BRAY PARK QLD 4500 Medium Documents Extract
2747 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation (Q.E.A.) for Legal Services Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Shane Duffy PO Box 13035, GEORGE STREET QLD 4003 PO Box 13035, GEORGE STREET QLD 4003 Small Documents Extract
2862 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Health Services (Toowoomba) Deregistered on 07/09/2009 Faye Twidale 4 Arrowfield Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 4 Arrowfield Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
355 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Welfare Services Registered on 08/03/1985 Virginia Mayo Unit 1 / 28 Bouganville Street, Miles End, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 3 Carbonate Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
4230 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Gold and Gloves Sports & Recreation Club Deregistered on 25/05/2016 Alfiy Reid 9 Ruff Close, YEPPOON QLD 4703 9 Ruff Close, YEPPOON QLD 4703 Small Documents Extract
8187 Aboriginal Corporation for Development of Community - Amalgamated from ICNs# [913] [7064] Registered on 02/02/2015 Roxann Walsh Level 2/3 Maryborough Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 1563 Tableland Road, MOUNT MARIA QLD 4674 Small Documents Extract
1597 Aboriginal Corporation for Malanbarra Midja Housing & Welfare Registered on 26/08/1992 Romayne Weare 8 Plumb Street, TULLY QLD 4854 9 Watt Street, TULLY QLD 4854 Medium Documents Extract
1767 Aboriginal Corporation for Malanbarra Midja Womens Cultural Group Registered on 08/04/1993 Lima Robinson 8 Plumb Street, TULLY QLD 4854 PO Box 966, TULLY QLD 4854 Small Documents Extract
7709 Aboriginal Corporation for the Borders Elders Council Deregistered on 30/05/2014 Barbara Oliver 2/1055 Gold Coast Highway, PALM BEACH QLD 4221 Unit 2, 10 Cromer Court, BANORA POINT NSW 2486 Small Documents Extract
7898 Aboriginal Family Legal Services Queensland (Maruma-li-mari) Indigenous Corporation Registered on 20/06/2013 Kathleen Wincen Level 3, Suite 9, 158 Margaret Street, TOOWOOMBA CITY QLD 4350 2 Curlew St, MERINGANDAN WEST QLD 4352 Medium Documents Extract
292 Aboriginal Outreach Programme (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Margaret Harries 8 Sutherland Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO Box 1129, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Medium Documents Extract
4320 Adolphus Island Management Authority Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Allan John Lee Suite 3, Trinity House 37 Pease Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Suite 3, Trinity House 37 Pease Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
7006 Advanced Indigenous Business Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Annette Laing 1-55 Best St, YORKEYS KNOB QLD 4878 U2-16 Rose St, WESTCOURT QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9873 AIFN Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/11/2022 Sabteca Fejo 31 Ryan street, Innisfail QLD 4860 9 Downing Street, Innisfail QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
7385 Alau Eagles Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Elizabeth Sperling 6 Woosup Street, UMAGICO QLD 4876 14 Young Street, UMAGICO QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
8206 Alka Bawar (Kalpowar) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/03/2015 Esther Henderson 42 Furneaux Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO Box 809, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
7246 All Nations for Christ Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Abraham Saylor 32 Tregaskis St, VINCENT QLD 4814 22A Skydiver Road, WOODSTOCK QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
9366 Allodial Financial Services Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 15/09/2020 Norimichi Tsuboi 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 5/130 Abbott Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
10088 Allodial Land and Sea Council Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/09/2023 Alex Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 5/130 Abbott Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
10000 Allodial Land Use Registry Indigenous Corporation Registered on 25/07/2023 Alex Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 36 Broughton Street, GLEBE NSW 2037 Small Documents Extract
9941 Allstars Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/04/2023 PATRICE GREENAWAY 253 Beaconsfield Terrace, BRIGHTON QLD 4017 253 BEACONSFIELD TCE, BRIGHTON QLD 4017 Medium Documents Extract
7767 Amaroo Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders Justice Group (Aboriginal Corporation) Registered on 10/08/2012 Roberta Stanley 91 Lyons Street, PORTSMITH QLD 4870 P.O. Box 152, BABINDA QLD 4861 Medium Documents Extract
2853 Ambiilmungu-Ngarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/10/1996 Sharon Cunningham 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 C/- PO Box 7573, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4717 An Indigenous Corporation For Townsville Youth, Helping Our People Everyday Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Frank Willis c/o 46 Neelsen Street, Wulguru QLD 4811 46 Neelsen Street, Wulguru QLD 4811 Small Documents Extract
308 Ang-Gnarra Aboriginal Corporation of Laura Registered on 19/10/1984 August Stevens Lot 99 Peninsula Development Road, LAURA QLD 4892 46 Hutchinson Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
4638 Angkamuthi Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/05/2006 Deborah Cesari 57 McDonnell Street, INJINOO QLD 4876 PO Box 154, Kuranda QLD 4881 Small Documents Extract
4381 Angkum Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/07/2004 Christopher Dean 93A Keenii Street, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 c/- Post Office, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
8394 Anindilyakwa Royalties Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/04/2016 Richard Smith Level 2, 58-62 McLeod Street, CAIRNS DC QLD 4870 Level 2, 58/62 Mcleoad Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
8379 Ankamuthi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/04/2016 Larry Woosup 136 Wilkinson Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 C/- Post Office, Casuarina NT 0810 Small Documents Extract
7210 Anthu Ava Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 16/05/2016 Mary Eseli 26 Pablo Street, INJINOO QLD 4876 PO Box 126, INJINOO QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
7397 Apudthama Agay Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/06/2010 Ugari Nona 1 MCDonnel Road, INJINOO QLD 4876 266 Orchid Close, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
8411 Apudthama Injinoo Sporting Indigenous Corporation Registered on 24/05/2016 Josie Nona 126 Moses Close, INJINOO QLD 4876 126 Moses Close, INJINOO QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
2244 Apunipima Cape York Health Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 03/04/2013 Kevin Lubbe 186 McCoombe Street, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 146 Hillview Crescent, Whitfield QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
7927 Aragan Tribal Council (Torres Strait Islander Corporation) Registered on 21/08/2013 Naizel Enosa 297 Yalla Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 30, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
10154 Aragun Warriors Sports & Culture Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 09/01/2024 Robyne Bowie 161 Swallow Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 161 Swallow Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9805 ARAWW Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 26/07/2022 Samuel Aniba 10A Kalinda Close, White Rock QLD 4868 PO Box 6258, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
10024 Arced Up Indigenous Corporation Registered on 18/07/2023 Rhys Wilson 7 Smyth Street, GYMPIE QLD 4570 7 Smyth Street, GYMPIE QLD 4570 Small Documents Extract
4591 Arilla Paper Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Rossilon Major 38 Wright Road, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 3 McIntyre Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
827 Arruwurra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/06/1989 Allen Punch ARRUWURRA ABORIGINAL CORP ICN827, P.O.B BOX 182, 64 Camooweal street, Mount isa QLD 4825 Wunara Outstation, Barkly highway, via Tennant Creek, Costello NT 0872 Small Documents Extract
9971 Asai Gibson Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/06/2023 Teresa Gibson 17 Flierl Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 15 Kalyan CL, CARAVONICA QLD 4878 Small Documents Extract
8699 Atambaya Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/09/2017 Ugari Nona 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 266 Orchid Close, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
9839 Atambaya Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 16/09/2022 Renee Mcdonald C/-32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9912 ATSI Community Services Consulting Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/02/2023 Amanda Doyle 13 Reed Avenue, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 13 Reed Avenue, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 Small Documents Extract
10297 ATSIDNQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 06/06/2024 Thomas Callaghan 121 Copperfield Street, Geebung QLD 4034 13 seaford Ents, Kewarra Beach QLD 4879 Small Documents Extract
1702 Au Karem Le Torres Strait Islanders Corporation of Logan & West Moreton Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Ted Ruben 9 Tessman Street, RIVERVIEW QLD 4303 PO Box 6006, RIVERVIEW QLD 4303 Medium Documents Extract
9127 Auburn Hawkwood People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/09/2019 Catrina Hazard 6 Fraser Court, MACKAY QLD 4740 6 Fraser Court, MACKAY QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
7271 Aurukun Community Indigenous Corporation Registered on 25/09/2009 Stuart Marquardt Room 4, 518 Wuumgkam Street, AURUKUN QLD 4892 C/o Post Office, AURUKUN QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
8727 Australian Aboriginal Remote Triathlon Construction Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Renee Stubbs Main Road, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 2 Longwood Road, Avenel VIC 3664 Small Documents Extract
9865 Australian Black Conservatives Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/11/2022 Griffin Gould 1 Palmer Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 1 Palmer Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
9081 Australian Football Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/06/2019 Yvonne Packbier 35 Jillian Court, Burpengary QLD 4505 35 Jillian Court, Burpengary QLD 4505 Small Documents Extract
9601 Autistic Angels Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 03/01/2024 Isaac Rae 15 Skyline Drive, WITHCOTT QLD 4352 15 Skyline Drive, WITHCOTT QLD 4352 Small Documents Extract
9922 AWH Group Indigenous Corporation Registered on 23/03/2023 Jodie Hunt 84 Deveron Road, Glenwood QLD 4570 84 Deveron Road, Glenwood QLD 4570 Small Documents Extract
10045 Awu-Laya Indigenous Corporation RNTBC Registered on 31/08/2023 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8688 Awu-Laya Traditional Land Management Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Felicity Bowen 8 Terminu Street, LAURA QLD 4892 5 George Close, LAURA QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
9757 Ayapathu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 25/05/2022 Joel Van Hassel C/- Cape York Land Council, 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9678 B&M Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/02/2022 Grace Munro 6 Berkshire Place, Springfield Lakes QLD 4300 6 Berkshire Place, Springfield Lakes QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
9599 BAB NERKEP ARTS Live Solutions Logistics Supply Indigenous Corporation Registered on 29/09/2021 Daniel Dow 28 Rinavore Street, FERNY GROVE QLD 4055 2 Coman Street South, Rothwell QLD 4022 Small Documents Extract
10152 Back to the Bush Indigenous Corporation Registered on 19/12/2023 Armen Arakelian 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 Suit 81, 26-32 Pirrama Road, PYRMONT NSW 2009 Small Documents Extract
8655 BackStar Productions Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/06/2017 Abraham Gibson Unit 4 / 3494 Main Beach Parade, MAIN BEACH QLD 4217 Unit 81/59 Pacific Street, MAIN BEACH QLD 4217 Small Documents Extract
8490 Badbara Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 10/01/2018 David Coe 45 Wigginton Street, Frenchville QLD 4701 45 Wigginton Street, Frenchville QLD 4701 Medium Documents Extract
3938 Baddagun Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010   C- 41 Frangipani Street, via Cairns area, WHITE ROCK QLD 4868   Small Documents Extract
7302 Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 03/12/2009 Laurie Nona 274 Blanket Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 PO BOX 141, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
3722 Badjuballa Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/11/2000 Jeanette Miller 235 Victoria Street, CARDWELL QLD 4849 PO Box 613, HERBERTON QLD 4887 Small Documents Extract
4583 Badu Ar Mua Migi Lagal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 13/02/2006 David Bosun C/- 212 Chapman Street, Badu Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 64A Maugau Yabu Kubin, MOA ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9420 Badulgau Indigenous Corporation Registered on 04/01/2021 Deacon Jackonia 161 Yalla Street, Badu Island QLD 4875 PO BOX 15, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8937 Bahlun Youth Development Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/11/2018 Tania Yow-Yeh 9 Wadley Close, ATHERTON QLD 4883 PO Box 1022, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
2732 Bailai Aboriginal Corporation for Land and Culture Deregistered on 10/07/2023 Lavinia Proctor 16 Craigmoor Court, NEW AUCKLAND QLD 4680 34 Eppalong Street, THE GAP QLD 4061 Medium Documents Extract
4167 Bajinjilla Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/01/2012 Marita Budden C/- 13 Elizabeth Street, TOLGA QLD 4882 13 Elizabeth Street, TOLGA QLD 4882 Small Documents Extract
9190 Balaman Wellness Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 16/12/2019 Agustinus Dorante 77 Wickfield Street, BRACKEN RIDGE QLD 4017 11 Phillips Street, BRACKEN RIDGE QLD 4017 Small Documents Extract
8403 Balnggarrawarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/06/2016 Ellen McIvor 23 Hope Street, Cooktown QLD 4895 PO Box 212, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
7917 Bama Nganbaaygu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Tracey Ludwick Lot 2 Mcivor Road, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 263/3 Lake Street, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
3658 Bamaga Berlibal Cultural Organisation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 01/06/2017 Clifford Waisu Lot 1 176 Yusia Street, Bamaga QLD 4876 C/- Post Office, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
7774 Bamaga People Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/08/2012 Cassandra Sabatino 204 Anu Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876 PO Box 122, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
1524 Bamagau Kazil Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 02/07/1992 Harriet Phineasa Lot 245 Jacob Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876 PO Box 20, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Large Documents Extract
8307 Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/11/2015 Daphne Creek Lot 1, Gorge Road, MOSSMAN GORGE QLD 4873 1 Miallo Road, MIALLO QLD 4873 Medium Documents Extract
1094 Bama-Ngappi-Ngappi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 27/03/2013 Noralyn Judith Harris 20 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 PO Box 6007, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
3928 Bana Mindilji Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Desmond Tayley 156Little Douglas street Wujal-Wujal, WUJAL WUJAL QLD 4895 42 Hartwig Street, WUJAL WUJAL QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
9716 Bandil Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/03/2022 Valerie Mehonoshen 288 Stanley Street, Strathpine QLD 4500 288 Stanley Street, Strathpine QLD 4500 Small Documents Extract
8343 Barada Barna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 19/01/2016 Melanie Kielly 43 Bacon Street, MORANBAH QLD 4744 PO Box 626, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
8153 Barada Kabalbara Yetimarala Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/11/2014 Kevin McPherson 10 Graham Street, KOUMALA QLD 4738 10 Graham Street, KOUMALA QLD 4738 Small Documents Extract
7487 Barambah Local Justice Group Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 20/12/2010 Jeanette Brown 2 Fisher Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 19 Garrick Street, MURGON QLD 4605 Medium Documents Extract
3824 Barambah Regional Medical Service (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 03/03/2015 Tony Dalton Cnr Bligh and Broadway Streets, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 49A Krebs Street, MURGON QLD 4605 Medium Documents Extract
3362 Bar-Barrum Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 29/03/2000 amias bong 92 Wolfram Rd, DIMBULAH QLD 4872 PO box 437, dimbulah QLD 4872 Small Documents Extract
3429 Bargumar Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 09/07/1999 Josephine Hooper 18 Commercial Road, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 PO Box 3171, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 Medium Documents Extract
3822 Bari Dhabu Fisheries (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation Registered on 27/06/2001 Elizabeth Warrior 7 Map Street, MABUIAG ISLAND QLD 4875 7 Map Street, MABUIAG ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7473 Barrangoo Wiala Clan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Lana O'Keefe Sharp & Knott Streets, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Unit 308C, Goodeedawa Road, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
8917 Barungga Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Vivienne Duncan 201 Oakwood Street South, DALBY QLD 4405 201 Oakwood Street South, DALBY QLD 4405 Medium Documents Extract
3346 Barunggam Traditional Land Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Matthew Graham 8 Andromeda Street, INALA QLD 4077 8 Andromeda St, INALA QLD 4077 Medium Documents Extract
8038 Baruur Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Amanda Baru Lot 2 Beach Road, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 30A North Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
7538 Batavia Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/04/2011 Larnie Lewry 166 Mulgrave Road, CAIRNS QLD 4870 8 Seaview Close, BAYVIEW HEIGHTS QLD 4868 Medium Documents Extract
4100 Batharra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Stewart Wallace 52 Racecourse Road, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 C/- Post Office, Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
1179 Bedourie Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/07/2023 Cassandra White 17 Herbert Street, BEDOURIE QLD 4829 15 Kepler Street, BEDOURIE QLD 4829 Small Documents Extract
800 Beemar Yumba Hostel Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 02/11/2010 Judith Stanley 54 Barambah Avenue, Cherbourg QLD 4605 PO Box 136, WONDAI QLD 4606 Small Documents Extract
7533 "Better - Men" Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Gary Santo 1/30 Ryan Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 1/30 Ryan Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Small Documents Extract
10013 Beyond Behaviour Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/07/2023 Louise-Bethany Heath 27 Portland Parade, Redland Bay QLD 4165 121 Point O'Halloran Drive, Victoria Point QLD 4165 Small Documents Extract
9431 Beyond the Pale Indigenous Corporation Registered on 20/01/2021 Kerry Russell 34 Drapers Road West, WANORA QLD 4306 34 Drapers Road West, WANORA QLD 4306 Small Documents Extract
7338 Bidadji Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Blaise Singleton 279 Hartley Street, Portsmith, CAIRNS QLD 4870 279 Hartley Street, Portsmith, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2273 Bidgerdii Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Community Health Service Central Queensland Region Registered on 08/12/1994 Marissa Smith Shop 3, 287-289 Richardson Road, Kawana QLD 4701 PO Box 106, Rockhampton QLD 4700 Large Documents Extract
8283 Bidjara Digital Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/08/2015 Ljudan Michaelis-Thorpe 1 Lydia Street, WOOLOOWIN QLD 4030 1 Lydia Street, WOOLOOWIN QLD 4030 Small Documents Extract
8663 Bidjara Yumba Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/07/2017 Robert Robinson 1 Kyte Street, CHARLEVILLE QLD 4470 1 Kyte Street, CHARLEVILLE QLD 4470 Small Documents Extract
1853 Bidunggu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/10/1993 Shaquelle Connolly Bidinggu Community, Lot 13 Wills Development Road, GREGORY QLD 4830 PO BOX 4, BURKETOWN QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
8479 Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 20/09/2016 Justin Saunders 78 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi QLD 4390 3230 Mt Mee Road, KING SCRUB QLD 4521 Medium Documents Extract
3432 Bigambul Traditional Elders Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 George Edward Hopkins 21 Jull Street, GEEBUNG QLD 4034 21 Jull Street, GEEBUNG QLD 4034 Small Documents Extract
10043 Bijarr Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 07/08/2023 George Freeman 1 Frances Street, Mooroobool QLD 4870 1 Frances st, Mooroobool QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2448 Binambi - Barambah Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/04/2018 Merina Cerezo 311 Church Road, TAIGUM QLD 4018 9 Dolcoath Street, Albany Creek QLD 4035 Small Documents Extract
3108 Bindal Elders and Reference Group (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Frederick Stanley 13 Dutton Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 13 Dutton Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 Medium Documents Extract
3180 Bindal Sharks United Training, Employment, Sport and Recreation Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/02/1998 Bert Doolan Lot 190, Mervyn Crossman Drive, Annandale, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 41 Condamine Street, WULGURU QLD 4811 Medium Documents Extract
8221 Bindana Gudu Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Julie Bayles 159 Rainbow Street, BILOELA QLD 4715 159 Rainbow Street, BILOELA QLD 4715 Small Documents Extract
3394 Binthi Land Holding Group Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/03/1999 Ramona McIvor 30 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 30 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
4055 Binthi Wambal Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/12/2023 Ramona McIvor 30 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 30 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
10180 Birri Djaa Community Development Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/01/2024 Danniele Tobane 102 Wharf Street, Maryborough QLD 4650 102 Wharf Street, Maryborough QLD 4650 Small Documents Extract
8261 Birriah Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 30/07/2015 Carolyn Kemp 5 Boyce Street, Bentley Park QLD 4869 5 Boyce Street, Bentley Park QLD 4869 Medium Documents Extract
2090 Birriguba Wadja Bimbi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Renarta Prior 50 Brooks St, Railway Estate, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 50 Brooks St, Railway Estate, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Medium Documents Extract
7240 Black Diamond Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 18/07/2011 Maree Nean 30 Albert Street, WARWICK DC QLD 4370 PO Box 78, WARWICK DC QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
10232 Black Platinum Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/03/2024 Brian Ensbey 42 Sidney Nolan Drive, COOMBABAH QLD 4216 PO Box 1078, COOLUM BEACH QLD 4573 Medium Documents Extract
9467 Blak Arts Indigenous Corporation Registered on 23/04/2021 Tanya Daley 14 Industrial Avenue, CALOUNDRA WEST QLD 4551 PO Box 1073, CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 Small Documents Extract
10093 Blak Stars Solutions Indigenous Corporation Registered on 03/10/2023 Jermaine Reuben 20 Davis Close, Manoora QLD 4870 20 Davis Close, Manoora QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9452 Boigugal Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Gainau Marama 90 Airport Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 90 Airport Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
1977 Bollon Aboriginal Corporation for Housing and Community Development Registered on 07/03/1994 Katelyn Weatherall 22A Main Street, BOLLON QLD 4488 PO Box 51, BOLLON QLD 4488 Small Documents Extract
7992 BooinGari Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/12/2013 Scott Hermes-Smith 7 Wallum Close, NINGI QLD 4511 7 Wallum Close, NINGI QLD 4511 Small Documents Extract
8559 Boolbun Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Rosie Attenborough 187 Bamboo Creek Road, MIALLO QLD 4873 PO Box 1036, MOSSMAN QLD 4873 Small Documents Extract
8237 Boonthamurra Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/05/2015 William Snr Docherty C/- QSNTS, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 2 Aspland Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
9373 Boorrumpah Goupong Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/09/2020 Sloane Stallan 1/21 Ashvale Street, FLINDERS VIEW QLD 4305 11/191-199 Warwick Road, Churchill QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
8845 Border Region Community Justice Group Indigenous Corporation (Border Region CJG) Registered on 07/06/2018 Raechel Missen 30 Russell Street, Goondiwindi QLD 4390 164 Marshall Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Small Documents Extract
9852 Boundless Studio’s Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 18/10/2022 Kita Kati 161 Boundary Street, West End QLD 4101 12 Merchiston Street, ACACIA RIDGE QLD 4110 Small Documents Extract
8880 Box Tree Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/05/2024 Elizabeth Johnston 3/349 Greenwattle Street, Wilsonton QLD 4350 3/349 Greenwattle Street, Wilsonton QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
7768 Branigan's Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/08/2012 Elaine McGreen 68 Kernich Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 68 Kernich Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
9101 Breaking The Chain Ministries and Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Jordana Donas 13 Birun Street, WOODRIDGE QLD 4114 30 Coffey Street, CRESTMEAD QLD 4132 Small Documents Extract
8833 Brigalow Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 27/08/2024 Garry Saunders 53 Eden Street, GLADSTONE BC QLD 4680 PO Box 8018, GLADSTONE DC QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
10416 Bright Futures Indigenous Corporation Registered on 25/11/2024 Amii Brown 45 Mirthwood Drive, DREWVALE QLD 4116 45 Mirthwood Drive, DREWVALE QLD 4116 Small Documents Extract
2058 Brisbane Council of Elders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 07/06/1994 Francis Singh 8 Rofail Street, THORNESIDE QLD 4158 PO Box 781, New Farm QLD 4005 Small Documents Extract
8509 Brisbane Indigenous Cricket Indigenous Corporation Registered on 17/11/2016 Brendon Cook PO Box 448, ASHGROVE QLD 4060 PO Box 448, ASHGROVE QLD 4060 Small Documents Extract
7510 Brisbane Natives Sports Indigenous Corporation Registered on 09/02/2011 Elaine Hegarty 2 Wattlebrush Court, Murrumba Downs QLD 4503 2 Wattlebrush Court, Murrumba Downs QLD 4503 Small Documents Extract
10049 Brodie Germaine Fitness Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/08/2023 Brodie Germaine 31 Millen Crescent, Mount Isa QLD 4825 31 Millen Crescent, Mount Isa QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
8374 Bromley Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 24/03/2016 Christabel Warren 208 McLeod Street, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870 9 Rosendahl St, Halifax QLD 4850 Medium Documents Extract
10047 Buai Giz Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 03/08/2023 Barry Pau 1 Main Road, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 56, Erub Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8789 Bubbla Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Patrina Spain 31 Atherton Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 31 Atherton Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
10139 Bubu Nubuun Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/01/2024 Judy Austin 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8096 Bud Ja Djan Men's Council Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Richard Young 425 Zillmere Road, ZILLMERE QLD 4034 Unit 3, 11 Whynot Street, West End QLD 4101 Small Documents Extract
2527 Buda Dji Aboriginal Development Association Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/09/1995 Rhonda Duffin Nyuwarri Estate, 1496 Kennedy Highway, KURANDA QLD 4881 1496 Kennedy Highway, KURANDA QLD 4881 Medium Documents Extract
7728 Buddra Guyu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/06/2014 Margaret Kemp 115 Western Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 39 King Street, DUARINGA QLD 4712 Small Documents Extract
7857 Budgies Australian Netball Indigenous Corporation Registered on 19/03/2013 Deb Farrell Hume Street, Pittsworth QLD 4356 3 / 37 Central Street, LABRADOR QLD 4215 Medium Documents Extract
8936 Bu'dja Wa'djin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Cultural Healing and Wellbeing Service Deregistered on 07/09/2021 Tina Bond 12 Caswell Court, HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 12 Caswell Court, TORQUAY QLD 4655 Small Documents Extract
9975 Budjiburra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/06/2023 Patrick Cobbo Suite 47, 231 North Quay, Brisbane City QLD 4000 47 / 231, North Quay, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Small Documents Extract
8210 Budjiti Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 23/03/2015 Inez Carter C/- Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 10, 307 Queen Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 12 Beardmore Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Medium Documents Extract
2352 Buia Yumbah Yebah Yebah Rockhampton and District Naidoc Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Margaret Wagg PO Box 1273, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 PO Box 1273, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
8646 Building and Construction Indigenous Corporation Registered on 15/06/2017 Margot Richardson 97 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 342, Bungalow QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4678 Bukki Buna Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/02/2014 Robin Schrieber 5/104 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 4/9 Sondrio Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8181 Bula Nyula Ngalulam Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lester Hill 21 Wilmot Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 21 Wilmot Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
7339 Bularnu NWQ Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 15/09/2010 Melissa Wilde 25 Riverview Tce, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 25 Riverview Tce, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
7666 Bularnu Waluwarra Wangkayujuru Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 31/01/2012 Elizabeth Dempsey 31-33 Commercial Road, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 51 Brett Avenue, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
10423 Bulgan Tara Yanal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 29/11/2024 Raymond Garrett c/- Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000 c/- Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000 Small Documents Extract
7761 Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 06/08/2012 Jeffrey Dillon 62 Blackwood Street, Townsville City QLD 4810 PO Box 626, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
7540 Bulluluwarra Bushfire Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/04/2011 Francene Johnny 188 Wattle Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 132 Buffalo Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
8867 Buluwai Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/07/2018 Dianne Brim 104 Crothers Road, Myola, KURANDA QLD 4881 PO Box, KURANDA QLD 4881 Medium Documents Extract
1169 BUMMA BIPPERA MEDIA ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDERS CORPORATION Registered on 06/12/1990 Vicky Motlop Unit 1, 143 Buchan Street, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 1/33 Creedy Street, Westcourt QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
2662 Bundaberg Aboriginal Corporation for Women Registered on 04/04/1996 Jacinda Warner Bundaberg Neighbourhood Centre, 111 Targo Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 154 Walker Street, Svensson Heights QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
8623 Bundaberg Community Justice Group Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023   204 Fairymead Road, BUNDABERG NORTH QLD 4670   Small Documents Extract
3867 Bundaberg District Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Medical Centre Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Robert Walker 6 Tummon Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 6 Tummon Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
4115 Bundaberg Media Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Colleen Johnson Unit 2 / 31 Burrum Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 2/31 Burrum Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
7451 Bundaghan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Sonya Ingra 21 Fletcher Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 21 Fletcher Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
9640 Bundi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Mona Booth 20 Carnation Street, WATERFORD WEST QLD 4133 20 Carnation Street, WATERFORD WEST QLD 4133 Small Documents Extract
9446 Bungaru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/02/2021 Joseph Callope 10 Knowe Street, CHILLAGOE QLD 4871 10 Knowe Street, CHILLAGOE QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
7022 Bunya Bunya Country Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/12/2007 Genevieve Jones 46 Image Flat Road, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 PO Box 9370, PACIFIC PARADISE QLD 4564 Small Documents Extract
7786 Bunya Peoples' Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/10/2012 Paul Dawson 30 Tolmie Street, Mowbullan QLD 4405 PO Box 361, Highfields QLD 4352 Medium Documents Extract
4547 Bunya Wakka Wakka Cultural and Heritage Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/08/2005 Daniel Weazel 119 Lamb Street, MURGON QLD 4605 33 Barber Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
7192 Buranga Widjung Justice Group Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 09/04/2009 Nicole Pensio Shop 7 29-31 King Street, CABOOLTURE BC QLD 4510 PO Box 294, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 Medium Documents Extract
8810 Burnett Auburn Nogo Dawes Peoples Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Cherissma Blackman 12 Mount Rose Street, EIDSVOLD QLD 4627 15 Morgan Street, YEPPOON QLD 4703 Small Documents Extract
4302 Burnett River Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Juanita Murray 11 Queen Street, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 11 Queen Street, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 Small Documents Extract
9629 Burra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/11/2021   Level 10, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000   Small Documents Extract
10197 Burri Lore Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/02/2024 Jordan Young 5 Treseder Street, THE RANGE QLD 4700 5 Treseder Street, THE RANGE QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
1450 Burringilly Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/04/1992 Christine Fewquandie 3 Damalis Street, WOODRIDGE QLD 4114 2 Enford Street, HILLCREST QLD 4118 Large Documents Extract
8255 Burrukaru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/06/2015 Paul Wickham 34 Waddington Parade, PLAINLAND QLD 4341 4 Shamrock Street, TENNANT CREEK NT 0860 Small Documents Extract
8044 Burrum Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 09/05/2019 Annette McClenahan 1 Oxford Place, URRAWEEN QLD 4655 2 Cran Street, BUNDABERG EAST QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
7292 Burrumburru Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 30/06/2014 Dorothy George 152 Waldon Drive, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 152 Waldon Drive, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
3065 Burudu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/12/1999 Keith Johnson Doris Johnson, PO BOX 47, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 PO Box 47, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 Small Documents Extract
1718 Burungu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/01/1993 Edward Madsen Burungu Aboriginal Corporation,, Ranger Station /Timber Camp Stn, via Bloomfield, Cooktown QLD 4895 Timber Camp Station, c/o PMB 51 Ayton, Cooktown QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
8144 Business Lifestyle Learning Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/11/2014 Zina Prior 2 Mill Bay, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 PO Box 1111, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
8107 Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 04/09/2014 Christine Royan 36 Southern Cross Circuit, URANGAN QLD 4655 PO Box 2659, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
8034 Butchulla Garling Wonamutta Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/03/2014 Nai Nai Bird 845 Kin Kin Road, WOLVI QLD 4570 845 Kin Kin Road, WOLVI QLD 4570 Small Documents Extract
8925 Butchulla Land and Sea Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Gemma Cronin 19 Darwin Road, BAUPLE QLD 4650 19 Darwin Road, BAUPLE QLD 4650 Small Documents Extract
9145 Butchulla Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 09/10/2019 Lorraine Woolley University of Sunshine Coast Fraser Coast Campus, 161-179 Old Maryborough Road, Building C, Office 1.11, PIALBA QLD 4655 University Sunshine Coast, Fraser Coast Campus, 161-179 Old Maryborough Road, Building C, Office 1.11, PIALBA QLD 4655 Medium Documents Extract
8616 Butharrawaliya Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/04/2017 Thelma Riley 51 Nowranie Street, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 PO Box 20, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 Small Documents Extract
7260 Buthu Lagau Saral Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 24/08/2009 Alice Fauid Cnr Mimia & Olandi Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 Olandi Street, Coconut Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7852 Buubu Gujin Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/03/2013 Batharra McLean

Batharra McLean
Charlotte Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 1 Ferrari Street, Cooktown QLD 4895

1 Ferrari Street, Cooktown QLD 4895
Small Documents Extract
7762 Bwgcolman Arts Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/08/2012 Moarna Pryor Arts Building, Cultural Precinct, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 1053 Wilson Close, Solomon Estate, Palm Island QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
7646 Bwgcolman Hornets Rugby League Club Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Danice Nallajar 68A Lot 180 Clumpoint Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 196 Dee Street, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
8692 Bygerrah Ngaro Aboriginal Corporation (First Nations People) Deregistered on 08/03/2023   56 George Street, BOWEN QLD 4805   Small Documents Extract
9038 Cairns & District Meeting Place Indigenous Corporation Registered on 23/04/2019 Solomon Gela 4/50 Alfred Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 PO Box 388, Manunda QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2086 Cairns and District Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Elders Registered on 14/06/1994 Erica Colless

Glen Leftwich
289 Little Spence Street, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 23 Wewak Street, TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879

PO Box 48, BUNGALOW QLD 4870
Medium Documents Extract
3976 Cairns Regional Community Development & Employment Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 11/03/2002 Crystal Williams Level 1, Cairns Colonial Club Resort, 18-26 Cannon Street, Manunda QLD 4870 PO Box 5072, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
9169 Calmr Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 28/05/2021 Skye White 1/3 Hakea Avenue, Maleny QLD 4552 1/3 Hakea Avenue, Maleny QLD 4552 Small Documents Extract
9189 Camooweal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Sport and Rec Hub Deregistered on 29/06/2023 Ann-Elise Vaughan 39 Nowranie Street, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 39 Nowranie Street, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 Small Documents Extract
7300 Camp Chivaree Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Linda Cooktown 51 Cullen Point Road, Mapoon QLD 4874 51 Cullen Point Road, NAPRANUM QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
9313 Campfire Healing Indigenous Corporation Registered on 18/06/2020 VENUS DE BUSCH 31 Lupton Street, Churchill QLD 4305 2/8 Chuwar Street, BRASSALL QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
7041 Campfire Project Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/01/2010 Conrad Yeatman 19 Sunrise Street, WHITE ROCK QLD 4868 19 Sunrise Street, WHITE ROCK QLD 4868 Medium Documents Extract
7775 Capable Communities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 29/08/2012 Joanne Whitfield 24 Yorrell St, Algester QLD 4115 24 Yorrell Street, ALGESTER QLD 4115 Small Documents Extract
7847 Cape Melville, Flinders & Howick Islands Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/03/2013 Cameron Noble 6 Connolly Close, YARRABAH QLD 4871 6 Connolly Close, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
4676 Cape York Bama Languages Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Alberta Hornsby 125 Starcke St, Marton, Via, Cooktown QLD 4895 PO Box 151, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
4516 Cape York Family Violence Prevention Legal Unit Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/06/2010 Reginald Guivarra 24 Scott Street, Paramatta Park, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 213, WEIPA QLD 4874 Medium Documents Extract
8998 Cape York Grass Roots Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/02/2019 Debbie Symonds 184 Mulgrave Road, CAIRNS QLD 4870 184Mulgrave Road, westcourt QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
1163 Cape York Land Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/11/1990 Darren Sullivan 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 3-5 Henrietta Place, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
8213 Cape York Laura Dance Festival Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Talisa Kyle 9 Boundary Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 3/481-483, McCoombe Street, Mooroobool QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8798 Capricorn Coast Mob Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 21/02/2020 Gabriella Wallace 80 John Street, YEPPOON QLD 4703 16 Sage Street, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
268 Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/04/1984 Apryl Ford Suite 2, Level 1, 104 Mulgrave Road, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 71, BURKETOWN QLD 4830 Large Documents Extract
7282 Cassowary Coast Sporting Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Sonya Jeffrey 5 Blackman Street, Tully QLD 4854 5 Blackman Street, Tully QLD 4854 Small Documents Extract
195 Central Highlands Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/04/1983 Toby Hunter 31 Ruby Street, EMERALD QLD 4720 Unit 7, 53 Dundas Street, EMERALD QLD 4720 Small Documents Extract
53 Central Queensland Aboriginal Corporation for Cultural Activities Registered on 11/02/1980 Anne Armstrong Dreamtime Cultural Centre, Lot 703-751 Yaamba Road, PARKHURST QLD 4702 109 Rodboro Street, Berserker QLD 4701 Small Documents Extract
2885 Central Queensland Aboriginal Corporation for Media Registered on 28/01/1997 Caitlyn Armstrong Radio 4U5, Dreamtime Cultural Centre Complex, Bruce Highway, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 43 Medcraf Street, Park Avenue QLD 4701 Medium Documents Extract
164 Central Queensland Aboriginal Corporation for Training Resources Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Steven Vea Vea 225 Bolsover Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 PO Box 1001, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
1170 Central Queensland Land Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 23/07/2012 Maria Tyler c/- Maria Tyler, 85 Hills Road, Mackay QLD 4740 85 Hills Road, NORTH ETON QLD 4741 Small Documents Extract
4435 Central Queensland Yumpla Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Men Deregistered on 25/05/2016 Evan Sirris 55 Larnach Street, ALLENSTOWN QLD 4700 PO Box 3346, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
7356 Central Wet Tropics Institute for Country and Culture Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 17/09/2018 Paul Barrett House 13 Heritage Village, 404 - 418 McCoombe Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 PO Box 1065, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9977 CFS Sports Wellbeing Aboriginal Corporation Hub Registered on 05/06/2023 Nikita Sellin 10 Tooker Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 29/7-9 Charlotte Close, WOREE QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
8769 Charles Andrew Thompson Descendants Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/02/2018 Russell Thompson 154 CHERRYFIELD ROAD, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 154 CHERRYFIELD ROAD, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
1998 Charleville and Western Areas Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Health Deregistered on 09/10/2009 Sheryl Lawton 16 - 18 Edward Stree, CHARLEVILLE QLD 4470 PO Box 445, CHARLEVILLE QLD 4470 Medium Documents Extract
8118 Charters Towers Black Bream Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 23/09/2014 Lillian Davidson 54 Frerichs Road, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 54 Frerichs Road, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Small Documents Extract
1875 Charters Towers Warringnu Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 22/09/1993 Jennifer Huxley 36 Boundary street, Charters Towers QLD 4820 107-117 Millchester Road, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Medium Documents Extract
8627 Cherbourg Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Disability Support Deregistered on 07/05/2019 Browyn Murray 6 Bond Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 45 Broadway street, Cherbourg QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
7694 Cherbourg Indigenous Corporation Men's Empowerment Registered on 19/04/2012 Jack Day 78 Douglas Street, MURGON QLD 4605 29 Thorn Street, Murgon QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
8731 Cherbourg Men's Shed Indigenous Corporation Registered on 10/11/2017 Wayne Farrell Murray Road, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 116 Lysdale Road, WONDAI QLD 4606 Small Documents Extract
4657 Cherbourg Multi - Media & Resource Association Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 18/07/2011 Jeannette Brown 25 Barambah Avenue, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 PO Box 403, MURGON QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
9496 Cherbourg Wellbeing Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/08/2021 Edwina Stewart 6 Collins Road, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 1 Murray Road, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
7488 Chillagoe Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Nellie Brumby 15 King Street, CHILLAGOE QLD 4871 2 Market Street, CHILLAGOE QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
8985 Choolathah Women's Business Indigenous Corporation Registered on 25/01/2019 Sonia Schuh 1 Tavern Road, Napranum QLD 4874 Po Box 1057, Weipa QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
7150 Choorechillum (Ngadjon Jii PBC) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/12/2008 Joelene Gertz 23A Catherine Street, MALANDA QLD 4885 24/91 Hoare Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2970 Christian Aboriginal Youth Camp Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Laurita Naomi Grundon 22 Orana Street, KINGSTON QLD 4114 22 Orana Street, KINGSTON QLD 4114 Small Documents Extract
8590 Christian Fellowship Church of Bundaberg Indigenous Corporation Registered on 29/03/2017 Samuel Little 69 Elliott Heads Road, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 35 Prince Street, MEMERAMBI QLD 4610 Small Documents Extract
7783 Chuptu Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/09/2012 Joey Myer 9 Macleay Lane, Maroochydore QLD 4558 1/58 Esplanade, Golden Beach QLD 4551 Small Documents Extract
4024 Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/07/2002 Judith Eriksen Chuulangun, Lot 16/Plan SP104551, Portland Roads Road, Lockhart River QLD 4892 PMB 30, Cairns Mail Centre, CAIRNS MC QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
10030 Cicada Nguuruumungu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/07/2023 Jeanie Ling PO BOX 729, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO BOX 729, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
9709 Clariti Indigenous Corporation Registered on 17/03/2022 Tuguy Esgin Level 19/10 Eagle Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000 55 Gray Street, West End QLD 4101 Small Documents Extract
8321 Clarke Creek Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/11/2015 Kevin McPherson 10 Graham Street, KOUMALA QLD 4738 10 Graham Street, KOUMALA QLD 4738 Small Documents Extract
4200 Clermont - Sandy Creek Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 15/08/2012 Sharon Priestley 1/13 Playfair Street, CLERMONT QLD 4721 13 Blamey Street, CLERMONT QLD 4721 Small Documents Extract
4401 Clifton Indigenous Family Enterprise Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Cheryl Bowe 16 Gannan Street, CLIFTON QLD 4361 16 Gannan Street, CLIFTON QLD 4361 Small Documents Extract
1793 Cloncurry Aboriginal Womens Issues Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Sharon Oliver 23 Scarr Street, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 PO Box 484, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 Medium Documents Extract
8957 Cobble Cobble 1 Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/11/2018 Matthew Anderson 2311 Wynnum Road, WYNNUM QLD 4178 31 George Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 Small Documents Extract
1725 Coen Regional Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/02/1993 Timothy Jaffer 29 Taylor Street, COEN QLD 4892 C/- Post Office, COEN QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
7986 Community Durithunga Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Belinda Wilson 15 Carnival Street, LOGANLEA QLD 4131 46 Jellicoe Street, LOGANLEA QLD 4131 Small Documents Extract
10372 Connecting Mob Indigenous Corporation Registered on 24/09/2024 Kelhani Ah-See 429-500 Loga Reserve Road, LOGAN RESERVE QLD 4133 429-500 Logan Reserve Road, LOGAN RESERVE QLD 4133 Small Documents Extract
8155 Connie's Beach Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/11/2014 Derek Perkins 68 Spence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 7785, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8357 Contemporary Dreaming Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Merinda McQueen 15 Sheldon Court, WORONGARY QLD 4213 9 Carine Court, NERANG QLD 4211 Small Documents Extract
10038 Cooee Indigenous Corporation Registered on 26/07/2023 Ralph Paik 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 106/76 Rawson Rd, Epping NSW 2121 Small Documents Extract
2964 Coolgaree Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/09/2017 Robert Beattie Farm Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 PO Box 339, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Medium Documents Extract
1766 Coolgaree Youth Movement Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 29/03/2008 Graham Tanna C/- Coolgaree Youth Movement, Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/- Coolgaree Youth Movement, Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Medium Documents Extract
9587 Coomperra Arts & Media Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/09/2021 William Chambers Unit 1 / 11 Lamington Terrace, Nambour QLD 4560 Unit 1 / 11 Lamington Terrace, Nambour QLD 4560 Small Documents Extract
4514 Coonawarra Media and Broadcasting Palm Island Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Michael Thaiday 225a Puttaburra Lane, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/- Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Medium Documents Extract
7428 Coral’s Retreat Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/08/2010 Estelle Bowen 75 Kernich Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 75 Hernich Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
8160 Corrinda Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/12/2014 Catherine Berry 53 Range Road, Toll, Charters Towers QLD 4820 PO Box 267, Charters Towers QLD 4820 Small Documents Extract
10261 Cre8tive Conversations Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 29/04/2024 Dita Southwood 19 Ward Street, Newmarket QLD 4051 19 Ward Street, Newmarket QLD 4051 Small Documents Extract
8687 CS Growth Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 01/05/2024 Christy-ann McKay 82 Harris Road, Kingaroy QLD 4610 69 taromeo rise, Taromeo QLD 4314 Small Documents Extract
10301 CTC Connections Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 20/06/2024 Luella Blair 35 Lamb Street, Murgon QLD 4605 3 Bligh Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
9809 Cultural Integration Camps - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 01/09/2022 Lesley Acres 159 Smith Road, Caboolture QLD 4510 7 Toondah Place, TINGALPA QLD 4173 Small Documents Extract
10462 Cultural Nexus Indigenous Corporation Registered on 22/01/2025 Azlea Daddow 1 Damour Place, Coopers Plains QLD 4108 39 Belyando Avenue, Moranbah QLD 4744 Small Documents Extract
7314 Culture United Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 27/07/2011 Leah Power Shop 3, 36 Powell Street, BOWEN QLD 4805 PO Box 748, BOWEN QLD 4805 Small Documents Extract
3193 Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation for Health Registered on 05/06/1998 Delia Hooper 26-28 John Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 31 Bedford Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Large Documents Extract
3268 Cunnamulla Dreaming Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 John Stewart 59 Stockyard St, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 PO Box 289, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Medium Documents Extract
8817 Cunnara Giluma Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 05/06/2018 Louisa Bonner 17 Casey Street, LEICHHARDT QLD 4305 PO BOX 2225, North Ipswich QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
8807 Cunnara Paiabun Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 22/03/2018 Tamara Whiting 142 Pine Mountain Road, BRASSALL QLD 4305 26 Diamantina Boulevard, BRASSALL QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
7884 Curly's Pastoral Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Vincent Harrigan 8 Harrigan Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 8 Harrigan Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
9999 D.E.L.P.A Thiithaarr Warra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/10/2023 Lucy Deemal U3/6 Kimberley Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 U3/6 Kimberley Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
1819 Dabu Jajikal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/06/1993 Christopher Patterson 2719 Roosville-Bloomfield Rd, Bloomfield QLD 4895 233 lake street, cairns north QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
7944 Dabud Sagiba Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Sheenika Geia 31 Brooks Street, Whitfield QLD 4870 31 Brooks Street, Whitfield QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
10275 Dajarra Community Indigenous Corporation Registered on 20/05/2024 Michael Goddard 20 Matheson Street, Dajarra QLD 4825 PO Box 1619, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
9358 Dak Woolaning Indigenous Corporation Registered on 31/08/2020 Andrew Wrenn Lot 496, Utchee Creek Road, MENA CREEK QLD 4871 Po Box 87, MENA CREEK QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
4164 Dalar Diabetes & Renal Support Group Cherbourg Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/05/2003 Genette Simpson Cherbourg Community Health, Barambah Avenue, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 PO Box 342, MURGON QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
3631 Dan/Dun Land Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/06/2000 George Noble 7 Bungil Street, ROMA QLD 4455 7 Bungil Street, ROMA QLD 4455 Small Documents Extract
9085 Danggan Balun Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/06/2019 Shaun Davies C-/ Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 c/- QSNTS, PO Box 10832 Adelaide Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Small Documents Extract
8125 Daranbin Birim Traditional Custodians Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Mireea Davidson 587 Ipswich-Boonah Road, PURGA QLD 4306 56 Dwyer Street, SILKSTONE QLD 4304 Small Documents Extract
3156 Darrriebullum-Bunda (Aboriginal Corporation) Registered on 23/12/1997 Amanda Pehi 127 Pattersons Road, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 127 Patterson Road, Gooburrum QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
8404 Darumbal Descendants Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Lionel Warcon 635 Joskeleigh Road, KEPPEL SANDS QLD 4702 6 Neilson Street, YEPPOON QLD 4703 Small Documents Extract
8405 Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 16/05/2016 Trevor Hatfield 18 Prospect Street, ALLENSTOWN QLD 4700 PO Box 8581, ALLENSTOWN QLD 4700 Large Documents Extract
7859 Darumbal Yetimarla Link Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Trudy Cranston U1 342 Salamanca Street, North Rockhampton, Rockhampton DC QLD 4701 76 Denison Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
1962 Darumbal-Noolar Murree Aboriginal Corporation for Land and Culture Deregistered on 04/07/2013 Ethel Speedy 193 Stamford Street, NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 193 Stamford Street, NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 Small Documents Extract
3510 Dauanalgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 24/01/2000 Adimin Mooka 64 Main Road, DAUAN ISLAND QLD 4875 57 Main Road, Dauan Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9655 Davis Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/12/2021 Alfred Davis 35 Coolgardie Street, SUNNYBANK HILLS QLD 4109 35 Coolgardie Street, SUNNYBANK HILLS QLD 4109 Small Documents Extract
7357 Dawu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 29/06/2023 Susan Sewter Gunbah Outstation, GUNUNA QLD 4892 319 Wanji Close, GUNUNA QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7463 Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/10/2010 Lyndal Singleton 22 Magazine Street, STRATFORD QLD 4870 PO Box 916, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
9735 DAYDAWN Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/04/2022 Christine Malone 108 Sorensen Road, SOUTHSIDE QLD 4570 108 Sorensen Road, SOUTHSIDE QLD 4570 Small Documents Extract
9357 DBS Youth Development Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/08/2020 Helen Berry Benson Accountants, 160 High Street, BERSERKER QLD 4701 PO Box 46, TIERI QLD 4709 Small Documents Extract
10353 Deadly Change Indigenous Corporation Registered on 03/09/2024 Amanda Teer 5 Maggie Place, Cashmere QLD 4500 5 Maggie Place, Cashmere QLD 4500 Small Documents Extract
10003 Deadly Coders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 27/06/2023 Eleanor (Elle) Maher Deadly Coders, Suite 6, 19 Lang Parade, MILTON QLD 4064 Suite 6, 19 Lang Parade, MILTON QLD 4064 Small Documents Extract
9254 Deadly Futures Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/03/2020 Mundanara Bayles 28 Carrock Court, MOUNT COOLUM QLD 4573 PO Box 1270, COOLUM BEACH QLD 4573 Small Documents Extract
7955 Deadly Hands Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Angela Santoro 15 Langan Street, EARLVILLE QLD 4870 PO Box 14247, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
8494 Deadly Inspiring Youth Doing Good (DIYDG) Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 25/10/2016 Merrissa Jose 3 Jensen Street, Manoora QLD 4870 37 Vista Street, BAYVIEW HEIGHTS QLD 4868 Medium Documents Extract
9319 Deadly Nations Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 02/06/2022 Margaret Saunders 8 Addelong Close, UPPER COOMERA QLD 4209 PO BOX 764, UPPER COOMERA QLD 4209 Small Documents Extract
10036 Deaf Indigenous Dance Group (DIDG) Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/07/2023 Suzannah Jackson 7 Marett Street, STRATFORD QLD 4870 7 Marett Street, STRATFORD QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
10219 Delly Bugs Indigenous Corporation Registered on 08/03/2024 Del-Anne Sturgeon 110 Fairford Road, INGHAM QLD 4850 110 Fairford Road, INGHAM QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
9690 Descendants of Syd Williams Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/02/2022 Katrina Watson 20/137 Progress Road, RICHLANDS QLD 4077 20/137 Progress Road, RICHLANDS QLD 4077 Small Documents Extract
9236 Dhadhin Geai Warriors & Sport's Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 16/03/2020 Esterlita Bowie 129 Chapman Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 220 Chapman Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9619 Dhagun Yumba Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/10/2021 David Spillman 386 Carneys Creek Road, CROFTBY QLD 4310 PO Box 341, BOONAH QLD 4310 Small Documents Extract
2216 Dhamuway Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 20/10/1994 Keri Akiba Sabai Island, Via, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Saibai Island, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7682 Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/03/2012 Nicholas Wight "Bethel", 341 Moonie Highway, Dalby QLD 4405 29 Geelong Road, FOOTSCRAY VIC 3011 Medium Documents Extract
10226 Dhinawan Dreaming Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/03/2024 Alec Wightman 12 Canning Street, DRAYTON QLD 4350 12 Canning Street, DRAYTON QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
9998 Dhoengawan Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 11/07/2023 Torenzo Elisala Lot 15 Main Road, DAUAN ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 15 Main Road, DAUAN ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
2186 Dhoeyoema Clan Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 20/09/1994 Herbert Warusam Saibai Island, VIA, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Saibai Island, Via, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7915 Dhou Woolkoom Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 20/03/2015 Kezia Smith 113 Barney Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 113 Barney Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
2833 Dhubbi Warra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 01/11/1996 Neville Bowen Jnr 25, Flierl Street, Hope Vale QLD 4895 25 Flierl Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
10311 Diamantina Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/06/2024 Brett Sandy 17 Freyling Road, HODGSON VALE QLD 4352 17 Freyling Road, HODGSON VALE QLD 4352 Medium Documents Extract
9411 Digarra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Judith Rosendale 24 Flierl Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 24 Flierl Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
8730 Dirram Yani Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/05/2024 Christy McKay 82 Harris Road, Kingaroy QLD 4610 101 Fig Tree Circuit, Caboolture QLD 4510 Small Documents Extract
3973 Dirranbandi Gindjurra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Lenease Cooper 60 Railway St, DIRRANBANDI QLD 4486 PO Box 44, DIRRANBANDI QLD 4486 Medium Documents Extract
7231 Dirringhi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/07/2009 Elverina Johnson 26 Schrieber Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 42 Sawmill Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
4475 Djabugay Business Development Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 20/12/2010 Hanz Spier 1/40 Coondoo Street, KURANDA QLD 4881 29 Latrielle Terrace, BRINSMEAD QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7674 Djabugay Enterprises Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/09/2020 Rhonda Duffin Nyawarri Estate, 1496 Kennedy Hwy, KURANDA QLD 4881 5 Tulip Cl, Manunda QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4358 Djabugay Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 16/06/2004 Rhonda Duffin Nyawarri Estate, 1496 Kennedy Highway, KURANDA QLD 4881 1496 Kennedy Highway, KURANDA QLD 4881 Small Documents Extract
7697 Djabugay Tour Guiding Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/09/2020 Rhonda Duffin Nyawarri Estate, 1496 Kennedy Hwy, KURANDA QLD 4881 9 Jubilee Street, EDMONTON QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
1536 Djabugay Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/07/1992 Rhonda Duffin Nyawarri Estate, 1496 Kennedy Highway, KURANDA QLD 4881 1496 Kennedy Highway, KURANDA QLD 4881 Small Documents Extract
3753 Djakunda Wakka Wakka Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Vernon Little 20A Bell Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 20A Bell Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
3622 Djaku-nde and Jangerie Jangerie Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Leonie Taylor 62 Auton and Johnson Road, THE CAVES QLD 4702 62 Auton and Johnson Road, THE CAVES QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
9635 Djawun Djumbe Burnett Blacks Custodial Native Title and Cultural Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/12/2021 Michael Taylor 27 Downing Street, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 27 Downing Street, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 Small Documents Extract
7257 Djiru Warrangburra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 20/08/2009 Rona Hart 38-44 Porter Promenade, Mission Beach QLD 4852 47 Ryan Street, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Medium Documents Extract
7334 Djulin Marine Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/03/2010 Lyle Johnson 16 Corica Crescent, HORSESHOE BAY QLD 4819 16 Corica Crescent Magnetic Island, Magnetic Island QLD 4819 Small Documents Extract
7699 Dokko Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 15/02/2017 Billie Scott 195 Top Forestry Road, RIDGEWOOD QLD 4563 PO Box 44, COOROY QLD 4563 Small Documents Extract
4073 Doomadgee Barras Softball Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Letitia Sharne Rainbow 20 Sharpe St, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 C/- Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Medium Documents Extract
2653 Doomadgee CDEP Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 07/02/2011 Tony Douglas Potter Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 2 Potter Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Medium Documents Extract
7424 Doomadgee Rodeo Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Fredericka O'Keefe Sharpe & Knott Street, Council Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 C/- Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
9153 Doomadgee Rugby League Club Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Kelly Barclay

Kelly Barclay
Youth Hub, Ackerhurst street, Doomadgee QLD 4830 C/- Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830

C/- Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830
Small Documents Extract
2194 Dowar Waier Development Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 27/09/1994 Elsa Day Regional Council Office, Murray Island, VIA, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 108 Marou Street, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7076 Dreamtime Gundoos Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 10/08/2012 Erica Fewquandie 62 Wellington Street, MACKAY QLD 4740 6/13 Creal Street, MACKAY QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
8244 Dreamtime Recruitment Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/05/2017 Gaven Ferguson 47 Thuringowa Drive, KIRWAN QLD 4817 PO Box 1444, THURINGOWA CENTRAL QLD 4817 Medium Documents Extract
9362 Driving School Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 29/06/2023 Ian Anderson Level 1, 18 Ward Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Unit 10, 12 Whiting Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
3057 Dugalunji Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/08/1997 Hazel Windsor 52 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 2432, Mount Isa QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
7720 Duggari Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 04/12/2012 Makita Tuinona 7 Parkside Drive, SPRINGFIELD QLD 4300 7 Parkside Drive, SPRINGFIELD QLD 4300 Medium Documents Extract
7286 Dulabed and Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/11/2009 Margaret Blackman 40 Norman Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865 PO Box 693, Gordonvale QLD 4865 Medium Documents Extract
1615 Dulabed Tableland Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/09/1992 Lorraine Muckan Community Centre, Room 10, 42 Mabel Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 PO Box 687, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
2443 Dundalli Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Youth Services Deregistered on 17/04/2015 Anthony Darney 67 Somerset Street, WINDSOR QLD 4030 67 Somerset Street, WILSTON QLD 4051 Small Documents Extract
10202 Education Pathways Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/03/2024 Dion McCurdy 36 Westbourne Street, Highgate Hill QLD 4101 PO Box 3868, South Brisbane BC QLD 4101 Small Documents Extract
9014 Eidsvold Men's Indigenous Corporation Registered on 01/03/2019 Norbert Hennessy Railway Building, 1 Crown Street, EIDSVOLD QLD 4627 44 Esplanade Street, EIDSVOLD QLD 4627 Small Documents Extract
2912 Eidsvold Wakka Wakka Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/03/1998   29 Moreton Street, EIDSVOLD QLD 4627   Small Documents Extract
9970 Elljean Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/06/2023 Karen Howard 24B Boscawan Crescent, BELLBIRD PARK QLD 4300 24B Boscawan Crescent, BELLBIRD PARK QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
8694 Ely Bauxite Mine Beneficiaries Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/09/2024 Michael Neal Level 1 Bolands Centre, 14 Spence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 211 Draper Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8008 Emon Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/01/2014 Michele Henry 99 Harrow Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 98 North Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
3786 Emu Creek Bar-Barrum Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/04/2001 Anouson Sayaloune Emu Creek Station, Petford-Herberton Road, Petford QLD 4871 PO Box 352, DIMBULAH QLD 4872 Small Documents Extract
8918 Entrepreneurs and Small Business Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/10/2018 Petina Tieman Level 1, 59 McLeod Street, Cairns City QLD 4870 PO Box 8009, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7054 Erub Erwer Meta Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 22/04/2008 Elsie Mye Studio 2, Erub Erwer Meta (Art Centre), ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Erub, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
7922 Erub Fisheries Management Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 12/08/2013 Bert Matysek Erub Freezer, Main Wharf, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 158, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9329 Erubam Le Buai Giz Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Tina Gela Lot 80 Medigee Village, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 80 Medigee Village, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3860 Erubam Le Traditional Land and Sea Owners (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 19/09/2001 Jimmy Gela Room 4 Multipurpose (Rangers) Facility, Magau Village, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 PO BOX 75, Thursday island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8526 Eternal Love Ministry Indigenous Corporation Registered on 30/01/2017 Melissa Clubb 48-50 Munro Street, Babinda QLD 4861 PO Box 9, Babinda QLD 4861 Small Documents Extract
2237 Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 20/10/2021 Sharon Prior 9A Hort Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO Box 1327, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Medium Documents Extract
8162 Ewamian Gubinj Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 14/03/2024 Sharon Prior 9A Hort Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 9A Hort Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
7950 Ewamian People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 08/10/2013 Sarah Fisher 9A Hort Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 9A Hort Street, Mareeba, Mareeba QLD 4880 Medium Documents Extract
4330 Extended Hands Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 22/04/2004 Brian Kim O'Grady Level 3, 3 Short Street, SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 PO Box 4115, ELANORA QLD 4221 Small Documents Extract
9964 Family and Childrens Emerging Support Services Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 15/05/2023 Penny Tatow 71 Victoria Street, Mackay QLD 4740 PO Box 9017 Slade Point, Slade Point QLD 4740 Medium Documents Extract
84 Ferdy's Haven Alcohol Rehabilitation Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/09/1980 Carcia Nallajar Lot 474 Coconut Grove, Palm Island QLD 4816 243 Stanley Street, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
8778 Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation Registered on 16/02/2018 Craig North 29 William Hickey Street, REDLYNCH QLD 4870 49 Gold Street, Banyo QLD 4014 Large Documents Extract
7507 First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Indigenous Corporation Registered on 07/02/2011 Rachella Savage-Free 12 Gould Street, KIRWAN QLD 4817 12 Gould Street, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
1979 First Contact Aboriginal Corporation for Youth Deregistered on 16/05/2016 Patricia (Trish) Williams Lower Level, 185 Shire Road, MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 PO Box 941, MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 Medium Documents Extract
9626 First Nations Academy of Fashion Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Leanne Toohey 3 Fowler Court, BONOGIN QLD 4213 3 Fowler Court, BONOGIN QLD 4213 Small Documents Extract
9953 First Nations Arts and Culture Collective Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/05/2023 Barbara Walker 34 Briggs Street, PITTSWORTH QLD 4356 34 Briggs Street, PITTSWORTH QLD 4356 Small Documents Extract
8650 First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 26/06/2017 Kerrin Anderson Level 1, 3 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670 3230 Mt Mee Road, KING SCRUB QLD 4521 Small Documents Extract
8811 First Nation's Breakthrough Ministries Indigenous Corporation Registered on 22/03/2018   25 Duncan Street, WELLINGTON POINT QLD 4160   Small Documents Extract
9330 First Nations Fashion and Design Indigenous Corporation Registered on 22/07/2020 Mark Bouw 8 Sophia Close, Fishery Falls QLD 4871 Suite 15, 828 High Street, Kew East VIC 3102 Small Documents Extract
10401 First Nations Sporting and Cultural Foundation - Indigenous Corporation Registered on 07/11/2024 Damien Byrnes 11 Bluebell Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 34 Indigo Road, Caloundra West QLD 4551 Small Documents Extract
4767 Flaggy Creek Resident Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/05/2007 Dustin Saunders 22 Jamieson Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 22 Jamieson Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
9312 Football Queensland Indigenous Corporation Registered on 18/06/2020 Megan Dew 31 Hawthorne Street, Forest Lake QLD 4078 6 Cassia Street, BEERWAH QLD 4519 Small Documents Extract
9474 Footsteps to Freedom Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 30/04/2021 Tamara Whiting 142 Pine Mountain Road, BRASSALL QLD 4305 2/171 Baroona Road, PADDINGTON QLD 4064 Small Documents Extract
8148 Footy Warriorz - Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/11/2014 Louise Walker 20A, Sooning Street, Hermit Park QLD 4812 116 River Park Drive, Annandale QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
1882 Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/10/1993 Charmaine Tatten 37 Balaclava Street, WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102 27 Bywater Street, HILLCREST QLD 4118 Small Documents Extract
9614 Fraser Coast Indigenous Corporation for Sports and Recreation Registered on 19/10/2021 Andrew Slawson 55 Parke Avenue, SUNSHINE ACRES QLD 4655 55 Parke Avenue, SUNSHINE ACRES QLD 4655 Small Documents Extract
1461 Fraser Island Dalungdalee Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 John Jones 37 York Parade, SPRING HILL QLD 4000 37 York Parade, SPRING HILL QLD 4000 Medium Documents Extract
10089 Gajangana Jaru Turner Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/10/2023 Desiree Delacour 314 Dempsey Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865 314 Dempsey Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865 Small Documents Extract
7036 Galangoor Duwulami Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation (Primary Health Care Service) Registered on 05/03/2008 Leeann Ritchie 7-11 Central Avenue, PIALBA QLD 4655 PO Box 1282, HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 Large Documents Extract
8220 Galangoor Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 24/05/2017 Hope 'O'CHIN Unit 14/17 Sydney Street, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 PO Box 1042, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 Small Documents Extract
2076 Gallang Place Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 09/06/1994 Evan Parrish 1/57 Southgate Avenue, CANNON HILL QLD 4170 6 Maud Street, Birkdale QLD 4159 Medium Documents Extract
9482 Gamaay Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Sha-lane Gibson 25 B Savage Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO BOX 817, Cooktown QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
8704 Gambir Yidinji Cultural Heritage & Protection Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/09/2017 Jai Joseph Snr 19 Danzer Drive, Atherton QLD 4883 12 Crown Close, MALANDA QLD 4885 Small Documents Extract
9784 Gamilaraay Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/06/2022 Garry Saunders Level 4, 293 Queen Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000 53 Eden Street, SOUTH GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
8363 Gangali Narra Widi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 09/03/2016 Jonathan Fulcher Level 8 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Level 8 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Medium Documents Extract
4628 Gangalidda and Garawa Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 27/07/2011 Rachel Amini-Yanner 87 Musgrave Street, BURKETOWN QLD 4830 PO Box 71, BURKETOWN QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
7365 Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 26/04/2010 Graham Poon Lots 68 and 69 Musgrave Street, BURKETOWN QLD 4830 C/ PO Box 74, Burketown QLD 4830 Medium Documents Extract
10184 Ganhaarr Cultural Education and Entertainment Indigenous Corporation Registered on 31/01/2024 Michael Goddard 507 Peeramon Road, MALANDA QLD 4885 PO Box 1619, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
4525 Ganyjuu Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Family Support Services Deregistered on 30/05/2024 Pauline Allerdice Unit 9/84 Wembley Road, Woodridge QLD 4114 6 Mattocks Street, GOODNA QLD 4300 Medium Documents Extract
4548 Garboi (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 01/08/2005 Nazareth Fauid 36 Murray Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 36 Murray Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
4291 Garraway Crossing Outstation Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Joyce Ella Marrott Lot 10 Illway St, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4871 Lot 10 Illway St, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
7034 Gaulbayi Aboriginal Corporation (Intend to Deregister) Registered on 21/02/2008 Jacqueline Marion 5 Cypress Street, CHARLEVILLE QLD 4470 12 Holehouse Street, SUNSHINE VIC 3020 Small Documents Extract
4279 Gawdgara Proserpine & Whitsundays Community Elders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Darryl Marlan Wallace 2 Fuller Street, PROSERPINE QLD 4800 2 Fuller Street, PROSERPINE QLD 4800 Medium Documents Extract
3204 Gayndah Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Nerida Willmot 11 Station Street, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 11 Station Street, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 Medium Documents Extract
3861 Gebaralgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/09/2001 Rubyann Sailor 26 Victoria Parade, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 C/ Post Office, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7298 Ged Erub Trading Homeland Enterprise (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Registered on 23/11/2009 Peter Hansen C/- Peter Hansen, PO Box 1031, Noosa Heads QLD 4567 2/15 Doonella Street, TEWANTIN QLD 4565 Medium Documents Extract
9748 Geerah Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 09/09/2024 Kara MacFarlane Unit 21, 215 McLeod Street, Cairns QLD 4870 Suite 7091, 36 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
1632 Gehgre Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/09/1992 Anne-Marie Johnson 420 Stowe Road, CALLIOPE QLD 4680 PO Box 5458, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
3818 Geikie Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/06/2001 Roderick Burke 11 Meteor Street, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 11 Meteor Street, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
7618 GEMNA Women's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 20/09/2011 Mabalene Whap 6 Sunai Street, SEISIA QLD 4876 4 Sanai Street, SEISIA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
3633 Gerib Sik Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 18/06/2000 KAYLYNN ZARO 25 KIERNAN STREET, MANUNDA QLD 4870 25 KIERNAN STREET, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9300 Ghungabula Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/06/2020 Elvina Smith 8 North Steet, TAROOM QLD 4420 74 Braeside Road, EMERALD QLD 4720 Small Documents Extract
3830 Ghungalou Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/08/2001 Rodney Jarro PO Box 407, THE GAP QLD 4061 15 Birdwood Street, THE GAP QLD 4061 Medium Documents Extract
1508 Giangurra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/10/1992 Tracy Gray 301 Blue Water Street, EAST TRINITY QLD 4871 14 Banksia Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9075 Gimuy Walubara Yidinji Elders Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/05/2019 Felicity Fourmile 44-48 Aplin Street, Cairns, Cairns QLD 4870 2 Royal Saxon Close, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
1025 Gindaja Treatment and Healing Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/04/1990 Alisa Lively Back Beach Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 100 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Large Documents Extract
7872 Girramay Land Holding Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/04/2013 Tracey Dickman Girramay Land Holding Aboriginal Corporation, Shop 2, 65 Victoria Street, Cardwell QLD 4849 28 Ryan Street, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
4739 Girramay People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 29/06/2007 Tracey Dickman 2/65 Victoria Street, CARDWELL QLD 4849 28 Ryan Street, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
2769 Girringun Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/04/1996 Kurt Noble 235 Victoria Street, CARDWELL QLD 4849 15 Lyndel Drive, Woree QLD 4868 Large Documents Extract
4709 Githabul Nation Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (under special administration) Registered on 20/11/2006 Anthony Jonsson

Matthew Mullen
13/15 Lake Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Level 13, 15 Lake Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870

Level 13, 15 Lake Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870
Small Documents Extract
9100 Giya/Gia Kaiyu Official Women's Business Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/02/2022 Juanita 'Wanda' Halden 5/35 Main Street, PROSERPINE QLD 4800 Po Box 305, RURAL VIEW QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
1999 Gkuthaarn Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/04/1994 Alison Edwards 77 Landsborough Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 PO Box 62, Karumba QLD 4891 Medium Documents Extract
8895 Gkuthaarn and Kukatj Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 04/09/2018 Leanne Edwards Suite 2, Level 1, 104 Mulgrave Road, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 553, Normanton QLD 4890 Medium Documents Extract
8288 Gladstone Alliance Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Chantelle Johnson 5 Golding Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 7 Marlin Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
7350 Gladstone Goorie Centre Indigenous Corporation Registered on 11/04/2010 Gay Sirriss McAndrew Drive, Clinton QLD 4680 9a Nothling Street, NEW AUCKLAND QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
9740 Global Indigenous Apostolic Prophetic Alliance Movement Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/04/2022 George Tamwoy 231 Buchan Street, WESTCOURT QLD 4870 231 Buchan Street, WESTCOURT QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4203 Goa Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 18/08/2010 Doris Conlon Opalton, WINTON QLD 4735 Opalton, via, WINTON QLD 4735 Small Documents Extract
3508 Goemulgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 24/01/2000 Paleta Luffman Mabuiag Island, C/- Ms Sophie Luffman, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 26 Warria Road Mabuiag Island, C/- Post Office, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8497 Goeng First Peoples Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Leeanne Little 26 Rowland Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 26 Rowland Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
7228 Gold Coast Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Community Consultation Registered on 03/07/2009 Rebecca Scott Running Creek, 8B Wongawallan Road, Wongawallan QLD 4210 6 Meroo Place, Upper Coomera QLD 4209 Small Documents Extract
9564 Gold Coast Fashion Project Indigenous Corporation Registered on 16/08/2021 Leanne Toohey 24 Evergreen Drive, ELANORA QLD 4221 3 Fowler Court, BONOGIN QLD 4213 Small Documents Extract
9154 Golf Australia Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/10/2019 David Fahey 24 Durham Crescent, bray park QLD 4500 24 Durham Crescent, bray park QLD 4500 Small Documents Extract
7759 Goodedulla Jetimarala Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/08/2012 Davina Tilberoo 22 Cairns Street, DINGO QLD 4702 116 Munns Drive, WOORABINDA QLD 4713 Small Documents Extract
1841 Goolburri Health Advancement Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 02/02/2010 Elizabeth Adams 34 Northern Road, ROMA QLD 4455 PO Box 1198, TOOWOOMBA BC QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
7140 Goondaloo Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 10/11/2008 Sascha Murgha 71 Garnet Street, MOUNT GARNET QLD 4872 7 Azurite Street, Mount Garnet QLD 4872 Small Documents Extract
2113 Goondi Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 23/06/1994 Raechel Missen 30 Russell Street, Goondiwindi QLD 4390 164 Marshall Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Small Documents Extract
2004 Goondir Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Health Services Registered on 19/04/1994 Samantha Fuller 4 Jimbour Street, DALBY QLD 4405 21 Wallace Street, DALBY QLD 4405 Large Documents Extract
8901 Goondiwindi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lonnie Duncan 40 Marshall Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 186 Marshall Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Small Documents Extract
8529 Goondiwindi-Toobeah Bigambul Elders Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 20/02/2020 Cheryl Moggs 47 Francis Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 47 Francis Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Small Documents Extract
8933 Goondoi Arts Aboriginal corporation Registered on 02/11/2018 Anthony Edwards 123 edith street shop 2, Innisfail QLD 4860 1 Riley Street, Innisfail QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
7863 Gooreegan Ngutchee (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Michelle Johnson 26 Higgins Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 26 Higgins Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
2979 Gooreng Gooreng (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 22/06/2010 David Rouse 1-21 Crofton Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 PO Box 1053, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
8169 Gooreng Gooreng (Neular Owhy Doo) First Peoples Land And Business Development Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/12/2014 Christopher Thiesfield 126 Goondoon Road, BUCCA QLD 4670 126 Goondoon Road, BUCCA QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
9277 Gooreng Gooreng Apical Families Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/04/2020 Kalinda Alexander 1/136 Goondoon Street, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 47 Pitt Street, WALKERVALE QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
8898 GOORI Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 03/09/2018 Ramone Close 16 Church Street, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021 16 Church Street, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021 Small Documents Extract
9076 GOORI Holdings Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 11/04/2022 Ramone Close 16 Church Street, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021 16 Church Street, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021 Small Documents Extract
9613 Goori Jones Mob Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/10/2021 Nicky Jones 34 Dickson Way, 1 Mile, Dunwich QLD 4183 8 Heather Street, THORNLANDS QLD 4164 Small Documents Extract
9074 GOORI Lifestyle Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 11/04/2022 Ramowe Close 16 Church Street, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021 16 Church Street, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021 Small Documents Extract
8227 Goshen Business Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Michael Gela 35 Mestrez Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 8/43 McCormack Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8498 Gr8motive Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 01/11/2016 Andrea Brown 2/3 Windarra Street, Woree QLD 4868 PO Box 439, MALANDA QLD 4885 Small Documents Extract
7909 Granite Belt Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 08/07/2013 Maria De Vries 891 Bents Road, BALLANDEAN QLD 4382 891 Bents Road, BALLANDEAN QLD 4382 Small Documents Extract
8804 Granny Polo Women's Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/03/2018 Janis Page 9 Petersen Street, BEAUDESERT QLD 4285 9 Petersen Street, BEAUDESERT QLD 4285 Small Documents Extract
9733 Green Empire Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/05/2022 Moana Wikaira 2 Mount Ninderry Court, Coolum beach QLD 4573 2-4 Mount Ninderry Court, COOLUM BEACH QLD 4573 Small Documents Extract
9801 Gudang Yadhaykenu Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 21/07/2022 Myiesha Yoelu 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 C/- 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4158 Gudang/Yadhaykenu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/07/2003 Naianga Nona 9 Luff Street, Via Bamaga, New Mapoon QLD 4876 9 Luff Street, Via Bamaga, New Mapoon QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
9099 Gudang/Yadhaykenu Tribal Governing Council Indigenous Corporation Registered on 09/07/2019 Norimichi Tsuboi 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9621 Gudanji For Country Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/11/2021 Ryhia Dank 109 Lindsay Road, BUDERIM QLD 4556 109 Lindsay Rd, BUDERIM QLD 4556 Small Documents Extract
2904 Gudjal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Justice Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Ruth Ward 5 Marsland Road, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 5 Marsland Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Small Documents Extract
4248 Gudjal Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 10/02/2016 Laurie Kerr 170 Mossman Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 170 Mosman Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Medium Documents Extract
9041 Gudjalbara Indigenous Corporation Registered on 08/04/2019 James Kerr 22 Moroney Avenue, Edmonton QLD 4869 11 Tyenna Close, Bentley Park QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
3475 Gudjuda Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/10/1999 Edward Smallwood Cnr Sixth Avenue and Hurney Road, Home Hill QLD 4806 42 Hillier Street, BRANDON QLD 4808 Medium Documents Extract
7362 Gudung Yadaikanu Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 13/02/2014 Isaac Makaku 83 Cottis Street, NEW MAPOON QLD 4876 C/-Muri (Mt Adolphus) Island, 6 Wees Street, HORN QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7719 Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 03/05/2012 Gjai Hoolihan Unit 1/31-33 Plume Street, SOUTH TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Unit 1/73 Punari Street, CURRAJONG QLD 4812 Medium Documents Extract
7139 Gulf Region Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 08/11/2008 Benjamin McDermid C/- Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corp, Level 1, 104 Mulgrave Road, CAIRNS QLD 4870 104 Mulgrave Road, Cairns QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
7845 Gulgiburra Yidinji Elders Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lillian Fourmile 52 Royes Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 52 Royes Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
8802 Gulngay Kinjufile Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 19/03/2018 Teei Snowball 45a Bryant Street, TULLY QLD 4854 2/95 RIED ROAD, WONGALING BEACH QLD 4852 Small Documents Extract
2508 Gum Hole Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/06/2012 Yvonne Greer Gumhole Outstation, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Gumhole Aboriginal Corporation, c/- Post Office,, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
1229 Gumbi-Gumbi Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 15/03/1991 James Waterton Suite B, Level 2, 130 Victoria Parade, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 9 Meilland Street, PARKHURST QLD 4702 Medium Documents Extract
3992 Gumbilbara Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Carroll Go-Sam 25 Grace St, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 PO Box 6114, ST LUCIA QLD 4067 Medium Documents Extract
3604 Gumbudda CDEP Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/06/2010 Jacqueline Page 237 Victoria Street, CARDWELL QLD 4849 PO Box 465, CARDWELL QLD 4849 Medium Documents Extract
3629 Gummi Junga Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/06/2000 Josephine Costin Bonny Glen Station, Bonny Glen Road, LAKELAND QLD 4871 7 Cooper Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
4537 Gummingurru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/08/2005 Conrad Bauwens 148 Old Homebush Road, GOWRIE JUNCTION QLD 4352 Lot 2, Old Homebush Road, GOWRIE JUNCTION QLD 4352 Small Documents Extract
3904 Gumtree Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 16/06/2010 Marita Budden 13 Elizabeth Street, TOLGA QLD 4882 13 Elizabeth St, TOLGA QLD 4882 Small Documents Extract
4152 Gunanoo Family and Youth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 16/11/2010 Patricia Thompson 13 Ranger St, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 13 Ranger St, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
7111 Gundoii Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Phillip Barlow Lot 6 Topaz Road, MALANDA QLD 4885 PO Box 369, MALANDA QLD 4885 Small Documents Extract
1151 Gundoo Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/11/1990 Elvie Sandow Gundoo Early Childhood Learning Centre, Fisher Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 PO Box 21, MURGON QLD 4605 Medium Documents Extract
9422 Gundulu Dagayn Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/01/2021 Lyndell Turbane 9 Badet Street, BRIGHTON QLD 4017 9 Badet Street, BRIGHTON QLD 4017 Small Documents Extract
7968 Gundulu Track Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 20/02/2020 Valerie Alberts 18 Mt Louisa Drive, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 PO Box 492, AITKENVALE QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
8541 Gundung Gittaba Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/06/2019 Alana Purcell 51 Barber Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 51 Barber Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
9541 Gun'du'nu Djaa Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Genevieve Jones 46 Image Flat Road, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 PO Box 34, Nambour QLD 4560 Small Documents Extract
148 Gungarde Community Centre Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/03/1982 James Tapau Suite 1,92 Charlotte Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO Box 6, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
7421 Gunggandji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 22/07/2010 Lynese Hari 13 Smith Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 13 Smith Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
7858 Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples PBC Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 22/03/2013 Helen Tait PO Box 540, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 PO Box 540, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 Medium Documents Extract
7725 Gunggari Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 14/05/2012 Janelle Lawton 93 Yumba Raod, MITCHELL QLD 4465 PO Box 27, MITCHELL QLD 4465 Medium Documents Extract
7689 Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/03/2012 Bernard Keenan Ground Floor, Cairns Corporate Tower, 15 Lake Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 PO Box 5349, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
9259 Gura Buna Gungganghji Kutabi Country (QUD6005 98) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/05/2020 Judulu Neal 1 Backbeach Rd, YARRABAH QLD 4871 18 Balamba Rd, Yarrabah QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
9181 Gurambilbarra Wulgurukaba Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/11/2019 Petrina Hegarty NQLC Level 6, 122 Walker Street, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 PO Box 1672, EMERALD QLD 4720 Small Documents Extract
9546 Gurang Ghurri Traditional Owners' Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/07/2021 Janita Johnson Unit 2/92 Woongarra Street, BUNDABERG WEST QLD 4670 2/92 Woongarra Street, BUNDABERG WEST QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
913 Gurang Land Council (Aboriginal Corporation) - Amalgamated into ICN# 8187 Deregistered on 02/02/2015 Steve Collins Level 2, 3 Maryborough Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 PO Box 1551, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
9180 Gurri Ties Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/11/2019 Samuel Jones 70 Justin Road, DOONAN QLD 4562 70 Justin Road, DOONAN QLD 4562 Small Documents Extract
1297 Gurriny Yealamucka (Good Healing) Health Services Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/09/1991 Suzanne Andrews

Tamilyn Brennan
Lot 207 Bukki Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 26 Earl Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870

19 Sandwich Street, Kamerunga QLD 4870
Large Documents Extract
8733 Gurubana Katchewan Cuddi-Cuddi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/11/2017 Toni Pryor 10 Tonkin Street, HEATLEY QLD 4814 10 Tonkin Street, HEATLEY QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
9278 Guwa-Koa Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 29/04/2020 Pamela Hegarty C/-Queensland Native Title Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 PO Box 1672, EMERALD QLD 4720 Small Documents Extract
10315 Gwandalan Support Services Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/07/2024 Brett Sandy 96 Cunningham Street, Dalby QLD 4405 17 Freyling Road, HODGSON VALE QLD 4352 Medium Documents Extract
10079 Gympie Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/09/2023 Leon Catlin 9 Ray Street, GYMPIE QLD 4570 9 Ray Street, GYMPIE QLD 4570 Small Documents Extract
8103 Gyundjumurri Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Tamara Dean 1232 Bribie Island Road, NINGI QLD 4511 1232 Bribie Island Road, NINGI QLD 4511 Small Documents Extract
4751 Hand of God Ministries Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/05/2007 Jennifer Rawson Unit 1, 10 Spies Court, Toowoomba QLD 4350 41 Marsala Street, Wilsonton QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
10391 Hawk Dreaming Wanamara Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/10/2024 Darren Kynuna 267 Back Beach Road, Djenghi, Yarrabah QLD 4871 PO BOX 776, Gordonvale QLD 4865 Medium Documents Extract
3296 Healing For Harmony Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Elenore Gene Duffy 91 - 93 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 7001, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
9938 Healing Through Song Indigenous Corporation Registered on 12/04/2023 Keely Eggmolesse 17 Marine Court, Urangan QLD 4655 8/16 The Esplanade, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 Small Documents Extract
4120 Helping Our People Engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Briony Boyd 38 Boongala Terrace, MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 38 Boongala Terrace, MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 Small Documents Extract
9636 Henry Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/11/2021 Bernice Henry 88 Munns Drive, WOORABINDA QLD 4713 333 Marsh Avenue, FRENCHVILLE QLD 4701 Small Documents Extract
7628 Highlanders Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Vicky Doyle 162 Bauman Way, BLACKWATER QLD 4717 45 Goldston Street, BLUFF QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
4590 Hinchinbrook and Tully Local Justice Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 06/09/2017 Marisha Smallwood 21 Palm Terrace, INGHAM QLD 4850 19 Hunter Street, Ingham QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
8289 Hoopz for Help Indigenous Corporation Registered on 24/09/2015 Sueallen Squires 3 Davis Crescent, GATTON QLD 4343 3 davis cres, GATTON QLD 4343 Small Documents Extract
8192 Hope 4 Change Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Michelle Tamwoy Snake Gully Road, Injinoo QLD 4876 Snake Gully, INJINOO QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
9072 Hope Dreaming Indigenous Corporation Registered on 24/05/2019 Hope O'Chin 1/22 Verney Street, KINGS BEACH QLD 4551 1/22 Verney Street, KINGS BEACH QLD 4551 Small Documents Extract
7179 Hope Vale Builders Aboriginal Corporation. Deregistered on 19/10/2010 Rachelle McIvor 18a Adelaide Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO Box 327, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
9130 Hopeful Homes Foundation Indigenous Corporation Registered on 18/09/2019 William Mendham 54 Corella Way, Walligan QLD 4655 7 North Street, POINT VERNON QLD 4655 Small Documents Extract
3864 Hopevale Aboriginal Corporation for Arts and Culture Registered on 30/08/2001 Melanie Gibson 1 Flierl Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 1 Fleirl Street, Hope Vale QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
3135 Hopevale Congress Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 30/08/2001 June Pearson

Teriah Pearson
6 Mentana Close, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 C\- Post Office, HOPE VALE QLD 4895

8 Alec Cameron Drive, HOPE VALE QLD 4895
Medium Documents Extract
8183 Hopevale Thurrpiil Community Justice Group Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/01/2015 Cheryl Cannon 3 Thiele Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 19 McLean Drive, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
2974 Horn Island Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/10/2000 Enid Tom 8 Outie Street, HORN QLD 4875 PO BOX 92, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9959 HSEQ & Risk Consultancy Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/05/2023 Christopher Horner 27 Colkerri Drive, Dalby QLD 4405 27 Colkerri Drive, Dalby QLD 4405 Small Documents Extract
7590 Iama Mura Mabaigal Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 13/07/2011 Aggie Hankin 24 Mosby Street, Iama Island, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 23B Maranoa Street, Parramatta Park QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9135 iCHASE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 14/10/2019 Leonie Swift 11 Bertram Road, KARRAGARRA ISLAND QLD 4184 10 Tranquillity Court, Victoria Point QLD 4165 Small Documents Extract
7173 Ina Buai Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Corporation (Research and Resource Centre) Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Charles Passi 6/12-14 John Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 38 Enright Crescent, FLOREY ACT 2615 Small Documents Extract
3715 Inala Elders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 24/11/2000 Terri Hill 76 Corsair Avenue, INALA QLD 4077 79-91 Poinsettia Street, INALA QLD 4077 Small Documents Extract
9726 Indigenous Boxing Academy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 06/04/2022 Alex Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 36 Broughton Street, GLEBE NSW 2037 Small Documents Extract
7468 Indigenous Boxing, Sporting, Health and Well Being Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/10/2010 Brian Gray 77 Tills Street, WESTCOURT QLD 4870 77 Tills Street, WESTCOURT QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7416 Indigenous Corporation for Spiritual and Cultural Enhancement Registered on 19/07/2010 Gregory Hockey 23 Burmah Boulevard, REDLAND BAY QLD 4165 PO Box 3060, LOGANHOLME QLD 4129 Small Documents Extract
4614 Indigenous Families Support Unit (Gulf and West QLD Region) Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 20/04/2011 Christine Burgen 19 Isa Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 3073, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
4287 Indigenous Remote Communications Association Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 11/10/2003 Wally Tallis 2 Ambleside Street, WEST END QLD 4101 46 Naomi Street, Bundamba QLD 4304 Medium Documents Extract
7229 Indigenous Samaritans Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/07/2009 Diane Gibson 130 Dukes Road, Cooyar QLD 4402 130 Dukes Road, Cooyar QLD 4402 Small Documents Extract
7353 Indigenous Solutions Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Robert Peden c/- Waterford Tax and Accounting, 26-28 Loganlea Rd, WATERFORD WEST QLD 4133 33 Monash Road, LOGANLEA QLD 4131 Small Documents Extract
3857 Indigenous Strategies (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation) Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Elizabeth Siebel Shop 15A - 16B, Cat and Fiddle Arcade, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 PO Box 3155, HERMIT PARK QLD 4812 Medium Documents Extract
4091 Indigenous Wellbeing Centre Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 10/09/2012 Ara Harathunian 12B, 9 Maryborough Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 PO Box 1963, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Large Documents Extract
9332 Indigichoice Corporate Solutions Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Caspar Coxon Unit 1701/106 Denham St, TOWNSVILLE CITY QLD 4810 1701/106 Denham St, Townsville City QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
9207 Indigico Foundation Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/01/2020 Kevin Clarke Unit 11 28 Dominion Road, Ashmore QLD 4214 5 Cayman Court, Runaway Bay QLD 4216 Small Documents Extract
10477 Indigovation Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/02/2025 Peter Carr 60 North Ridge Drive, Calliope QLD 4680 60 North Ridge Drive, Calliope QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
7791 Indjalandji-Dhidhanu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 23/10/2012 Cody Saltmere 52 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 2432, Mount Isa QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
7687 Ingan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Sonya Jeffrey C/- Sonya Jeffrey, 5 Blackman Street, Tully QLD 4854 PO BOX 470, TULLY QLD 4854 Small Documents Extract
7400 Iningai Native Title Elders and Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/05/2016 Pam Hegarty PO Box 9788, FRENCHVILLE QLD 4701 PO Box 9788, FRENCHVILLE QLD 4701 Small Documents Extract
244 Injilinji Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Children and Youth Services Registered on 16/12/1983 Valerie Craigie 8 Thomson Road, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 1644, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
1482 Injinoo Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Harriet Sebasio 20 Pablo Street, via Bamaga, INJINOO QLD 4876 C/- Post Office, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
7407 Injinoo Apudthama Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Enid Namok 4 Ropeyarn Highway, INJINOO QLD 4876 6 Ropeyarn Highway, INJINOO QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
8105 Injinoo Dance Troupe Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Jessica Namai 23 Apudthama Road, INJINOO QLD 4876 23 Apudthama Road, INJINOO QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
9307 Inka Mutu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/06/2020 Adrian Connolly Unit 4, 16 Lowry Street, NORTH IPSWICH QLD 4305 74 Palmer Road, East Greenmount QLD 4359 Small Documents Extract
3224 Inland Land Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Evanis Down 24/26 Hodgkinson Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Po Box 818, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Medium Documents Extract
4010 Inner Island Kulkalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation Deregistered on 21/01/2014 Allan Mosby C/-TSIRC Yorke Island, Yorke Island QLD 4875 PO Box 479, C/- Post Officer, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
4124 Innisfail Community Justice Group (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation) Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Alfred Joyce 2 Stitt Street, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 14 Batchelor Street, GOONDI QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
4199 Innisfail Indigenous Women Family Mental Health/Social Emotional Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/06/2003 Cherrie Glasson 34 Anderson Road, WOREE QLD 4868 34 Anderson Road, WOREE QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
7458 Institute for Indigenous Cultural Learning Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Justin Power 221 Sandgate Road, Albion QLD 4010 PO Box 1614, CARINDALE QLD 4152 Small Documents Extract
8820 Ipikaziw Kub Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Nazareth Adidi 23 Stephen Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 335, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8114 Ipima Ikaya Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/09/2014 Louisa Taylor Ahmat PO Box 74, BAMAGA QLD 4876 PO Box 74, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Medium Documents Extract
1407 Ipswich Regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Legal Service Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Karen Juditth Collins 265 Brisbane Street, IPSWICH QLD 4305 PO Box 802, IPSWICH QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
7159 Ironwood Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 29/06/2023 Victoria Kennedy 22 Bond Street, NEW MAPOON QLD 4876 57 Fletcher Street, NEW MAPOON QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
4140 Irretety Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/01/2003 Jade Hatt Alpurrulum Community, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 71 Bath Street, ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 Small Documents Extract
2526 Irukandji Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/09/1995 Gavin Singleton PO Box 840, Bungalow QLD 4870 PO Box 840, Bungalow QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9566 Irvinebank - Mbabaram Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/08/2021 Vanessa Stevens 36 Raylee Avenue, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 36 Raylee Avenue, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 Small Documents Extract
10090 IWIMRA Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/09/2023 Esther Lucas 58/10 Radiant Street, Taigum QLD 4018 58/10 Radiant Street, Taigum QLD 4018 Small Documents Extract
9714 J Tapp Family Tribe Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/03/2022 John Tapp 1/34 Sovereign Drive, AMITY QLD 4183 1/34 Sovereign Drive, AMITY QLD 4183 Small Documents Extract
7002 Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/10/2007 Trinity Clarke 15 Sawmill Road, MOSSMAN QLD 4873 34 Bayil Drive, Bonnie Doon QLD 4873 Large Documents Extract
9079 Jabani Jinna Indigenous Corporation Registered on 12/06/2019 Katie Ratanatray 6/42 Beerburrum Road, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 8 Gannet Circuit, NORTH LAKES QLD 4509 Small Documents Extract
8300 Jagera Community Hall Management Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 14/10/2015 Lyndell Turbane 121 Cordielia Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101 9 Badet Street, BRIGHTON QLD 4017 Small Documents Extract
7718 Jagera Ganay-Magil Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/05/2012 Louisa Bonner 17 Casey Street, LEICHHARDT QLD 4305 17 Casey Street, LEICHHARDT QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
4557 Jagurru Sports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 08/11/2005 Kathilen Walker 27 Nelson Street, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 27 Nelson Street, Innisfail Estate, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
9710 Jarowair Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/03/2022 Larisha Jerome 62 Blackwood Street, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 C/- 62 Blackwood Street, TOWNSVILLE CITY QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
9820 Jarradama Warra Western Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/08/2022 Ruth Link 14 Beach Street, Hope vale QLD 4895 38 Harcourt Road, Darra QLD 4076 Small Documents Extract
8018 Jawiyaba Warra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/02/2014 Sharon Brady 157 Greenslope Street, EDGE HILL QLD 4870 Flat 3, 34 Basalt Street, Mareeba QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
1826 Jena Boran Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 13/06/1993 Brody Parsons 30 Mahoney Street, MUNDUBBERA QLD 4626 8 Charles Street, MUNDUBBERA QLD 4626 Small Documents Extract
4369 Jesus Only II Apostolic Church Indigenous Corporation Registered on 16/06/2004 Kaylynn Zaro 25 Kiernan Street, Manunda, Cairns, Mooroobool QLD 4870 20 Banning Avenue, Brinsmead QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
503 Jiddabul Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/11/1986 Rena Woods RN 888 Tumoulin Road, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 PO Box 306, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 Small Documents Extract
7794 Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 26/10/2012 Zeitha Jalamala Murphy Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation, 391-481 Sellin Road, Mount Mee QLD 4521 87 Woodrow Road, STANMORE QLD 4514 Medium Documents Extract
2733 Jinjinburra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/06/1996 Myrtle Munro 151 St Kilda Road, GIN GIN QLD 4671 151 Saint Kilda Road, GIN GIN QLD 4671 Small Documents Extract
4698 Jinna Nudpi Aboriginal Corporation for Arts Deregistered on 22/09/2014 Lillian Willis Butler Bay, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/-Palm Island Post Office, Butler Bay, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
9201 Jirrbal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/01/2020 Gracelyn Miller Shop B, 66 Grigg Street, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 11 Arthur Street, MUNDINGBURRA QLD 4812 Medium Documents Extract
9654 Joseph Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/01/2022 Lee-Ann Joseph-Roch 38 Lodder Street, Atherton QLD 4883 38a McGrath Lane, Booval QLD 4304 Small Documents Extract
1073 Jukanyula Aboriginal Corporation For Childrens Enrichment Registered on 03/08/1990 Delores Gala 96 Hinkler Avenue, BUNDABERG NORTH QLD 4670 10 Scherer Boulevarde, BUNDABERG CENTRAL QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
1545 Julbu Women's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Carmen Lynette Hunter 30 Morrow St, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO Box 225, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Medium Documents Extract
880 Jundah Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 09/08/2012 Rhonda L Sandow 1 Fisher Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 PO Box 309, via, MURGON QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
7833 Junkuri Laka Community Legal Centre Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/01/2013 Melanie Ahkit 2 Lardil Street, GUNUNA QLD 4892 161 Mukakiya Street, GUNUNA QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7589 Jurenju Arts and Crafts Indigenous Corporation Registered on 24/08/2011 Lillian Fourmile 52 Royes Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 52 Royes Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
4458 Juru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/01/2005 Glenda Lukasik 35 Lillipilli Street, VINCENT QLD 4814 27 Munbilla Drive, KELSO QLD 4815 Small Documents Extract
7480 Juunjuwarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/11/2010 Michael Winer 30 Reuther Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Juunjuwarra Aboriginal Corporation, c/- Hope Vale Post Office, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
1839 Juwarki Kapu-Lug Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 15/12/2009 Edward Chubb 175 East Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 PO Box 1249, ROCKHAMPTON CITY QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
2537 K.M.K.M. Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 11/01/2011 Glenis Grogan Unit 5, 6 & 7, 40 Coondoo Street, KURANDA QLD 4881 PO Box 26, KURANDA QLD 4881 Small Documents Extract
9607 Kaapay Kuuyun Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/10/2021 Renee Mcdonald 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 32 Florance Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
3206 Kabalbarada Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/05/1998 Derek John Willie 9 Waterwood Court, Arundel QLD 4214 16 Millbrook Court, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
840 Kabi Kabi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/06/1989 Grant Cheatham 246 Petrie Creek Road, ROSEMOUNT QLD 4560 3/6 Leo Crescent, ALEXANDRA HEADLAND QLD 4572 Medium Documents Extract
8963 Kabi Kabi Natural Resource Management Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Brianna Asher 7 Furlong Drive, MOFFAT BEACH QLD 4551 Unit 2, 50 Maud Street, MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 Small Documents Extract
8996 Kabi Kabi Peoples Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/02/2019 Brian Warner PO Box 713, CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 331-335 Finland Road, Marcoola QLD 4564 Medium Documents Extract
7952 Kabi Kabi Yangga Buwan Cultural & Land Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Ivy Bond 4 Clarke Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 33 Butler Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
3917 Kabul-Gambuwal Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Natalie Alberts 20 Karoonda Cres, ROCHEDALE SOUTH QLD 4123 PO Box 3516, SOUTH BRISBANE QLD 4101 Medium Documents Extract
2268 Kahwun - Wooga Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Community Development Registered on 07/12/1994 Juanita Mason 138 Wharf Street, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 12 Farrell Street, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 Medium Documents Extract
265 Kaiadilt Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/04/1984 Alberta Wilson 1 Lardil Street, GUNUNA QLD 4892 30 Lardic, MORNINGTON QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
3953 Kaimel Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Community Development Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Gorden Warria 63 Lancaster Street, GARBUTT QLD 4814 63 Lancaster Street, GARBUTT QLD 4814 Medium Documents Extract
8097 Kaiwalagal Development Indigenous Corporation Registered on 19/08/2014 Waubin Aken 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 c/- 242 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4186 Kaja Waira (a child's desire) Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Patrick Quartpot Pitura Street, BOULIA QLD 4829 82 Tenth Avenue, Railway Estate, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Medium Documents Extract
2716 Kal’ang Community Care Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/06/1996 Bonnie Williams 133 Denmans Camp Road, KAWUNGAN QLD 4655 133 Denmans Camp Road, KAWUNGAN QLD 4655 Medium Documents Extract
7212 Kalan Enterprises Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/05/2009 Timothy Jaffer 1 Olkola Street, COEN QLD 4892 13 Regent Street, COEN QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
8260 Kalka Jaka Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/08/2015 Chavanne Bowen Lot 60 Mt Amos Road, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 18 Binthin Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
3691 Kalkadoon Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 15/09/2009 John Farrington 109 Barkley Highway, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 P O Box 909, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
7639 Kalkadoon Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 15/11/2011 Tara Bell 109 Barkly Highway, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 C/- PO Box 1727, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
10078 Kalkadoon Papermaking Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/09/2023 Nadia Cowperthwaite 91 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 3090, Mount Isa QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
2106 Kalwun Media and Publishing Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Jean Edwards Level 1, 14 Cassia Drive, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227 PO Box 2588, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220 Small Documents Extract
7942 Kambu Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health Registered on 16/09/2013 Graham White 27 Roderick Street, IPSWICH QLD 4305 24 Suez Street, Gordon Park QLD 4031 Large Documents Extract
8477 Kambu Warriors Sports, Cultural and Leadership Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Derek Kinchela

Dean Smith
48 Deacon Street, BASIN POCKET QLD 4305 8 Hunt Court, COLLINGWOOD PARK QLD 4301

48 Deacon Street, Basin Pocket, Ipswich QLD 4305
Small Documents Extract
3012 Kambuwal Aboriginal Corporation for Culture, Heritage and Land Registered on 30/06/1997 Andrew Brown 63 Percy Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 63 Percy Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
1754 Kamilaroi Employment Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/11/2012 Debbie Hall 94 The Terrace, ST GEORGE QLD 4487 29 Andrew Street, ST GEORGE QLD 4487 Small Documents Extract
7464 Kanamuri Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 13/10/2010 Pauline Ah Wang 153 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 400, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
1563 Kanolu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 05/04/2016 Michelle Morgan C/- 42 Acacia Street, Yeates Avenue, BLACKWATER QLD 4717 42 Acacia Street, BLACKWATER QLD 4717 Small Documents Extract
7928 Kanolu Country Connections Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/08/2013 Mary Harald 9 Diane Court, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 9 Diane Court, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
4216 Karingbal Traditional People Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/08/2003 Darren McLeod 10 jane crescent, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 PO Box 215, RUBYVALE QLD 4702 Small Documents Extract
10270 Karrabin Consulting Indigenous Corporation Registered on 06/05/2024 Charlotte Batterham 58 South Street, Ipswich QLD 4305 PO Box 5035, Brassall QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
108 KASH Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 17/05/2016   Spear Creek, Barkly Highway, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825   Medium Documents Extract
10475 Kastom Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 12/02/2025 Jean Ford 23 Casuarina Drive, Elanora QLD 4221 23 Casuarina Drive, Elanora QLD 4221 Small Documents Extract
4390 Kaurareg Fisheries Management Authority Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Lynne Ponoho C/-PO Box 98, MANUNDA QLD 4870 C/-PO Box 98, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
4656 Kaurareg Land Bridge Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Caroline Nakata 6 Wees Street, HORN QLD 4875 PO Box 272, Trinity Beach QLD 4879 Small Documents Extract
3712 Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 13/11/2001 Eliziah Wasaga 2-4 Olandi Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 22 Wees Street, HORN QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
4529 Kaurareg Traditional Elders Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Enid Tom 20 Miskin Street, HORN QLD 4875 C/- Post Office, HORN QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9503 Keinjan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 26/05/2022 Berice Anning 12 Meara Place, CLIFTON QLD 4361 12 Meara Place, CLIFTON QLD 4361 Small Documents Extract
9514 Keinjan Elders Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/05/2021 Berice Anning 12 Meara Place, CLIFTON QLD 4361 12 Meara Place, CLIFTON QLD 4361 Small Documents Extract
4661 Keriba Buai Innisfail Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Adrian Laza 33 Wattle Street, Kirwan, Townsville QLD 4810 164 River Parks Boulevard, KELSO QLD 4815 Small Documents Extract
1835 Keriba Mabaigal Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Culture and Heritage Deregistered on 04/04/2018 Roseann Waia 10 Forgan Street, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 61 Longden Street, COOPERS PLAINS QLD 4108 Small Documents Extract
1452 Keriba Warngun Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Women Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Patricia Helen Kennedy PO Box 81, WAVELL HEIGHTS NORTH QLD 4012 PO Box 81, WAVELL HEIGHTS NORTH QLD 4012 Medium Documents Extract
4233 Keriba Yadayl Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 03/06/2003 Samuel Aniba 10A, 10A, White Rock QLD 4868 4 / 46 English Street, Manunda QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2202 Keriba-Mina Zenadh Indigenous Corporation Registered on 10/10/1994 Helen Akee 20/6-24 Henry Street, Townsville QLD 4810 PO Box 669, Townsville QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
8441 Kerkar Bau Mens Indigenous Corporation Registered on 29/06/2016 Andrew Lui 17 Nawie Street, HORN QLD 4875 PO Box 725, Thursday Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3062 K'gari Educational and Culture Centre Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/10/1997 Steven Vea Vea 242 Scrub Hill Road, HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 242 Scrubhill Road, DUNDOWRAN QLD 4655 Small Documents Extract
2028 Khangali Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Ross Edgerton c/- Ross A Edgerton FCPA Public, Accountant 61 Morgan St , MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 PO Box 363, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 Medium Documents Extract
8619 Kin Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Adrian Sortino Lot 2, 12747 Carnavon Highway, ST GEORGE QLD 4487 PO Box 96, ST GEORGE QLD 4487 Small Documents Extract
7030 Kinjufile Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 18/05/2012 Joanne Kinjun Lot 15 Jones Road, (off Davidson Rd), via, Tully QLD 4854 c/- Post Office, TULLY QLD 4854 Small Documents Extract
7438 Kirrawe Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/08/2010 Laura Peacock 7/3972 Pacific Highway, LOGANHOLME QLD 4129 7/3972 Pacific Highway, LOGANHOLME QLD 4129 Small Documents Extract
2711 Kirrendirri Cultural Resource and Family Research Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/06/1996 Pearl Eatts 82 Vindex Street, WINTON QLD 4735 PO Box 88, WINTON QLD 4735 Small Documents Extract
7981 Kirriri Dorge Mudh Indigenous Corporation Registered on 21/11/2013 Regina Turner Lot 201 Louis Road, Hammond Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 12, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8168 Kirriri Foundation (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Seriako Dorante Lot 73, Marietta Roach Road, Hammond Island, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 36 Louis Road, Hammond Island, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8674 Kirriri Wana Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Veronica Harapeet 11 Norilla Close, Lake Placid, CARAVONICA QLD 4878 PO Box 2173, AYR QLD 4807 Small Documents Extract
9588 Kirryga Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/09/2021 Leeonta Noble 16 Smith Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 1, Brophy Street, Westcourt QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
1415 Koedal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Andrew Ramsamy 30 Sailaway Drive, EIMEO QLD 4740 30 Sailaway Drive, EIMEO QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
7375 Koinmerburra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/05/2010 Judith Warrie 10 Railway Pd, St Lawrence QLD 4707 70 English Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2613 Koko Muluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Ann-Marie Keating 496 Emerald End Road, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO BOX 2530, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
2487 Kokoberrin Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/10/1995 Shaun Edwards 19 Hudson street, Whitfield QLD 4870 PO Box 568, Edmonton QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
421 Kombumerri Aboriginal Corporation for Culture Registered on 10/09/1985 Patricia O'Connor 2 Plantation Road, Beenleigh QLD 4207 2 Plantation Road, Beenleigh QLD 4207 Small Documents Extract
4679 Kongabulla Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/05/2016 Leanne Bone 1/241 Campbell Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 15 Hammond Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
9186 Koobara Kindergarten and Pre-prep Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 16/01/2020 Gloria Wright 421 Beams Road, TAIGUM QLD 4018 PO Box 247, ZILLMERE QLD 4034 Medium Documents Extract
1812 Kooemba Jdarra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Sam Watson 18 Turnmill Street, MACGREGOR QLD 4109 18 Turnmill Street, MACGREGOR QLD 4109 Small Documents Extract
8053 Kooma Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/05/2014 Kerry Carius Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 4 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 19 Hamlyn Road, OAKEY QLD 4401 Small Documents Extract
419 "Kootana" Women's Centre Palm Island Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/06/2012 Delena Foster 63 Watson Crescent, Butler Bay, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/- Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Medium Documents Extract
10127 Kooyong Community Services Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/11/2023 Jarrod White 9 Sunrise Street, MORAYFIELD QLD 4506 9 Sunrise Street, MORAYFIELD QLD 4506 Small Documents Extract
7782 Koranga Saibai Koedal Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 24/09/2012 Angelina Francia 120 Railway Parade, LOGAN CENTRAL QLD 4114 120 Railway Parade, LOGAN CENTRAL QLD 4114 Small Documents Extract
61 Korrawinga Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/03/1980 Steven Vea Vea 242 Scrub Hill Road, DUNDOWRAN QLD 4655 4 Bergin Court, TORQUAY QLD 4655 Medium Documents Extract
7627 Kos and Abob Fisheries (Torres Strait Islander Corporation) Registered on 24/10/2011 Rocky Stephen Lot 31B Orankie Street, Stephen Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 31B Orankie Street, Stephen Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
10247 Kowanyama People Kunjen Olkol and Olkola Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/04/2024 Kerryn Canato 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 33 Enmore Street, MANOORA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8814 Kozan Outreach Fellowship Ministry Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/03/2018 Samantha Kris

Meker Adidi
138 Saveka Street, St Pauls Community, MOA ISLAND QLD 4875 138 Saveka Street, St Paul Community, Moa Island QLD 4875

143 timberlea dr, bentley park QLD 4869
Small Documents Extract
9206 Kubirriwarra Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/02/2020 Amelia Ryan 30 Middlemiss Street, MOSSMAN QLD 4873 C/O P/O Box 1070, Mossman QLD 4873 Small Documents Extract
10166 Kuiku Mabaigal Ged Kem Le Indigenous Corporation Registered on 11/01/2024 Sharon Cunningham C/- Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation, 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 4 Melia Close, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
3037 Kukatj Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/06/1997 Francine George 47 Matilda Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 PO Box 203, Normanton QLD 4890 Small Documents Extract
1213 Kuku Djungan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/12/2022 Bianca Grainer 26 Courtney Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 26 Courtney Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
10063 Kuku Warra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 31/08/2023 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9270 Kuku Yalanji Cultural Healing Camps Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 02/11/2023 Richard Burchill 1/65 Alchera Drive, Mossman QLD 4873 PO Box 1152, MOSSMAN QLD 4873 Medium Documents Extract
8256 Kulka Balas Rugby League Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Barbara David Lot 33 Olandi Street, Coconut Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 33 Olandi Street, Coconut Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3915 Kulkalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/01/2002 Susan Billy 4 Murray Street, PORUMA ISLAND QLD 4875 4 Murray Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9151 Kulkalgal Alliance Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Nancy Mosby-Kirk Lot 56 Cnr Olandi and Mimia Street, PORUMA ISLAND QLD, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 5A Quetta Close, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3745 Kullilli Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Andrew Robinson 3 Sapphire Court, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 3 Sapphire Court, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Medium Documents Extract
7224 Kullilli Bulloo River Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 15/07/2009 Cassandra Stevens Level 1, Unit 5/20 King Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 Level 22, 127 Creek Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 Medium Documents Extract
7856 Kully Nguwang Clean Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/03/2013 Louisa Bonner 17 Casey Street, LEICHHARDT QLD 4305 17 Casey Street, LEICHHARDT QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
9660 Kulpa Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/01/2022 Shelley Bray 10 Kaanju Street, COEN QLD 4892 45 Kenrick Street, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 Small Documents Extract
8016 Kulpiyam Youth & Sport Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Jermaine Reuben 22 Blanket Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 22 Blanket Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8339 Kunggandji Kimuy Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/01/2016 Sarah Addo 67 Murray Street, MANOORA QLD 4870 67 Murray Street, MANOORA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4606 Kungi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 16/08/2017 Sarah Addo 67 Murray Street, MANOORA QLD 4870 PO Box 14256, Mount Sheridan QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
9600 Kunja Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 30/09/2021 Diana Healy Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000 Level 4/293 Queen Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 Small Documents Extract
10246 Kunjen Olkol Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/04/2024 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 c/- 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9096 Kunjur First Nations Men’s Collective Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Alicia Sabadi 156 Irene Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 13 Hodkinson Street, REDLYNCH QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
1262 Kurribie Boya Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 29/05/1991 Allannah Young 10 Dalrymple Street, East Mackay QLD 4740 10 Dalrymple Street, East Mackay QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
8117 Kurrungal Waiburra Indigenous Corporation Registered on 23/09/2014 Tracy Matenga 12 Armani Avenue, Pimpama QLD 4209 12 Armani Avenue, Pimpama QLD 4209 Small Documents Extract
2169 Kurtijar Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/09/1994 Angeline Pascoe 44 Dutton Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 74 Landsborough Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 Large Documents Extract
3033 Kurtijar Land Trust Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/07/2017 Letitia Rainbow /- Kurtijar Aboriginal Corporation, 44 Dutton Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 PO Box 363, NORMANTON QLD 4890 Small Documents Extract
7436 Kurtjar Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/08/2010 Priscilla Lane 55 Phillip Street, Normanton QLD 4890 6 Diane Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
7193 Kuuku Ya'u Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 19/03/2009 Norma Hobson Lot 16, 42 Piiramo Road, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 c/- Post Office, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
8828 Kuyumu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Patricia Clarmont 57A Regent Street, COEN QLD 4892 57A Regent Street, COEN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7581 Kyburra Munda Yalga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/07/2011 Glenda Cartwright Lot 8, West Street, Bowen QLD 4805 16 Avalon Crescent, Glenmore Park NSW 2745 Medium Documents Extract
7708 L.R. Kawadi-Wimpa Dance Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Dorothy Hobson Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council, Mathuuy Street, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 PO Box Lockhart River, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
4052 Lagau Maigi Buiya Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 20/09/2002 Layna Nona 56 De Jarlais Street, EARLVILLE QLD 4870 56 De Jarlais Street, EARLVILLE QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9758 Lama Lama Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 25/05/2022 Mikayla Down 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 279 Robert Road, Bentley Park QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
9007 Lighthouse CommuniCare Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/02/2019 Collin Andamale Unit 1/119 Brown Street, WESTCOURT QLD 4870 57 Moresby Street, Trinity Beach QLD 4879 Small Documents Extract
10222 Limitless Bama Indigenous Corporation Registered on 15/04/2024 Jessica Rea 12B, 25 Grafton Street, Cairns QLD 4870 16A Julie Way, Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Large Documents Extract
680 Link-up (QLD) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/07/1988 Patricia Thompson 3-5 Reid Street, WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102 301/18 Hubert Street, WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102 Medium Documents Extract
2464 Living Waters Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 14/07/1995 Darryl Tranby 72-74 Gordon Street, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 74 Archibald Street, Edmonton QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
7611 Liworaji Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/08/2011 Maria Davidson 130 Brisbane Street, Ipswich QLD 4305 130 Brisbane Street, Ipswich QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
7276 Lockhart River Arts Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/10/2009 Emily Schuh 1 Piiramo Road, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 C/o Post Office, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
9574 Lockhart River Social Club Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/09/2021 Jermaine Thomas LOT 275 MAATHUY STREET, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 275 Maathuy Street, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
8165 Logan Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Sports, Recreation and Community Development Registered on 03/12/2014 David Collins 40 Windsor Street, SLACKS CREEK QLD 4127 40 Windsor Street, SLACKS CREEK QLD 4127 Small Documents Extract
8468 Logan Culture, Education and Wellbeing Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 17/08/2016 Sylvia Nakachi 56 Jacaranda Avenue, Logan Central QLD 4114 56 Jacaranda Avenue, Logan Central QLD 4114 Small Documents Extract
4340 Logan District Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Aboriginal Corporation For Elders Registered on 22/03/2004   9 - 11 Jacaranda Avenue,, Logan Central QLD 4114   Small Documents Extract
10337 Lola Lee Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/08/2024 Anthea Amos 65 Sienna Circuit, Yarrabilba QLD 4207 65 Sienna Circuit, Yarrabilba QLD 4207 Small Documents Extract
1214 Longreach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Housing and Business Registered on 14/02/1991 Sharon Riddiford 39 Duck Street, Longreach QLD 4730 33 Wompoo Road, Longreach QLD 4730 Small Documents Extract
379 Lonweigh Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/05/1985 Lurlene Henderson 9 Redmond Street, Avenell Heights, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 9 Redmond Street, Avenell Heights, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
8819 LTW Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/05/2018 Annette Rutherford 18 Whitbread Road, Clinton, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 18 Whitbread Road, Clinton, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
599 Lundinwarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/10/1987 Francis Walker Lot 1 R2566 Bloomfield Road, Bloomfield, via, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 C/- Wujal Wujal Post Office, Wujul Wujul via, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
8259 Luthik Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/07/2015 Kaylene Jawai 205 Twal Street, NAPRANUM QLD 4874 C/- Napranum Post Office, NAPRANUM QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
1592 Ma'aathan Women's Shelter (Helping Hands) Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Martha Koowarta 910 Pikkuw Street, AURUKUN QLD 4871 910 Pikkuw Street, AURUKUN QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
8830 Maatchangk Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/05/2018 Christina Greenwood 22 Wirran St, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 12 Torrance Avenue, Edge Hill QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8625 Mabuygiw Garkaziw Kupay Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 04/05/2017 Abba Babia Lot 84, Mabuiag Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 84 New village street, Mabuiag Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
2261 Mackay Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Alternative Care and Foster Care Services Deregistered on 30/06/2014 Malcolm Alfred Walker 123 Victoria Street, Suncorp Building Level 2, 11 Rooms, MACKAY QLD 4740 123 Victoria Street, Suncorp Building Level 2, MACKAY QLD 4740 Medium Documents Extract
1369 Mackay and District Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Legal Aid Services Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Thomas Lui 33 Sydney Street, MACKAY QLD 4740 PO Box 1058, MACKAY QLD 4740 Medium Documents Extract
8020 Mackay Stallions Indigenous Corporation Registered on 17/02/2014 Bianca Fewquandie 15 Les Cameron Avenue, MACKAY QLD 4740 298 Bedford Road, MACKAY QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
3585 Mackay Warnoo Mura Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 06/04/2000 Sonetta Rosina Fewquandie 302 Bedford Road, Andergrove QLD 4740 302 Bedford Road, Andergrove QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
4429 Madjandji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 11/01/2006 Sharon Satini Shop 3, 57-63 Munro Street, Babinda QLD 4861 Unit 1 50 Munro Street, Babinda QLD 4861 Medium Documents Extract
4017 Magani Lagaugal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 13/05/2002 Nancy Baluz Level 1 82 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 1 Airstrip Road, YAM ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9785 Magic Indigenous Corporation Registered on 30/06/2022 Ramone Close 1A/63 Maine Road, CLONTARF QLD 4019 1A/63 Maine Road, CLONTARF QLD 4019 Small Documents Extract
7048 Maibin Yana Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Men Deregistered on 29/04/2019 Cyril Seden 4/3 Bonney Lane, FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 PO Box 472, WOODRIDGE QLD 4114 Small Documents Extract
8327 Maigi Apu Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 18/11/2015 Flora Warrior Lot 90, School Road, MABUIAG ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 90, School Road, MABUIAG ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
10086 Makarrata Consultancy Indigenous Corporation Registered on 22/09/2023 Kayode Akomolafe 1/26 Parsons Street, Collingwood Park QLD 4301 18 Broxburn Circuit, Spring Mountain QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
7802 Malalawirri Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Vandra Diamond 96A Robert Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 C/- Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
8575 Malenbarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/03/2017 Dulucia Royee 10-12 Hay street, Mount Garnet QLD 4872 23 Cleland Street, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 Small Documents Extract
8577 Malu Ay Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Leon Filewood 10 School Road, Badu Island QLD 4875 128 Somerset Road, Kedron QLD 4031 Small Documents Extract
9128 Malu Buay Gizlam Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 06/09/2019 Nancy Baker 6 Rambutan Close, MANOORA QLD 4870 6 Rambutan Close, MANOORA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7748 Malu Kiai - Mura Buai Fishing Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 29/06/2012 Maudesta Tom Lot 106, Amy Street, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 106, Army Street, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3934 Malu Kiai (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/01/2002 Dimas Toby 115 Airport Road, Boigu Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 115 Airport Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8439 Malu Kiwai Torres Strait Islander Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Gainau Dau Lot 60 School Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 60 School Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8051 Malu Lamar (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 15/05/2014 Lui Ned David Level 1, 82 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 9 Poroma Street, Tamwoy Town, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
4549 Maluilgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 01/08/2005 Keith Pabai 111 Airport Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 111 Airport Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3995 Malu-Kiai Mura Buai Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Danielle Reuben 10 Garfield Road, LOGAN CENTRAL QLD 4114 10 Garfield Road, LOGAN CENTRAL QLD 4114 Small Documents Extract
3789 Mamu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/04/2001 Lana Kyle 2 Stitt Street, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 13 Grace Street, Innisfail QLD 4860 Medium Documents Extract
9199 Manbarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/01/2020 Bevan Cassady 17 Sandalwood Street, Heathwood QLD 4110 17 Sandalwood Street, Heathwood QLD 4110 Small Documents Extract
4290 Manbarra Nanggarra Wanggarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/12/2003 Richard Parsgaard 168 Pinnacle Drive, CONDON QLD 4815 168 Pinnacle Drive, CONDON QLD 4815 Small Documents Extract
3127 Mandandanji Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Sylvia McCarthy 38 Gipps St, Drayton, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 38 Gipps St, Drayton, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Medium Documents Extract
2765 Mandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 10/06/1999 Dale Mundraby 6/345 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 821, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 Medium Documents Extract
8951 Mandubarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/11/2018 Kim Kyle 13 Grace Street, Innisfail QLD 4860 13 Grace Street, Innisfail QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
4771 Mangarda Nyerrwe Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/07/2012 Shontelle Reid 158 Lardil Street, Mornington Island QLD 4871 158 Lardil Street,, MORNINGTON ISLAND QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
7045 Mangun-Gaali Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 24/05/2010 Lewis Morton 44 Middleton Street, TEXAS QLD 4385 44 Middleton Street, TEXAS QLD 4385 Medium Documents Extract
7963 Mapoon Community Justice Group Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 03/12/2021 Reginald Guivarra Room 3, Jean Jimmy Centre, 1 Red Beach Road, MAPOON QLD 4874 C/- PO Box 213, WEIPA QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
7520 Mapoon Men's Group Indigenous Corporation Registered on 28/02/2011 Reginald Guivarra 35 Cullen Point Road, MAPOON QLD 4874 Post Box 213, WEIPA QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
8230 Maranoa Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Grant Jackson 44 Dublin Street, Mitchell QLD 4465 44 Dublin Street, Mitchell QLD 4465 Small Documents Extract
7456 Mardigan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Janelle Collins 8 Stockyard Street, Cunnamulla QLD 4490 35 Wick Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Small Documents Extract
3844 Maree Aboriginal Corporation Land Council Registered on 12/09/2001 Taneika Boney 5 Ellwood Avenue, WARWICK QLD 4370 24 Yarrawonga Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
2938 Mareeba and District Elders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Christine Chong PO Box 1965, MAREEBA QLD 4880 61 Walsh Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
9060 Mareeba Tribe Indigenous Corporation Registered on 08/05/2019 Duncan McInnes 116 McGrath Road, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO BOX 2530, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
9011 Margany Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/02/2019 Clarice Clliss 6 Moselle Court, WILSONTON HEIGHTS QLD 4350 28 Watson Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Small Documents Extract
9476 Margie’s Safe Space a First Nation’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 25/03/2021 Winston Cutts 127 Rosemary Street, INALA QLD 4077 Po Box 9, FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 Small Documents Extract
9010 Marigurim Yalaam Indigenous Corporation for Community Justice Registered on 19/02/2019 Skye Pettitt 4/55 Main Street, Pialba QLD 4655 21 Pialba Downs Drive, ELI WATERS QLD 4655 Small Documents Extract
8380 Marine Ecology Education Indigenous Corporation Registered on 21/04/2016 Fred Palin Unit 1, 16 Industry Place, Wynnum QLD 4178 PO Box 5815, Manly QLD 4179 Small Documents Extract
388 Marmanya Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Mark Gould Urandangi State School, URANDANGI, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Urandangi State School, URANDANGI, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
9747 Marmanya Community Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/05/2022 Darius Webb Marmanya Community, Urandangi North Road, piturie QLD 4825 1 Epsilon Ave, Sunset QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
8459 Marmanya Progress Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Robert Fell House 3, Marmanya Community, Via, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 House 6, Marmanya Aboriginal Community, Via, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
324 Marpuna Community Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/12/1984 May Mooka 10 Bello Drive, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Unit 3 / 65 Trower Road, RAPID CREEK NT 0810 Small Documents Extract
7881 Marrinyama Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/05/2013 Lance Sullivan 50, Beattie Crescent, Vincent QLD 4814 90 Bamford Lane, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
1762 Marrugu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Lyndal Singleton 261 Little Spence Street, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 PO Box 916, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
222 Marula Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/05/2019 Don Rowlands 50 Graham Street, BIRDSVILLE QLD 4482 50 Graham Street, BIRDSVILLE QLD 4482 Small Documents Extract
40 Maryborough Aboriginal Corporation for Housing and Cultural Development Registered on 14/12/1979 Martine Britton 1090 Saltwater Creek Road, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 PO Box 608, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 Medium Documents Extract
10103 Maryborough Women's Yarning Group Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 25/10/2023 Kym Walker 17 Reed Avenue, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 17 Reed Avenue, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 Small Documents Extract
3568 Masigalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 15/05/2000 Songhie Billy PBC Office, C/- TSIRC Office, Yorke Island QLD 4875 C/O TSIRC, YORKE ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
10486 MattyBowen Foundation - Indigenous Corporation Pending Tracey-Lee Brooke 13 Lyrebird Lane, Bohle Plains QLD 4817   Small Documents Extract
4649 Mayasai Gibson Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 14/06/2011 Tracey Ludwick 31 Sawmill Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 60 Digger Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9370 Mayi Kulan Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/10/2020 Gavin Toby 1 Balonne Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 PO Box 251, NORMANTON QLD 4890 Small Documents Extract
8449 Mbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 15/07/2016 Karen Guivarra Rm 2, 49-57 Loder Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 2/106 Robert Street, Atherton QLD 4883 Medium Documents Extract
10441 McDowell White Academy (Indigenous Corporation) Registered on 20/12/2024 Bianca McDowell 45 Mindona Street, WISHART QLD 4122 45 Mindona Street, WISHART QLD 4122 Small Documents Extract
8368 MDW Cruises,Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Alo Tapim 14 Marou Street, Mer Island Via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 14 Marou Street, Mer Island Via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7170 Meemunggee Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/01/2009 Veronica Riley 162 Nearra Street, DEAGON QLD 4017 162 Nearra Street, DEAGON QLD 4017 Small Documents Extract
3354 Meerooni Warro Thornhill Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/11/1998 Kerry Blackman 53 Walker Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 PO Box 2773, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
8530 Meeyuwah Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/01/2017 Kay Oliver 144 Wiseman Road West, EDMONTON QLD 4869 PO Box 1016, EDMONTON QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
7815 Mendhams Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/12/2012 Jacob Mendham 11 Booubyjan Street, Goomeri QLD 4601 2/62 Investigator Avenue, Cooloola Cove QLD 4580 Small Documents Extract
7378 Menshed Northern Peninsula Area Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Clifford Waisu 119 Moses Close, New Mapoon QLD 4876 C/- Post Office, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
9746 Mentor Nation Indigenous Corporation Registered on 16/05/2022 Miles Stanley 17 Skyview Street, MERINGANDAN QLD 4352 17 Skyview Street, MERINGANDAN QLD 4352 Small Documents Extract
3282 Mer Gedkem Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 04/08/1998 Lucy Wailu Lot 1 Marou Street, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 138, Marou Street, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
3471 Mer, Dowar and Waier Torres Strait Islanders Corporation For Fisheries Registered on 30/08/1999 William Bero Lot 113 Marou Street, Mer Island, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 113 Marou Street, Mer Island, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8902 Meriam Buai Torres Strait Islander Corporation Cairns Registered on 04/09/2018 Ada Mabo 11/94 Mayers Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 8/182 Grafton Street, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8186 Meriam Economic Development (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Aven Noah Mer Gedkem Office Complex, Lot 110 Marou Street, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 36 Marou Street, (Mer Island), MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7816 Meriam Tribal Nation Secretariat Torres Strait Islander Indigenous Corporation Registered on 07/12/2012 Dennis Passi 108 Marou Street, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 108 Marou Street, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8909 Meriba Wamen Segur Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Ethel Charlie Lot 37 Dadamud Village, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 72 Medige Village, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
4470 Meriba Ya Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Language Professionals Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Bua (Benjamin) Mabo Unti 1/152 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Post Office 230, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
4373 Middle Park Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/07/2004 Jasmine Keyes 36 Sawmill Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Lot 36 Sawmill Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
1953 Miles Aboriginal Corporation for Housing and Community Development Registered on 08/02/1994 Robin Derksen 53 Marian Street, MILES QLD 4415 53 Marian Street, MILES QLD 4415 Small Documents Extract
7065 Millungera Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/01/2014 Fiona Hill 6 South Down Avenue, Happy Valley, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 6 South Down Avenue, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
8122 Mindle Bygul Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/09/2014 Debra Cleary 5 Bisschop Street, Deception Bay Road, Deception Bay QLD 4508 50 Fredan Road, Deception Bay QLD 4508 Small Documents Extract
3011 Mingginda Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/07/1997 Chaslyn Diamond 227 Diamond Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 C/- Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
2063 Minjerribah Moorgumpin (Elders-In-Council) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/06/1994 Maureen Myers 2 Mitchell Crescent, DUNWICH QLD 4183 PO Box 106, Dunwich QLD 4183 Medium Documents Extract
10216 Minnie Myboogundji (NWQLD AH KIT) Waanyi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/03/2024 Leanne Kum Sing Lot 46 Breakaway Drive, BREAKAWAY QLD 4825 PO Box, BREAKAWAY QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
217 Mirndiyan Gununa Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/08/1983 Jihad Armstrong Mirndiyan Gununa Aboriginal Corporation, 2 Lardil Street, GUNUNA QLD 4892 1 Lardil Street, GUNUNA QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
8922 Mission Field Outreach Indigenous Corporation Registered on 12/10/2018 Jordan Kumar 28/B Farmer Place, Park Ridge QLD 4125 P.O. Box 544, Marsden QLD 4132 Small Documents Extract
8440 Mission to Transition Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Robert Hollingsworth 7/48 Prior Street, EDMONTON QLD 4869 7/48 Prior Street, EDMONTON QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
16 Mitakoodi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/07/1980 Lethesia Cummins 55 King Street, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 2 Perkins Street, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 Medium Documents Extract
10313 Mitakoodi and Mayi People Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 02/07/2024 Michael Owens 15 Cahill Street, Aitkenvale QLD 4814 PO BOX 1989, Aitkenvale QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
10255 Mitakoodi Elders Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/05/2024 Robyn Kum Sing 47 Steele Street, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 47 Steele Street, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 Small Documents Extract
2717 Mitakoodi Juhnjlar Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/09/2014 Anthony Jonsson C/- KPMG, Level 13, 15 Lake Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 7200, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
7374 Mitakoodi Kurrithila/Mayi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/05/2010 Carl Ketchup 1/12 Bristol Street, Gulliver QLD 4812 1/28 Halifax street, Garbutt QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
7495 Mitakoodi Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/01/2011 Donna Ah-One 91-93 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 37 Beta Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
8287 Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 23/09/2015 Joshua Gorringe 8 Maryborough Street, WINDORAH QLD 4481 12 Albert Street, Windorah QLD 4481 Medium Documents Extract
9842 Mithangkaya Nguli - Young People Ahead Youth and Community Services Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/09/2022 Alvin Hava 11-13 Fourth Avenue, Parkside, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 40 Arthur Street, Beaudesert QLD 4285 Medium Documents Extract
10092 MMET - Daarpa Aboriginal Corporation (Daarpa Nation) Registered on 05/10/2023 Katherine Steffensen 47 Poland Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 PO Box 834, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
7525 MNDBDYSUL Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Derek Beaut 233 Boulders Road, Babinda QLD 4861 233 Boulders Road, Babinda QLD 4861 Small Documents Extract
9302 Moingum Twal Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Lynette Adidi Wuungkam Lodge, 512 Kang Kang Rd, Aurukun QLD 4892 250 Bartlett Street, AURUKUN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7972 Mokwiri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 04/11/2013 CAROL Yamashita Jessica Point Civic Centre, Wa-Tyne Street, WEIPA QLD 4874 PO Box 1339, Napranum QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
7527 Mona Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/03/2011 Patrick Cooke 3 MAIN ST, BEACHMERE QLD 4510 1 Tracey Close, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7387 Mona Mona Bulmba Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/06/2010 Judith Enoch 40 Coondoo Street, KURANDA QLD 4881 PO Box 606, KURANDA QLD 4881 Small Documents Extract
488 Mookai Rosie-Bi-Bayan (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation) Registered on 10/09/1986 Carlene Munro 15-17 Valda Close, EDMONTON QLD 4869 10 Exploration Way, EDMONTON QLD 4869 Large Documents Extract
1402 Mooloola Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 12/02/1992 Clarice Simon

Debra Mimi
25 Lawrence Street, GYMPIE QLD 4570 PO Box 763, GYMPIE QLD 4570

PO Box 763, GYMPIE QLD 4570
Small Documents Extract
8645 Mooloolah Kabi Kabi Lands Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/06/2017 BRIDGETTE CHILLI Unit 9, 2 Rigby Street, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 Unit 3N 143 Lowanna Drive, Buddina QLD 4575 Small Documents Extract
8482 Moompa-Awu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/09/2016 Marilyn Kepple Wunthulpu Culture Centre, 52 Shepherd Street, COEN QLD 4892 C/- Post Office, COEN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
8223 Moonaboola Community Development Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 21/04/2015 Natalie Powder 255 Kent Street, Maryborough QLD 4650 102 Wharf Street, Maryborough QLD 4650 Small Documents Extract
4494 Moonda Gudda Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 17/08/2015 Jonathon Malone 18 Verney Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 135 Kent Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
10031 Moondarra Indigenous Corporation Registered on 25/07/2023 John Alderman Unit 4/20 Yule Street, PICNIC BAY QLD 4819 Unit 4/20 Yule Street, PICNIC BAY QLD 4819 Medium Documents Extract
4372 Mornington Island Aboriginal Corporation for Health Deregistered on 05/03/2025 Shanika Saltmere 2 Mukakiya Street, WELLESLEY ISLANDS QLD 4892 1 Copper Crescent, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
7923 Mornington Island Aboriginal Corporation for Social and Economic Development Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Susan Sewter 1 Mission Road, Mornington Island, GUNUNA QLD 4892 319 Wanji Close, GUNUNA QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
1432 Mount Isa Aboriginal Media Association (Aboriginal Corporation) Registered on 07/04/1992 Kylie Haapakoski 71 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 10 Gum Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
7127 Mount Isa Arts Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/02/2013 Delia Daisy 15 Tadman Avenue, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 15 Tadman Avenue, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
54 Mount Morgan Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/01/1980 Jacqueline Lee GPO Box 70, Mount Morgan QLD 4714 43 Dee Street, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 Small Documents Extract
9781 Mpundwithal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 29/06/2022 Fairerlyn Korgar Suite 2, Level 1, 104 Mulgrave Road, Cairns QLD 4870 Suite 2, Level 1, 104-106 Mulgrave Road, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
3369 Mualgal Torres Strait Islanders Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/01/1999 Iona Manas Kubin Community, Torres Strait, MOA ISLAND QLD 4875 c/- TSIRC, KUBIN QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
631 Mudth-Niyleta Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 18/01/1988 Sam Raciti 35 Central Street, SARINA QLD 4737 PO Box 460, SARINA QLD 4737 Medium Documents Extract
8514 Mullawarr Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Matthew Anderson 8/31 McKean Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 8-32 McKean Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 Small Documents Extract
9434 Mulligan River Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 02/02/2021 Avelina Tarrago 31 - 33 Commercial Road, Mount Isa QLD 4825 31 - 33 Commercial Road, Mount Isa QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
1881 Mulungu Aboriginal Corporation Primary Health Care Service Registered on 14/10/1993 Fallon Grainer 162-164 Walsh Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 162-164 Walsh Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Large Documents Extract
1711 Muluridgi Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Christina Madigan 61 Walsh Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 61 Walsh Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
7580 Muluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/07/2011 Julie Go-Sam 2B Middlemiss Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO Box 2879, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
7351 Mundywadygul Yidindji Tribal Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Rachel Murray 17 Earl Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 17 Earl Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
3977 Mungalla Aboriginal Corporation for Business Registered on 05/07/2002 Jacob Cassady Mungalla Station, 1236 Forrest Beach Road, INGHAM QLD 4850 PO Box 13, ALLINGHAM QLD 4850 Medium Documents Extract
9596 Mununjali Health Service Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 29/09/2021 Andrew Forbes

Louise Nixon
Level 21, 275 George Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 62 Stuartholme Rd, BARDON QLD 4065

Level 21, 275 George Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000
Small Documents Extract
3720 Mura Badulgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 08/02/2001 Horace Baira Lot 195, Corner of Nona and Chapman Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 198, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
8182 Mura Boegulgaw Aykuyk (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Keith Pabai c/- Tagai State College, Malu Ki'ai Campus, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 93 Airport Road, BOIGU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7101 Mura Mabai Ghauw Buai Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 08/08/2008 Teleai Nona Level 23, 127 Creek Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 39 Chatsworth Road, GREENSLOPES QLD 4120 Small Documents Extract
8209 Mura Porumalgal Fisheries Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Patrick Bonner 22 Olandi Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 40 John Kelly Road, Coconut Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7281 Muri (Mt Adolphus) Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Caroline Nakata 6 Wees Street, Nurupai, HORN QLD 4875 PO Box 272, Trinity Beach QLD 4879 Small Documents Extract
3246 Murrabinbee Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Angus John Gooda 13 Wood Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 13 Wood Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
7584 Murralu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 10/08/2015 Pekeri Ruska 12/168 Redland Bay Road, Capalaba QLD 4157 21/51 Bowen Street, CAPALABA QLD 4157 Small Documents Extract
9864 Murri Dreaming Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 03/04/2024 Sallyann Hall 12 Barooga Court, WILSONTON HEIGHTS QLD 4350 12 Barooga Crt, Wilsonton Heights QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
7536 Murri Girls Into Art Indigenous Corporation Registered on 15/04/2011 Stacy Hayes 68 Breakspear Street, GRACEMERE QLD 4702 63 East Street Extended, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 Small Documents Extract
2557 Murri Gundoos Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Clourdia Conlon 68 Lucas St, NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 PO Box 5471, NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 Medium Documents Extract
517 Murri Mura Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/01/1987 Michael Williams 311 Annerley Road, ANNERLEY QLD 4103 Po Box 5465, West End QLD 4101 Small Documents Extract
1305 Murri Watch Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 22/07/1991 Kenneth Georgetown Level 2 - 12 Cordelia Street, SOUTH BRISBANE QLD 4101 PO Box 3947, South Brisbane QLD 4101 Large Documents Extract
2943 Murrigunyah Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Women Registered on 18/02/1997 Rhonda Reid 2 Burrigan Street, WOODRIDGE QLD 4114 9 Edward Street, WOODRIDGE QLD 4114 Medium Documents Extract
8021 Murrin-Jalee Indigenous Corporation Registered on 18/02/2014 Alan Holt

Tamika Armstrong
25 Dowden Street, Goodna QLD 4300 18 Gayirrgining Street, Ramingining NT 0822

46a Bertha Street, GOODNA QLD 4300
Small Documents Extract
9417 Murrorong Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/12/2020 Sharlene Leroy-Dyer 16 Townsville Crescent, Deception Bay QLD 4508 16 Townsville Crescent, Deception Bay QLD 4508 Small Documents Extract
284 Musgrave Park Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/06/2008 Lyndell Fay Turbane 32 Hope Street, SOUTH BRISBANE QLD 4101 PO Box 3491, SOUTH BRISBANE QLD 4101 Medium Documents Extract
7764 Mutkin Residential and Community Care Indigenous Corporation Registered on 10/08/2012 Linda Thomas 87 Backbeach Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 87 Back Beach Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Large Documents Extract
8145 Muunthiwarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/11/2014 Deborah Cesari 42 Furneaux Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO Box 154, Kuranda QLD 4881 Small Documents Extract
1210 Naga Tribal Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 13/02/1991 Sam Mills

Juanita Mills
58 Hargrave Street, Thursday Island QLD 4875 163 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875

Small Documents Extract
1624 Nai-Beguta Agama Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/09/1992 Elizabeth Eileen Bond 42 Langie-Draha Street, NEW MAPOON QLD 4876 PO Box 23, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Medium Documents Extract
1248 Nalingu Aboriginal Corporation (Intend to Deregister) Registered on 30/04/1991 Saraeva Mitchell 93 Yumba Road, Mitchell QLD 4465 14 Isabella Street, MITCHELL QLD 4465 Small Documents Extract
8803 Nalingu Gunya Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 19/03/2018 June Hintz 30/44 Reserve Road, Slacks Creek QLD 4127 98 Milne Street Mt Warren Park, BEENLEIGH QLD 4207 Small Documents Extract
2563 Namaleta Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/11/1995 Delora Nixon 168 Paanja Street, MAPOON QLD 4874 168 Pannja Street, MAPOON QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
9105 Namura Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/08/2019 Karen Chong 395 Dalrymple Road, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 395 Dalrynple Road, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
7183 Nandeebie Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 29/05/2019 Sylvan Borey 18 Petrie Street, DUNWICH QLD 4183 18 Petrie Street, DUNWICH QLD 4183 Small Documents Extract
7769 Napranum Men's Group Indigenous Corporation Registered on 20/08/2012 Gilbert Daniel Ruchook Grounds, Cemetry Road Napranum, NAPRANUM QLD 4874 c/- Post Office, NAPRANUM QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
9961 Narakuta Indigenous Corporation Registered on 09/05/2023 Albert Bosen 163 Brookhaven Boulevard, Bahrs Scrub QLD 4207 163 Brookhaven Boulevard, Bahrs Scrub QLD 4207 Small Documents Extract
9545 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation - Advocacy Service Registered on 13/07/2021 Brian Newman 1/11 Main Street, BEENLEIGH QLD 4207 6 Girvan Lane, BELIVAH QLD 4207 Medium Documents Extract
7625 National Indigenous Corporation for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Education Network (NICFASEN) Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lorian Hayes 57 George Holt Drive, MOUNT CROSBY QLD 4306 15 Atkinson Drive, KARANA DOWNS QLD 4306 Small Documents Extract
3351 National Indigenous Postgraduate Association Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 10/02/2016 Adrian Hepi 23 Oleander Avenue, Biggera Waters QLD 4216 23 Oleander Avenue, Biggera Waters QLD 4216 Small Documents Extract
8612 Navarna Exports Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 18/11/2019 Linda Sutton 6 Kidd Street, WALKERVALE QLD 4670 122 Cascade Street, RACEVIEW QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
10224 Nawal Mudh Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/03/2024 Jessie Lloyd 1 Homestead Street, MARSDEN QLD 4132 1 Homestead Street, MARSDEN QLD 4132 Small Documents Extract
8239 Naygayiw Gigi Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/05/2015 Leonora Adidi 222 Adidi Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876 143 Wasiu Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
1885 Nellie Carmody Jiman Land, culture and Heritage Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 17/03/2010 George Noble 7 Bungil Street, ROMA QLD 4455 7 Bungil Street, ROMA QLD 4455 Small Documents Extract
7978 Nesbit Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Sheena Walsh 4 McGregor Street, GOOMERI QLD 4601 4 MacTaggart Street, GOOMERI QLD 4601 Small Documents Extract
7029 New Age Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Scott Smith 128 Home Street, NANANGO QLD 4615 128 Home Street, NANANGO QLD 4615 Small Documents Extract
8954 New Day Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 21/09/2023 Freddy David Lot 52 Douglas Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 52 Douglas Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7471 New Mapoon Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/10/2010 Elizabeth Bond 69 Brown Street,, NEW MAPOON QLD 4876 PO Box 146, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
8161 New Way Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Leonard Morris 9/258 Ross River Road, AITKENVALE QLD 4814 PO Box 2045, AITKENVALE QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
1265 Ngadjon Mitcha Jimmar-Mar Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Yvonne Canendo 1903 Topaz Road, TOPAZ QLD 4885 PO Box 110, MALANDA QLD 4885 Small Documents Extract
1288 Ngalanga Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Playgroup and Enrichment Deregistered on 18/04/2016 Diana Friday 35 Dutton Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 PO Box 1634, INGHAM QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
8878 Ngalima Ngurru Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Robert Age 5 Copper Crescent, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 5 Copper Crescent, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
7307 Ngalmun Lagau Minaral Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 09/12/2009 Josie Nawia 72 Ikilgau Yabu, Kubin Village, MOA ISLAND QLD 4875 46 Newlgau Lagu, MOA ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
9347 Ngalpa Mura Zageth Kaimel Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Edna Nai Lot 306 Airport Road, YORKE ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 306 Airport Road, YORKE ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
4132 Ngalundo Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lynette Johanessen 14 Thorn Lane, IPSWICH QLD 4305 14 Thorn Lane, IPSWICH QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
9410 NGAMIIR (Peoples of the Great Barrier Reef) INDIGENOUS CORPORATION Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Cherissma Blackman-Costelloe 2694 Round Hill Road, AGNES WATER QLD 4677 Lot 1, Forestry Road, LOWMEAD QLD 4676 Small Documents Extract
8299 Ngamp Raak Mela Ngampè Agu Kuungi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/10/2015 Clinton Williams (Holroyd) Pormpuraaw Land and Sea Base, Thinrrathin Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 care of Post Office, Pormpuraaw QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
4097 Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 16/10/2002 Jayne Gilbert Level 1, 19 Aplin Street, Cairns City QLD 4870 C/- Level 1, 19 Aplin Street, Cairns City QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8836 Ngana Malngkanichi Pama (CNCRM) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/05/2018 Johanne Omeenyo 47 Mawarra Street, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 PO Box, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
10334 Nganydjal Waybarra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/09/2024 Angela Hastie 50 Royes Street, Mareeba QLD 4880 50 Royes Street, Mareeba QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
8749 Ngarigo Nation Indigenous Corporation Registered on 12/12/2017 Jason Fieldhouse 12 West Street, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 33 Sky Royal Terrace, BURLEIGH HEADS QLD 4220 Small Documents Extract
10065 Ngarigo Tribal Governing Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/08/2023 Jason Fieldhouse 12 West Street, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 33 Sky Royal Terrace, BURLEIGH HEADS QLD 4220 Small Documents Extract
2635 Nghally Ghungalu Thoonieda Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/02/1996 Roy Bob 33 Hartley Street, WANDAL QLD 4700 PO Box 8225, ALLENSTOWN QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
10225 Ngiyani Wandabaa Indigenous Corporation Registered on 25/03/2024 Eliza Munro Gubbi Gubbi Country, 37 Avocado Drive, Caboolture South QLD 4510 Gubbi Gubbi Country, 37 Avocado Drive, Caboolture South QLD 4510 Small Documents Extract
3166 Ngokal Weendi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/01/1998 Edward Natera C-Post Office, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 C/- PO, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
8275 Ngoonbi Community Services Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/08/2015 Donna O'Chin 2/40 Coondoo Street, KURANDA QLD 4881 12 Shane Court, KURANDA QLD 4881 Large Documents Extract
7982 Ngrragoonda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 25/11/2013 Nicole Santo 6 Dundee Street, Charters Towers QLD 4820 PO Box 1545, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Large Documents Extract
7727 Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 15/05/2012 Veronica Edwards 24 Hannam Street, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 24 Hannam Street, BUNGALOW QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
8177 Ngulpa Ngulpa Womens Business Cultural and Wellbeing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Florence Burns 1 Long Street, Mooroobool QLD 4870 19 Craig Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4135 Ngumarryina Development Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/12/2002 Tahlia Willetts 3208/397 Christine Avenue, VARSITY LAKES QLD 4227 3208/397 Christine Avenue, VARSITY LAKES QLD 4227 Small Documents Extract
3159 Ngurri-Ngurri Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 13/01/1998 Pearl Isaacson 114 East Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 2234, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
7447 Ngurrugu Yinarr Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 14/03/2013 Mitzi Dennison 106 Wallace St, WARWICK QLD 4370 4 Hensler Street, Goondiwindi QLD 4390 Small Documents Extract
4616 Nguurruumungu Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 09/11/2011 Isobelle Anderson 18 Ward Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 18 Ward Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
7592 Nguurruumungu Indigenous Corporation Registered on 21/07/2011 Jamaine Yoren Office 5, 92 Charlotte Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 61 Wenke Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
7885 Ngyangabarra Traditional Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/05/2013 Lorraine Lewis 78 Grigg St, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 13125 Kennedy Highway, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 Small Documents Extract
7061 Ninnie, Boobbagum, Nuchy Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Phyllis Mills 67A Patrick Street, DALBY QLD 4405 5 Bligh Street, DALBY QLD 4405 Small Documents Extract
8366 Nintiringanyi Indigenous Corporation Registered on 24/03/2016 Lolita Lampton 16-18 McCormack Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 PO Box 917, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
4271 Nona Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/03/2017 Maluwap Nona 212 Chapman Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 PO BOX 164, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
1905 Normanby Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/11/1993 Renee Harrigan Normanby Station, Lot 4327 Battlecamp Road, Cooktown QLD 4895 PO Box 577, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
7372 Normanton Assembly of God Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/11/2012 Financier Mazadza 15 Little Brown Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 PO Box 6, NORMANTON QLD 4890 Small Documents Extract
1890 North Ganalanja Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/10/1993 Clarence Walden 175 Cantle Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 175 Cantle Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
4719 North Queensland Child Protection and Alternative Care Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 18/06/2013 Janelle Akee Thursday Island Hospital, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Thursday Island Hospital, PO Box 391, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
1996 North Queensland Land Council Native Title Representative Body Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/03/1994 Leon Yeatman 61 Anderson Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 79 Yarrabah Pine Creek Road, East Trinity QLD 4871 Large Documents Extract
4493 North Queensland Regional Aboriginal Corporation Languages Centre (NQRACLC) Registered on 26/08/2005 Jenny Warrack Unit 1-2, 44 - 48 Aplin Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 266N, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
9437 North Queensland Youth Rehab Education Equine Centre Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Cherry-Lee Yeatman 19 Lockyer Place, Mt Louisa, Townsville QLD 4810 19 Lockyer Place, Mt Louisa, Townsville QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
4011 North Stradbroke Island Community Development Employment Programme Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 09/04/2011 Karen Thurecht Lot 6 Sturt Street, DUNWICH QLD 4183 As above, 0 Medium Documents Extract
8446 North West Queensland Indigenous Services Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/07/2016 Shawtae Smith Unit 3, 2 Gatherer Crescent, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 1/21 Duchess Road, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
670 North Western Queensland Cultural, Heritage and Community Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/06/1988 Chantel Harley 91-93 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 7078, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
9749 Northern BluePrint Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 19/05/2022 Jaime Ahwang 38 Cassia Street, Edge Hill QLD 4870 299 Severin Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
9911 Northern Cape and Torres Strait United Indigenous Corporation RNTBC Registered on 28/02/2023 Troy Roberts Level 1, 82 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9756 Northern Kaanju Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 25/05/2022 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8176 Northern Landcare Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 16/08/2017 Jaunita Doyle 59 Darling Crescent, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 59 Darling Crescent, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
7073 Northern Peninsula Area Justice Services Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 21/06/2008 Cassandra Sabatino Northern Peninsula Area Community Justice Centre, 47 Lui Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876   Small Documents Extract
2881 Northern Regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 04/12/1996 Kerry Locke 1/67 Leyland Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 8 Gatton Street, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Medium Documents Extract
7645 Northern Wakka Wakka Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Winston Mi Mi 2 Kerr Place, Gympie QLD 4570 135 Tomlinson Road, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 Small Documents Extract
1933 NPA Family and Community Services Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 23/12/1993 Karyn Watson Lot 10 Adidi Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876 PO Box 84, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Large Documents Extract
8505 NPA Mens Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 20/11/2017 Lance Kelly C/- Injinoo Healing Centre, INJINOO QLD 4876 54 Peter Street, INJINOO QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
10303 NQ Balas Indigenous Corporation Registered on 04/07/2024 Jessica Nona 18 Roosevelt Loop, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 18 Roosevelt Loop, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
9591 NQ Mountain Movers Indigenous Corporation Registered on 04/10/2021 Richard Parsgaard 168 Pinnacle Drive, CONDON QLD 4815 168 Pinnacle Drive, CONDON QLD 4815 Small Documents Extract
8089 Nuga Nuga Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/07/2014 Rebecca Scheske 2/15 Devonshire Street, Ashgrove QLD 4060 2/15 Devonshire Street, Ashgrove QLD 4060 Small Documents Extract
1618 Nungeena Aboriginal Corporation for Women's Business Registered on 15/09/1992 Hazelle Mace 60 Streek Road, GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAINS QLD 4518 51 Preachers Road, Beerwah QLD 4519 Small Documents Extract
9984 Nungya Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 13/06/2023 Aaron Lawton 29/97 creek street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 Level 19, 10 Eagle Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 Small Documents Extract
4130 Nutcha Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Economic and Community Development Registered on 18/12/2002 Lance McGrady Nutcha A&TSI Corporation, 3 Mackellar Drive, Boronia Heights QLD 4124 3 MacKellar Drive, BORONIA HEIGHTS QLD 4124 Medium Documents Extract
7194 Nyacha Kumapinta Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/04/2009 Donald De Busch 6 Dranham close, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 C/- Post Office, COEN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7390 Nyah Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/06/2010 Trisha Newton 17 Colonial Court, MUDGEERABA QLD 4213 17 Colonial Court, MUDGEERABA QLD 4213 Small Documents Extract
7726 Nyawarri Estate Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 13/10/2020 Rhonda Duffin Nyawarri Estate, 1496 Kennedy Hwy, KURANDA QLD 4881 5 Tulip Close, MANUNDA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8799 Nyiimuchin Kanthanampu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/03/2018 Rodney Accoom 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 80 Blady Grass Street, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
3540 Nywaigi Land Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/01/2000 Melisa Anderson Mungalla Station, Forrest Beach Road, FORREST BEACH QLD 4850 NLAC - Nywaigi Land Aboriginal Corporation, C/- PO Box 5584, STAFFORD HEIGHTS QLD 4053 Small Documents Extract
8670 Oasis Australia Indigenous Corporation (OAIC) Registered on 21/07/2017 Amos Njaramba 1/76 Cochrane Street, Mooroobool QLD 4870 P O Box 6547, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7792 Old Mapoon Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/10/2012 Pauline Smith 17 Lily Street, Cairns North, Cairns North QLD 4870 PO Box 757, EDGE HILL QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
1720 Olkola Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/02/1993 Katherine - Rose Samuel 11A-15 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870 PO BOX 523 Westcourt, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
9103 On Common Country Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 07/08/2024 Robert Kerridge 25A/207 Currumburra Road, ASHMORE QLD 4214 Unit 902, 27 River Street, MACKAY QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
10075 One Civil Ground Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/09/2023 Jody Saunders 180 Highland Street, ESK QLD 4312 PO BOX 19, Greenmount QLD 4359 Small Documents Extract
8682 One Mile Residents Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/08/2017 Pekeri Ruska 16 Mitchell Crescent, DUNWICH QLD 4183 16 Mitchell Crescent, DUNWICH QLD 4183 Small Documents Extract
8228 One Mob Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Jonothan Meuller 7 Court Street, Ipswich QLD 4305 91 Alice Street, GOODNA QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
8755 One Way Solutions Indigenous Corporation Registered on 09/01/2018 Lynette Sutton 20 Strombus Avenue, TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 PO Box 417, TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 Small Documents Extract
4301 Ooboogee Agroforestry Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Jane day Camu Office, Bruce Highway, KENNEDY QLD 4816 PO Box 386, CARDWELL QLD 4849 Medium Documents Extract
8568 Oolgama Enterprises Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/03/2017 Katherine Ainu'u 62 Queens Road, HERMIT PARK QLD 4812 62 Queens Road, HERMIT PARK QLD 4812 Small Documents Extract
7361 Op Ged Makrems Rugby League Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 21/04/2010 Reteah Tapim Murray Island Council Office, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Murray Island, MURRAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7288 Opnor Bakir Atabur (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Registered on 06/11/2009 Peter Hansen Mer Island Canteen, Marou Road, Murray Island QLD 4875 PO Box 1031, Noosa Heads QLD 4567 Medium Documents Extract
9669 Our Future Mentors Indigenous Corporation Registered on 24/01/2022 Esther Gaffney 1 Fitzallan Close, Kanimbla QLD 4870 21 Digger Street, Cairns North QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
9492 Our Yakka Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/04/2021 Donna Lander 13 Greenbury Street, Rockville QLD 4350 94 Devon Park Road, OAKEY QLD 4401 Small Documents Extract
8517 OXYZGEN Indigenous Corporation Registered on 16/12/2016 Douglas Pitt Unit 3/12 Benson Street, Rosslea QLD 4812 11 The Close, Idalia QLD 4811 Small Documents Extract
7251 Palm Island Boxing Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Emmakita Geia 2 Tamarind Street, KIRWAN QLD 4817 PO Box 4193, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
3725 Palm Island Community Justice Group Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 02/05/2014 Cyndell Pryor 5 Outstation Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/- Correctional Services, Main Street, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
4738 Palm Island Community Store Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010   Farm Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816   Small Documents Extract
8211 Palm Island Junior Sports Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/03/2015 Murielle Morgan -Walsh Palm Island Sports & Recreation Centre, 475B Farm Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 274 Coutts Lane, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
3709 Palm Island Mens Business Group Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 05/05/2014 Alfred Lacey Park Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/- Palm Island Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
7259 Palm Island Rodeo Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 21/03/2013 Pauline Shortjoe 1 Longbeach Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/-Palm Island Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
8043 Palm Island Skipjacks Rugby League Club Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Iris Cannon 1 Les Foster Crescent, Butler Bay, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/- Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Small Documents Extract
8923 Pamanyungan Elders Indigenous Corporation Registered on 17/10/2018 Francis Hogan KYC Building, Unit 6/42 Beerburrum Road, Caboolture QLD 4510 PO Box 566, BURPENGARY QLD 4505 Small Documents Extract
8913 Panja (Brigalow) Gambuwal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/09/2018 Rex McGrady 70 Champagne Cresent, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 70 Champagne Avenue, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
7868 Panja Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 25/05/2016 Shontell Ketchell 1 Meander Close, BRINSMEAD QLD 4870 9 Fitzgibbons Street, TAIGUM QLD 4018 Small Documents Extract
8756 Paroo Nebine Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/01/2018 Brian Shillingsworth 48 Stockyard Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 48 Stockyard Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Small Documents Extract
8574 Pass on the Fire Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 21/03/2017 Sammy Leone 7/421 Zillmere Road, ZILLMERE QLD 4034 5 Dulendella Street, ZILLMERE QLD 4034 Small Documents Extract
8205 Pau Enterprises Indigenous Corporation Registered on 12/03/2015   5 Enmore Street, Manoora, CAIRNS QLD 4870   Small Documents Extract
3443 Pearson and Sons Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/08/1999 Deon PEARSON 28, Schrieber, Yarrabah QLD 4871 C/- Post Office, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
9524 Peoples In Mining And Resources Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 18/07/2024 Justin Hogg 3/104 Newmarket Road, Windsor QLD 4030 3/104 Newmarket Road, Windsor QLD 4030 Medium Documents Extract
7523 Pimurra Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/02/2011 Leah Cummins 2 Perkins Street, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 PO Box 556, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 Small Documents Extract
10403 Pininjilla Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/11/2024 Deborah Alvoen 44 Weir Road, Chillagoe QLD 4871 PO Box 108, Chillagoe QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
8056 Pinyali Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 17/06/2024   38 Walker Street, TENNYSON QLD 4105   Medium Documents Extract
1303 Pioneer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 07/09/2009 Sharon Bailey 18 Stuart Street, Northview, MACKAY QLD 4740 18 Stuart Street, Northview , MACKAY QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
3943 Pitta Pitta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 05/02/2002 Lorna Bogdanik C/- Michael Owens Lawyer and Consultant, 15 Cahill Street, Aitkenvale QLD 4814 29 Julago Street, JULAGO QLD 4816 Medium Documents Extract
10349 Pitta Pitta Parri & Thulkuru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/10/2024 Florence Melville 13/79 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 13/79 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 Small Documents Extract
3665 Poonko/Strathgordon Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/08/2000 Stacey Conrad 130 Yulu Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 106 Ritha Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
1591 Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/08/1992 Ganthi Kuppusamy 22-23 Yalu Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 21A Yalu Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 Medium Documents Extract
9896 Port Cornwallis Fisheries (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Registered on 04/07/2023 Torenzo Elisala Lot 15 Main Road, DAUAN ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 15 Main Road, DAUAN ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7064 Port Curtis Coral Coast Aboriginal Corporation - Amalgamated into ICN# 8187 Deregistered on 02/02/2015 Michelle Smith 3 Maryborough Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 69 Cortes Drive, Bundaberg QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
7042 Poruma Zagethau Lag Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Natasha Fauid Mamia Street, Poruma Island, Via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 3 John Kelly Road, Pourma Island, Via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8236 Poruma Zagethau Lag Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 08/10/2015 Sandra Pearson Cnr Olandi & Mimia Street, Poruma Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 5 Murray Street, Coconut Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3612 Porumalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 02/06/2000 Susan Billy c/- TSIRC PORUMA, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 4 Murray Street, COCONUT ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8249 Positive Journeys Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/07/2016 Robert Murphy 17 Waterline Crescent, WATERFORD QLD 4133 PO Box 723, BOOVAL QLD 4304 Medium Documents Extract
10048 Possum Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 09/08/2023 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9048 Power of the Spirit Ministry Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 23/04/2019 Iris Billy Lot 33a Dabus Street, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Lot 33a, Dabus Street, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9086 Pristine Projects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 24/06/2019 Alex Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 36 Broughton Street, GLEBE NSW 2037 Small Documents Extract
7541 Proserpine Indigenous Reference Group Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 28/04/2011   Rn 1973 Crystalbrook Road, PROSERPINE QLD 4800   Small Documents Extract
7244 Punthamurra Aboriginal Corporation for Land, Culture & Heritage Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Robert Burns 59 Galatea Street, CHARLEVILLE QLD 4470 143 Galatea Street, CHARLEVILLE QLD 4470 Small Documents Extract
2164 Purga Elders & Descendants Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/08/1994 Anna Schollum 587 Ipswich/boonah Road, Purga QLD 4306 C/- 301 Kents Lagoon Road, KENTS LAGOON QLD 4309 Small Documents Extract
8090 Purga Wagtails Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Ranald Link Unit 1, 110 Sarah Drive, Yamanto QLD 4305 Unit 1, 110 Sarah Drive, Yamanto QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
7268 Purraka Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/09/2009 Judith Harrison 5 James Street, WATSONVILLE QLD 4887 5 James Street, WATSONVILLE QLD 4887 Small Documents Extract
465 Purrukwarra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Christine Toby Purrukwarra Outstation, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 PO Box 36, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 Medium Documents Extract
10392 Puuya Ngulkuma Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island Corporation Registered on 21/11/2024 Janarra Piva 59 Airport Road, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 24 Roderick Street, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
123 Q.E.B. Sporting Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Chelsea Lucas PO Box 104, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 PO Box 104, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Medium Documents Extract
138 QEC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Legal Services Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Peter John Sorensen 89 Bolsover Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 89 Bolsover Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
7818 Qld Indigenous Netball Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Wanita Martin 33/15 Workshops Street, BRASSALL QLD 4305 7/15 Workshops Street, BRASSALL QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
8309 Quadgee Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 29/03/2019 Cyril Seden 31 Winifred Street, KINGSTON QLD 4114 PO Box 772, FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 Small Documents Extract
9305 Quandamooka Cup Suicide Prevention Indigenous Corporation Registered on 11/06/2020 Sandra Heilig 29 Birch Street, AMITY POINT QLD 4183 29 Birch Street, AMITY POINT QLD 4183 Small Documents Extract
1260 Quandamooka Lands Council Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/06/2015 Joan Hendriks 13 Sturt Street, DUNWICH QLD 4183 P.O. Box 213, Dunwich QLD 4183 Small Documents Extract
7564 Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 01/06/2011 Leigh McPhail 100 East Coast Road, DUNWICH QLD 4183 PO Box 235, DUNWICH QLD 4183 Large Documents Extract
9639 Queary Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/11/2021 Natalie Alberts 4 Shelton Street, Murgon QLD 4605 338 Charles Street, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
2421 Queensland Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Workers Association Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010   Shop 2/194 Spence Street, BUNGALOW QLD 4870   Medium Documents Extract
177 Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Alcohol & Drug Dependence Services Registered on 16/12/1982 Yigezu Ergetu 27 Llewellyn Street, NEW FARM QLD 4005 220 Herston Road, HERSTON QLD 4006 Medium Documents Extract
2124 Queensland Baptist Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Adrian Hartwig 1 Mcewan Street, RIVERVIEW QLD 4303 PO BOX 457, REDBANK QLD 4301 Medium Documents Extract
7306 Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service (QIFVLS) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/12/2009 Wynetta Dewis Suite 4, Level 1, 111 Spence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 4628, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
7037 Queensland Knockouts Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/03/2008 Emmakita Geia 2 Tamarind Street, KIRWAN QLD 4817 2 Tararind Street, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
4296 Queensland Murrie Chaplains Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 28/03/2014   84 Park Road, WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102   Small Documents Extract
4726 Queensland Remote Aboriginal Media Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/11/2006 Candice Sielder-Twine Room 5, Serbian Centre, 73-79 Greenslopes Street, EDGE HILL QLD 4870 PO Box 1164N, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
2110 Queensland South Representative Body Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Wayne Baker PO Box 852, ROMA QLD 4455 Po Box 2562, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Medium Documents Extract
9461 Queensland Youth Connections Indigenous Corporation Registered on 08/03/2021 Penney Ferguson 175 Kalynda Parade, Bohle Plains QLD 4817 4 Tingha Street, CRANBROOK QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
8074 Quilpie Mardigan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 20/02/2020 Brian Shillingsworth 12 Watson Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 12 Watson Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Small Documents Extract
8533 Rainbow Serpent Dreaming Indigenous Corporation Registered on 08/02/2017 Terry Wickey 7 John Carrol Way, Redbank Plains QLD 4301 7 John Carrol Way, Redbank Plains QLD 4301 Small Documents Extract
8338 Rawangawal Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Crystal Murray C/- Miss Crystal Murray, Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation, 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 299 McCoombe Street, Mooroobool QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8113 Red Island Point Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Mark Gebadi 4 Stephen Close, BAMAGA QLD 4876 PO Box 7385, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7679 Red Ochre Developments Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 12/11/2014 Sharyn Delacour 5 Torras Court, KIRWAN QLD 4817 5 Torras Court, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
9106 Red Rock Group Training Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 05/06/2024 Michael Hall Corporate House, U 5/22 Magnolia Drive, Brookwater QLD 4300 21 Alfred Place, Springfield lakes QLD 4300 Medium Documents Extract
9140 Red Rock Safety Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/09/2019 Michael Hall 22 Magnolia Drive, Springfield Lakes QLD 4300 21 Alfred Place, Springfield lakes QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
9098 Red Rock Ventures Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 05/06/2024 Michael Hall Corporate House, U 5/22 Magnolia Drive, Brookwater QLD 4300 21 Alfred Place, Springfield lakes QLD 4300 Medium Documents Extract
7346 REFOCUS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 05/12/2023 Darcy Cavanagh 246 Petrie Creek Road, ROSEMOUNT QLD 4560 PO Box 1503, SUNSHINE PLAZA QLD 4558 Large Documents Extract
10389 Remote Area Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 12/12/2024 Rachaelle Mann 124 Spence Streeet, CAIRNS QLD 4870 98 Gibson Road, BOMBEETA QLD 4871 Large Documents Extract
8231 Rexon Pride Developments Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Anita Goon 50 Shutehaven Circuit, Bushland Beach QLD 4818 16 Hogg Street, DEERAGUN QLD 4818 Small Documents Extract
7758 Rimirimi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/08/2012 Glenys Saltmere 101 Wurrurku Cresent, GUNUNA QLD 4892 24 Barkley Highway, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 Small Documents Extract
7393 Rinyirru (Lakefield) Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/06/2010 Priscilla Gibson Shop 4, Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 C/- Post Office, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
8431 River Nations Indigenous Corporation Registered on 15/06/2016 Luke Watson Level 2, 3 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670 8 Castle Court, MOORE PARK BEACH QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
9702 Rocky Creek Development Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/04/2022 Chris Larkin 12 Lily Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 PO Box 654, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Medium Documents Extract
2760 Roma Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Tracy Landers 18 Arthur Street, ROMA QLD 4455 18 Arthur Street, ROMA QLD 4455 Small Documents Extract
3985 Roma Advancement Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 29/03/2008 Lawrence Blake 111 Currey Stret, ROMA QLD 4455 111 Currey Stret, ROMA QLD 4455 Medium Documents Extract
10061 Rosendale Family Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/08/2023 Stephen Wallace Bonny Glen Station, C/- Lakeland Roadhouse, Lakeland QLD 4871 34 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
4362 Roundhouse Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Colin JOhn Woods Lot 4 Portlands Roads, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870 PMB 52 Portlands Roads, Mail Centre , CAIRNS DC QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
8324 Ruguupyne Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/11/2015 Justina Reid 151A Triluck Street, NAPRANUM QLD 4874 Lot 62 Cullen Point Road, MAPOON QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
9279 Sacred Sites Preservation Project Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 11/06/2020 Norimichi Tsuboi 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7102 Saibai Community Development (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Registered on 23/10/2008 Mariana Babia C/- TSIRC Council Office, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 C/- TSIRC Council Office, Saibai Island, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8422 Saibai Fisheries Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Keri Akiba Saibai Island Regional Council Office, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 106 School Road, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
2993 Saibai Mura Buway (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 06/06/1997 Chelsea Aniba Lot 313 School Island, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 35 Main Road, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
1820 SAIMA Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 16/06/1993 Annie Gela 229 Bolsover Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 252 William Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
8188 Saint Andrew's Anglican Church Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 02/02/2015 Francis Pearson 62 William Street, Poruma Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 17 Olandi Street, Coconut Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8036 Salmon House Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/03/2014 Deanne Minniecon 26 Rose Street, Westcourt QLD 4870 26 Rose Street, Westcourt QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9018 Salt Water and Sailing Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/02/2019 Penelope Springham 177/1 Linear Drive, MANGO HILL QLD 4509 177/1 Linear Drive, MANGO HILL QLD 4509 Small Documents Extract
1619 Samflodai Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 14/10/1992 Kirra Purcell Mimosa Station, MS 322, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 510 Roghan Road, Fitzgibbon QLD 4018 Medium Documents Extract
8600 Sandy Bay Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/08/2018 Robert Tonga Unit 4/10 MacDonald Street, SOUTH MACKAY QLD 4740 Unit 4/10 MacDonald Street, SOUTH MACKAY QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
7603 Sandy Dhagun Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Pearl Sandy 1/56 Warwick Road, IPSWICH QLD 4305 1/56 Warwick Road, IPSWICH QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
3888 Sarina CDEP Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Wayne John Saunders Lot 109 Nickleson St, SARINA QLD 4737 Lot 109 Nickleson St, SARINA QLD 4737 Medium Documents Extract
3290 Saylor Clan Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 John Harrison George Seim Village, DARNLEY ISLAND QLD 4875 Seim Village, DARNLEY ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
9416 SCALA Indigenous Corporation Registered on 16/12/2020 Roma Pregarc 1/74 Sunbeam Street, ANNERLEY QLD 4103 1/74 Sunbeam Street, ANNERLEY QLD 4103 Small Documents Extract
9991 SDC Group Concrete Construction Indigenous Corporation Registered on 23/06/2023 Joel Mohamed 75 Arid Lane, WOOMBYE QLD 4559 66 Dalton Street, WESTCOURT QLD 4870 Large Documents Extract
10488 Seagull Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation Pending James Gibson 1/12 Farrell Street, Yandina QLD 4561 1/12 Farrell Street, Yandina QLD 4561 Small Documents Extract
10374 Secure Nation Group Indigenous Corporation Registered on 09/10/2024 Alex Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 36 Broughton Street, GLEBE NSW 2037 Small Documents Extract
7023 Seisia Community Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 22/01/2008 Devona Elu 5 Mugai Street, SEISIA QLD 4876 PO Box 81, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Large Documents Extract
8522 Seven Rivers Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 12/01/2017 Mikaela Delaney Injinoo Council Office, INJINOO QLD 4876 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7961 SevGen Indigenous Corporation Registered on 17/10/2013 Terri Waller 45 Musa Vale Road, Cooroy QLD 4563 79 Youngs Drive, Doonan QLD 4562 Medium Documents Extract
7933 Silica Sands Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/09/2013 Derek Perkins 68 Spence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 7785, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
10420 Simo's Boxing Club Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/11/2024 Elisha Barba 3 Mayflower St, INNISFAIL ESTATE QLD 4860 3 Mayflower St, INNISFAIL ESTATE QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
9426 Sisters Empowered - Winangali Miimi Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 11/01/2024 Cheree Morton 14A Queen Street, INGLEWOOD QLD 4387 5 Lennon Street, Texas QLD 4385 Small Documents Extract
7465 Sisters in Sharing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 18/10/2010 Marietta Matasia Napranum Women's Centre, Napranum Road, Napranum QLD 4874 PO Box 986, WEIPA QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
8725 Songlines Indigenous Corporation Registered on 19/10/2017 Timothy Firth 14 Manning Circuit, Pacific Pines QLD 4211 14 Manning Circuit, Pacific Pines QLD 4211 Small Documents Extract
8987 South Burnett Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 14/09/2022 Val McGrath

Jocelyn Clancy
703 Couchman Road, PO Box 703, Kingaroy QLD 4610 PO Box 212, Blackbutt QLD 4314

PO Box 703, KINGAROY QLD 4610
Small Documents Extract
9220 South East Queensland Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Chloe Cullen Unit 4/26 East Queensland Indigenous Corporation, IPSWICH QLD 4305 26 Mlebourne Street, KARALEE QLD 4306 Small Documents Extract
8678 South West Indigenous Corporation Registered on 02/08/2017 Mike Townsend 72-76 The Terrace, ST GEORGE QLD 4487 PO Box 377, Beaudesert QLD 4285 Medium Documents Extract
8839 Southern Cairns Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Family and Youth Registered on 29/05/2018 Raymond Sambo 111 Timberlea Drive, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869 111 Timberlea Drive, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
9755 Southern Kaantju Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 25/05/2022 Tahnee Creek 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 7 Reservoir Road, COEN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
8356 Souths Diamondbacks Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2023 Tamala Coolwell 5 Rodney Street, SILKSTONE QLD 4304 5 Rodney Street, SILKSTONE QLD 4304 Small Documents Extract
9239 Sovereign Tri-Nation of Ngadjon Yidinji and Mbabaram Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/03/2020 Cheryl Turpin 18 Ward Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 128 Bischoff Mill Road, WATSONVILLE QLD 4887 Small Documents Extract
7874 SPEAR Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Geoffrey Dymock 7 Gleason Street, MCDOWALL QLD 4053 7 Gleason Street, MCDOWALL QLD 4053 Small Documents Extract
8009 Spinifex Sports Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/01/2014 Susan Dempsey 91-93 Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 61 Arline Street, TOWNVIEW QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
8626 Spirit of Country Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/05/2017 Roma Pregarc 1/74 Sunbeam Street, ANNERLEY QLD 4103 1/74 Sunbeam Street, ANNERLEY QLD 4103 Small Documents Extract
9031 Stepping Black Arts Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 01/05/2024 Zona Hussey-Smith 37 Park Estate Drive, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 37 Park Estate Drive, BRANYAN QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
7832 Stepping Black Indigenous Corporation Australia Registered on 18/01/2013 Zona Hussey-Smith 37 Park Estate Drive, BRANYAN QLD 4670 37 Park Estate Drive, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
8058 Stingray Boxing and Wellbeing Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Teresa Gibson 19 Tee Street, Yorkey's Knob, CAIRNS QLD 4870 15 Kalyan Close, CARAVONICA QLD 4878 Small Documents Extract
7001 Streets Movement Indigenous Corporation Registered on 08/10/2007 Jesse Martin The Cairns Institute. 14-88 McGregor Road., Smithfield QLD 4878 18 Woodrose Drive, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
8716 Strong Women Talking - Marigurim Mubi Yangu Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 09/10/2017 Sono Leone 4/34 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 C/O 930 Gympie Road, Chermside QLD 4032 Medium Documents Extract
4669 Sunshine Coast Young Brothers and Sisters Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Brocey James Fletcher 22 Mirnoo Street, CURRIMUNDI QLD 4551 PO Box 1060, MOOLOOLABA QLD 4557 Medium Documents Extract
3542 Surat Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/01/2000 Megan Allwood 68 Burrowes Street, SURAT QLD 4417 9a Albert Street, ROMA QLD 4455 Medium Documents Extract
9776 SURUMAU GLADIATORS FOOTBALL CLUB TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER CORPORATION Registered on 05/07/2022 Clara Tamu 64 James Street, Warraber Islet QLD 4875 64 James Street, Warraber Islet QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8189 Sustainable Economic Solutions Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 17/10/2016 Davina Herbert 20 Maitland Road, BURPENGARY EAST QLD 4505 PO Box 180, BURPENGARY QLD 4505 Medium Documents Extract
9739 Sustainable Properties Indigenous Corporation Registered on 03/05/2022 Bridgette Yeats 15 Blakehurst Place, Robina QLD 4226 15 Blakehurst Place, Robina QLD 4226 Small Documents Extract
9693 T&L Firestone Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/03/2022 Tahlia Connell 3540 Nerang-Murwillumbah Road, NATURAL BRIDGE QLD 4211 3540 Nerang-Murwillumbah Road, NATURAL BRIDGE QLD 4211 Small Documents Extract
8495 T.E.C.K.nology Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 22/10/2021 Leslie Lowe 27 Hilltop Parade, Avoca QLD 4670 27 Hilltop Parade, Avoca QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
7413 Tableland Menshed Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 11/05/2016 Edward Turpin 141 Atherton Road, MALANDA QLD 4885 PO Box 1078, MALANDA QLD 4885 Small Documents Extract
9478 Tableland Trails Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/04/2021 Kylie-Jane Tull 10 Lindgren Cl, Tolga QLD 4882 PO Box 477, Atherton QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
9165 Tableland Yidinji & Ngadjon Jii Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/11/2019 John Andrews 89 Robert Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 53 Bedivere Drive, Ormeau QLD 4208 Small Documents Extract
7109 Tableland Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 30/08/2008 Sarah Nelson 26b Main Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 C/-Tableland Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, 26b Main Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
7904 Taepathiggi Batavia Clan Group Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/06/2013 Lily Stone 182 Wheeler Street, MAPOON QLD 4874 PO Box 213, WEIPA QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
8661 TAGAI Indigenous Corporation Registered on 13/07/2017 Elekana Faafoi 282 Esplanade Road, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 22 Moyston Street, Carseldine QLD 4034 Small Documents Extract
2272 Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 15/12/1994 Cheyenne Pickering 87 Samwell Street, CROYDON QLD 4871 24 Temple Street, CROYDON QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
7980 Taribelang Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/11/2013 Rebecca Domaille Office 2, 53-55 Perry Street, BUNDABERG NORTH QLD 4670 Office 2 53-55 Perry Street, Bundaberg North QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
8815 Taribelang Cultural Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 29/03/2018 Nicole Tiger 3 Maryborough Street, Suit 2 Level 1, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 16 Ford Street, BUNDABERG SOUTH QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
9886 Tayaqobi Archer Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/12/2022 Anthea Busch 21 Wills Street, Brinsmead QLD 4870 21 Wills Street, Brinsmead QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7756 TDT Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/07/2012 Tiffany Deeral 14 Beach Road, Hope Vale QLD 4895 C/o Post Office, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
8489 Team Indigenous Corporation Registered on 07/11/2016 Robert Garrett 19 lagoona Court, Churchill QLD 4305 Unit 2/66 Locke Crescent, REDBANK PLAINS QLD 4301 Small Documents Extract
9763 Tehilla Fellowship, Power of the Spirit Ministry, Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 05/10/2023 Alison Sailor 53 Douglas Street, Poruma Island QLD 4875 30 William Street, Poruma Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8317 Tennant Creek Mob Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/11/2015 Jacqueline Bethel O'Regan and Partners, 70 Camoolweal Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 762, TENNANT CREEK NT 0861 Medium Documents Extract
10153 Teppethiggi Ni'Ripono Landcare Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/02/2024 Temaleti Matasia 210 Ndrulli ST, Mapoon QLD 4874 210 Ndrulli ST, Mapoon QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
9954 Ternary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 11/05/2023 Rhea Stephenson 23 Sedgman Street, MORANBAH QLD 4744 10 Apex Ave, KIPPA-RING QLD 4021 Medium Documents Extract
4732 Thaa-Nguigarr Strathgordon Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 22/06/2007 Madlyn Conrad C/- Cape York Land Council, 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 106 Ritha Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7916 Thagaalbi Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 28/01/2015 Kayannie Denigan 6-8 Soderberg Close, REDLYNCH QLD 4870 PO Box 5724, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8713 Thanakwith Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/10/2017 Maryann Luff 5 Pascoe Street, UMAGICO QLD 4876 PO Box 156, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
7596 Thanil Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/07/2011 Leeland James 57 Hope Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 PO Box 8164, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
770 Tharpuntoo Cape York Legal Service Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Frederick Brian Healey 2nd Floor McLeod South, 78 Spence Street , CAIRNS QLD 4870 2nd Floor McLeod South, 78 Spence Street , CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2476 Thayoree Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 John Coleman 84 Rranth Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 C/- Post Office, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
2473 The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Health Education & Training (South East Queensland) Deregistered on 17/03/2011 Rebecca Moore 252 Annerley Road, DUTTON PARK QLD 4102 61 St Patrick Avenue, Kuraby QLD 4112 Medium Documents Extract
3201 The Aboriginal Corporation of West Coast Cape York Peninsula Traditional Land Owners Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Bruce Gibson Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Community, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 C/- Pormpuraaw Post Office, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7920 The Alliance of the Northern Gulf Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Sharon Prior 9A Hort Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO Box 1535, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
8624 The Bundaberg Woorabar Elders Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Dorothy Brown 1-149 George Street, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 54 Alice Street, WALKERVALE QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
39 The Central West Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/12/1979 Janeece Thompson 82 Ash Street, BARCALDINE QLD 4725 45 Maple Street, BARCALDINE QLD 4725 Medium Documents Extract
7803 The Cultural Enhancement Group Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 10/10/2024 Daniel O'Shane 60 Banning Ave, Brinsmead QLD 4870 32 Denbeigh Street, Parramatta Park QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
4750 The Cunnamulla Aboriginal Environment, Social and Emotional Well-Being Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 14/02/2012 Wendy McKellar 12 Mabel Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 PO Box 52, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Medium Documents Extract
7358 The Descendants of Bill Gesa Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 01/06/2017 Maria Turpin 9 Anthony Drive, ATHERTON QLD 4883 PO Box 234, YUNGABURRA QLD 4884 Small Documents Extract
10325 The Descendants of Jimmy Queary Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/07/2024 Matthew Queary 25 Arborwood Avenue, SPRINGFIELD QLD 4300 25 Arborwood Avenue, SPRINGFIELD QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
7337 The Descendants of LA & LR Gesa Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Roslyn Beazley 3/42 Weaver Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 24 Lily Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
4754 The First Nations Peoples Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 20/09/2023 Dale Kerwin 142 Wattle Drive, Kumbarilla via, Dalby QLD 4405 17 Jubliee Road, CARTERS RIDGE QLD 4563 Small Documents Extract
8413 The Generation Rising Initiative Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Eugenie Ball 2/12 Victoria Parade, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 971, Thursday Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
467 The Gooddo Aboriginal Corporation for Day Care Deregistered on 24/10/2012 Delena Foster Park Road, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 C/- Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Medium Documents Extract
10468 The Grindfather Indigenous Corporation Registered on 29/01/2025 Zac McLean 5/2-4 New Street, Nerang QLD 4211 7 O'Doherty Avenue, Southport QLD 4215 Small Documents Extract
3555 The Guru-Gulu Gungandji Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 02/07/2015 Ailsa Lively 1 Smith Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 100 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
7287 The House of Uradaki Dance Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Cynthia Terare 1413 Oxenford/Tamborine Road, WONGAWALLAN QLD 4210 1413 Oxenford/Tamborine Road, WONGAWALLAN QLD 4210 Small Documents Extract
9937 The Indigenous Black Belt Movement Indigenous Corporation Registered on 12/04/2023 Cherie Thompson 11/24 Central Park Drive, YANDINA QLD 4561 118R Benolong Road, BENOLONG NSW 2818 Small Documents Extract
7809 The Indigenous Corporation for the North Coast Dolphins Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Troy Kennedy 62B Franklin Drive, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 62B Franklin Drive, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
8708 The Miappi and Miacudunu Bloodline Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/09/2017 Sharn Fogarty 6 Sulphide Street, Miles End QLD 4825 6 Sulphide Street, Miles End QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
7310 The Mitchell River Traditional Custodians Advisory Group Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/12/2009 Natasha Bell 28 Peters Street, Mareeba QLD 4880 54 McKeown Road, Yungaburra QLD 4884 Small Documents Extract
8853 The National Aboriginal Corporation of Australia Registered on 26/06/2018 Nina Lawrence 7 Lago Crescent, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 7 Lago Crescent, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
2924 The North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health Registered on 10/02/1997 Sharelle Eggmolesse 8/8 Innovation Parkway, BIRTINYA QLD 4575 6 Lanena Street, Mountain Creek QLD 4557 Large Documents Extract
597 The Nunukul/Ngugi Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation of Quandamooka Deregistered on 04/02/2011 Linda Gross 26 Petrie Street, DUNWICH QLD 4183 26 Petrie Street, DUNWICH QLD 4183 Medium Documents Extract
8225 The Only Way Is Up Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Graeme Tudor 840, Middle Road, PURGA QLD 4306 50 Julie Road, ELLEN GROVE QLD 4078 Small Documents Extract
1581 The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Education Program Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/05/2015 Lesley Law 379 Spence Street, Bungalow QLD 4870 PO Box 202, Bungalow QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
7528 The Shine Group Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 18/04/2016 Justin Thompson 34 West Street, SARINA QLD 4737 PO Box 442, Sarina QLD 4737 Small Documents Extract
9082 The Voice of One, Power of the Spirit Ministry Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 15/07/2019 Ranetta Nawakil Lot 116 Nona Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 116 Nona Street, BADU ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7641 The Women United Network Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Miranda Tedeschi 19 Cox Close, TINGALPA QLD 4173 19 Cox Close, TINGALPA QLD 4173 Small Documents Extract
9501 The Youth Embassy Aboriginal Corporation for First Nations Youth Registered on 10/06/2021   26 Boronia Crescent, MARCOOLA QLD 4564   Small Documents Extract
9341 Thoegayn Baw Indigenous Corporation Registered on 07/08/2020 Kasa Warusam Lot 87 Airport Drive, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 87 Airport Drive, SAIBAI ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8597 Thulgarrie - Your Journey Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Raylene Hodges 54 Marmoset Circuit, Dakabin, Brisbane QLD 4001 54 Marmoset Circuit, DAKABIN QLD 4503 Small Documents Extract
8773 Thupmul Coffee Youth Mentoring Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Robert Tamwoy 10 Charlie Street, UMAGICO QLD 4876 Post office Box 28, BAMAGA QLD 4876 Small Documents Extract
7119 Thurrbiil Community Justice Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 23/08/2011 Timothy McGreen 641 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 C/- Post Office, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
7110 Thursday Island Justice Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/08/2008 Amos Lewin 10 Pearl Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 794, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
7834 Thuwathu Wellesley Islands Sport & Recreation Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 04/07/2019   2 Lardil Street, GUNUNA QLD 4892   Small Documents Extract
9141 Thypan Tuulka Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lucretia Huen C/- Cape York Land Council, 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 52 Shephard Street, COEN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
4087 Tjapanbara Yidindji Aboriginal Corporation (Goldsborough Valley Group) Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Yvonne Stevens 60 Murray Street, Manoora, CAIRNS QLD 4870 60 Murray Street, Manoora, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
8458 Tjungundji Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/07/2016 Maria Pitt Lot 69 Weipa Road, MAPOON QLD 4874 Lot 69 Weipa Road, MAPOON QLD 4874 Small Documents Extract
7661 Tjungundji Avarukka Reef Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 27/01/2015 Tullia Grego Land, Sea & Cultural Centre, MAPOON, WEIPA QLD 4874 7 Maynard Court, CONDON QLD 4815 Small Documents Extract
10305 Toffcorp Indigenous Corporation Registered on 20/06/2024 Kleon Toffetti 79 Penarth Street, RUNCORN QLD 4113 79 Penarth Street, RUNCORN QLD 4113 Small Documents Extract
9808 Toomelah Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/07/2022 Lauren McGrady 59 Russell Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 59 Russell Street, GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 Small Documents Extract
4204 Toowoomba Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Cultural Connections and Community Care Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Bernadette Janett Beezley 3 Scott Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 3 Scott Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Medium Documents Extract
3618 Toowoomba Aboriginal Corporation for CDEP Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Raymond Nagas 5 Bowen Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 PO Box 7989, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
3939 Toowoomba Council of Elders Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 14/02/2012   37 Dalmeny Street, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350   Small Documents Extract
8569 Torres Health Indigenous Corporation Registered on 03/03/2017 Flora Warrior 63 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 90 School Road, MABUIAG ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
9432 Torres Strait Islander Nurses Indigenous Corporation Registered on 02/02/2021 Fauziah Mosby

Sam Mills
8/58 Hargrave Street, Thursday Island QLD 4875 PO Box 301, Thursday Island QLD 4875

8/58 Hargrave Street, Thursday Island QLD 4875
Small Documents Extract
7681 Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health Services Registered on 13/03/2012 Gregory Redington 296 Ross River Road, AITKENVALE QLD 4814 15 Kelly Street, MUNDINGBURRA QLD 4812 Large Documents Extract
8349 Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Media - Amalgamated from ICNs# [441] [8070] Registered on 24/02/2016   PO Box 5483, TMC, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810   Medium Documents Extract
1653 Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation For Women Registered on 04/11/1992 Evelyn Hafner 33 - 37 Aitken Street, AITKENVALE QLD 4814 Unit 1/5 China Street, MUNDINGBURRA QLD 4812 Medium Documents Extract
441 Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Media Aboriginal Corporation - Amalgamated into ICN# 8349 Deregistered on 24/02/2016 Jeffrey Henaway 271-279 Sturt Street, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 C/- PO Box 5483, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
4257 Townsville Community Justice Group Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 22/07/2003 Harriet Hulthen Unit 4 / 36-40 Ingham Rd, WEST END QLD 4810 PO Box 4198, VINCENT QLD 4814 Medium Documents Extract
313 Townsville Diocese Catholic Council Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 08/11/2011 Leonard Horner Cnr Meenan & Lonerganne Streets, GARBUTT QLD 4814 PO Box 6149, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
8070 Townsville Radio Station 4K1G Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation - Amalgamated into ICN# 8349 Deregistered on 24/02/2016 Jeffrey Henaway 271-279 Sturt Street, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 C/- PO Box 5483, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Medium Documents Extract
3783 Townsville Thuringowa Indigenous Peoples Community Employment Enterprise Development Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/06/2010 Susan Coralie Surha 23 Casey Street, AITKENVALE QLD 4814 PO Box 1333, AITKENVALE QLD 4814 Medium Documents Extract
4404 Townsville Thuringowa Region Indigenous Men's Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 28/05/2013 Randal Ross 64 Mount Low Parkway, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 64 Mt Low Parkway, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Small Documents Extract
2373 Trading Arts and Crafts Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 02/08/2010 Pearl Connelly Trading Arts & Crafts, 25A Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Trading Arts & Crafts, 25A Miles Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
7264 Traditional Mununjali Elders Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/09/2009 Geraldine Page 26 Birnam Street, BEAUDESERT QLD 4285 29 Stirling Street, BEAUDESERT QLD 4285 Small Documents Extract
2414 Traditional Waanyi Elders Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/05/1995 Kerry-Ann Gallagher 12 Cairns Drive, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 12 Cairns Drive, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
7153 TRAWQ Indigenous Corporation Registered on 03/12/2008 Nancy Hooper 68 Waiben Esplanade, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 176, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9045 Treaty Council Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 18/04/2019 Alex Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 36 Broughton Street, GLEBE NSW 2037 Small Documents Extract
9291 True-Blue Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/05/2020 Venita Wheeler 37 Brown Street, Croydon QLD 4871 PO Box 19, CROYDON QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
721 TSNP Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal Corporation for Legal Services Deregistered on 17/03/2010 John Stephen Abednego 56-58 Douglas Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 112, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Medium Documents Extract
583 Tugulawa Womens Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Esther Illin 75 Halstead Street, GULLIVER QLD 4812 75 Halstead Street, GULLIVER QLD 4812 Small Documents Extract
10341 Tulmur Community Justice Group Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 20/08/2024 Jacqueline Cressbrook 65 Roderick Street, IPSWICH QLD 4305 12 Leahy Street, BRASSALL QLD 4305 Small Documents Extract
7174 TWAL Justice Indigenous Corporation Registered on 10/02/2009 Allison Kepa 183 Whatyne Street, NAPRANUM, WEIPA QLD 4874 36 Prengim Street, MISSION RIVER QLD 4874 Medium Documents Extract
8059 Two Sea Turtles Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 21/05/2018 Robert Tonga Unit 4/10 MacDonald Street, SOUTH MACKAY QLD 4740 Unit 4/10 MacDonald Street, SOUTH MACKAY QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
3935 Ugar Ged Kem Le Zeuber Er Kep Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/01/2002 Seriako Stephen 7 Poruma Street, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 1005, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9394 UME Lynx Training Indigenous Corporation Registered on 22/10/2020 Joseph Lui 57 Mallicoola Crescent, EDMONTON QLD 4869 57 Mallicoola Crescent, EDMONTON QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
918 Umpi Korumba Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Housing Registered on 26/10/1989 Mary Doctor 74 Handford Road, ZILLMERE QLD 4034 PO Box 269, ZILLMERE QLD 4034 Medium Documents Extract
9982 Umpila Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/06/2023 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 PO Box 2496, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
7243 Undanbi Cultural Community Care Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/06/2017 Jasmine Gela 8 Pennyroyal Circle, CURRIMUNDI QLD 4551 33 Flinders Street, NAMBOUR QLD 4560 Small Documents Extract
9921 Undumbi Muckan Tribe Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/03/2023 Jacob Muckan 5 Myrtle Close, KAWUNGAN QLD 4655 5 Mrytle Close, Kawungan QLD 4655 Small Documents Extract
10479 United Mob Connexions Indigenous Corporation Registered on 20/02/2025 Brett Davis 25 Coolabah Court, Pie creek QLD 4570 25 Coolabah Court, Pie creek QLD 4570 Small Documents Extract
7598 Upper Ross Jahjems Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 21/05/2012 Nicole Mohajer 34 Dunlop Street, KELSO QLD 4815 34 Dunlop Street, KELSO QLD 4815 Small Documents Extract
10231 Ut-Alkar Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 18/04/2024 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 c/- 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9606 Uutaalnganu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/10/2021 Bronwyn Accoom 32 Florence Street, PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, Parramatta Park, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
3409 Uwoykand Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 12/08/1999 Carol Chong 1 Sebastiano Close, MAREEBA QLD 4880 1 Sebastiano Close, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
7861 Val Boxing Sports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 21/02/2023 Pauline Long 249b Jacob Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876 PO Box 8086, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8334 Vineyard Christ Rollerz Ministry Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Meker Adidi 143 timberlea Drive, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869 143 timberlea Drive, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
10307 Vitawerx Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/06/2024 Sally Hourigan Level 18, 324 Queen Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Level 18, 324 Queen Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Medium Documents Extract
8995 W.Y.L.D. Projects Indigenous Corporation Registered on 05/02/2019 Robin Conlon 45 Arcadia Drive, BRANYAN QLD 4670 26 Dobson Drive, STRATHPINE QLD 4500 Medium Documents Extract
3748 Waanyi Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/06/2001 Dawn Aplin Level 2, 85 Lake Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 12 Knott Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Medium Documents Extract
7448 Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 16/09/2010 Trent Mckenzie FIRST FLOOR 7/345 SHERIDAN STREET, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 735, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
9108 Waanyi Tribal Governing Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/07/2019 Jane Trindle 74 Drysdale Street, AYR QLD 4807 74 Drysdale Street, AYR QLD 4807 Small Documents Extract
8303 Waarnthuurr-iin Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/11/2015 Elizabeth Olbar 122 Link Road, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 9 Binthin Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
3683 Waawidji Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Leon Appo Meebira, MS 16, Aherns Road, MALENY QLD 4552 PO Box 967, MALENY QLD 4552 Small Documents Extract
7117 Wabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 13/09/2008 Salma Bowie Suite 66A Grigg Street, Ravenshoe QLD 4888 66A Grigg Street, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 Medium Documents Extract
9634 Waddy Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/11/2021 Elizabeth Johnston 3/349 Greenwattle Street, WILSONTON QLD 4350 3/349 Greenwattle Street, WILSONTON QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
7983 Wadja Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/11/2013 Donna Aston 5/160 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton City QLD 4700 5/160 Bolsover Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
7623 Wadja Traditional Knowledge Centre Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Phillip Obah 5 Devon Street, GULLIVER QLD 4812 Unit 2/59 Chandler Street, GARBUTT QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
1039 Wadja Wadja Aboriginal Corporation for Education Registered on 07/06/1990 Michelle Sainsbury Wadja Wadja High School, 116 Munns Drive, Woorabinda QLD 4713 GLEN EDEN, MS 671, BARALABA QLD 4702 Medium Documents Extract
1557 "Waiben" Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 31/07/1992 Matilda Bani 36 Mapleton Street, MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 18 Nugent Street, DURACK QLD 4077 Small Documents Extract
9592 Wakaman Kung Kung Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 23/09/2021 Shenda Evans 111 Clara ST, Camp Hill QLD 4152 111 Clara Street, CAMP HILL QLD 4152 Small Documents Extract
2413 Wakamin Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 23/06/1995 Nelson O'Neill 75 Ward Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 5/61 Albert Street, Goodna QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
4550 Wakeyama (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 01/08/2005 David David C/- Iama Island Council Office, Iama Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 PO Box 38, Iama Island, via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7844 Wakka Wakka Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Hope Mailman C/- QCHANTS, Unit 8-10 Tannachy Centre, 49 Bolsover Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 444 Murphy Street, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Small Documents Extract
1906 Wakka Wakka Jinda Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/11/1993 Paula Hawkins 19 Bridge Street, Gayndah QLD 4625 19 Bridge Street, Gayndah QLD 4625 Small Documents Extract
2271 Wakka Wakka Legal Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Edna Maud Malone 120 Lamb Street, MURGON QLD 4605 120 Lamb Street, MURGON QLD 4605 Medium Documents Extract
8903 Wakka Wakka Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 06/09/2018 Patricia Bond C/- Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 C/- Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 Small Documents Extract
8291 Wakka Wakka Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Gary Cobbo (Snr) 32 Park Street, BANYO QLD 4014 32 Park Street, BANYO QLD 4014 Small Documents Extract
8659 Walanyja Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Alexandria Fowler 79 Kookaburra Street, Mount Isa, Mount Isa QLD 4825 104 Pamela Street, Townview, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
9868 Walk With Us Indigenous Corporation Registered on 02/11/2022 Sylvia Cobbo 6 Stan Mickelo Street, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 35 Windermere Boulevard, AVELEY WA 6069 Small Documents Extract
7951 Walkabout Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 23/08/2024 Malcolm Deen Shop 18-41 Bailey Road, DECEPTION BAY QLD 4508 9 Krause Street, DECEPTION BAY QLD 4508 Small Documents Extract
7820 Wallen Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Amanda Fyfe 5 Wenke Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
3144 Walmbaar Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 28/08/1998 Jamiel Gibson 24 Flierl Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 24 Flierl Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
2957 Waluwarra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/08/2014 Shantel Ahkit Mt Isa, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 14 Enid Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
8869 Waluwarra Georgina Sulieman Rivers People Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Lionel Dempsey 5 Cassowary Street, LONGREACH QLD 4730 5 Cassowary Street, LONGREACH QLD 4730 Small Documents Extract
8885 Wambilbayi Rodeo and Sporting Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Phyllis Douglas 231 Daylight Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 231 Daylight Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
9459 Wan'di Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/03/2021 Christine McJannett 10 Trulson Street, GIN GIN QLD 4671 House 13 Kookaburra Park, 4528 Bundaberg Gin Gin Road, GIN GIN QLD 4671 Small Documents Extract
2485 Wandiny RAPASS Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 10/10/2023 Anjannja Shooter 110 Bailey Road, Deception Bay QLD 4508 6 Tamarix Street, ALEXANDRA HILLS QLD 4161 Small Documents Extract
7155 Wangan Jagalingou Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 10/02/2009 Anthony Esposito 301 Given Terrace, PADDINGTON QLD 4064 39 St Johns Avenue, Ashgrove QLD 4060 Medium Documents Extract
8081 Wangerriburra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 14/07/2014 Stephen Watson 7 Jocelyn Place, MOUNT GRAVATT EAST QLD 4122 7 Jocelyn Place, MOUNT GRAVATT EAST QLD 4122 Small Documents Extract
7122 Wangkamadla Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 30/09/2008 Avelina Tarrago 14 Patwill Street, Boondall QLD 4034 Unit 502, 8 Hunt Street, HAMILTON QLD 4007 Small Documents Extract
4153 Wangkamanha Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Charles Louis Page 12 Bougainville ST, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 12 Bougainville ST, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
4662 Wangka-Yutjurru Warluwarra Wangkamanha Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/12/2006 Fiona Maher 32 Pacific Drive, Banksia Beach, Bribie Island QLD 4507 8 George Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
4696 Wanjahnin Women's Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 12/05/2014 Deeveena Murphy 48 Curtin Street, Westcourt QLD 4870 48 Curtin Street, Westcourt QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8748 Wanthungu Ayki Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 20/03/2023 Teho Ropeyarn 22 Apudthama Road, INJINOO QLD 4876 50 Adam Drive, BRINSMEAD QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8305 Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 22/10/2015 Jeffrey Tull Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC 8305, 388 Dean Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700 37 Woodville Street, North Rockhampton, WANDAL QLD 4700 Medium Documents Extract
9157 Ware Corner Elders (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Registered on 04/11/2019 Moilang (Rosie) Ware 78 Hargrave Street, Thursday Island QLD 4875 PO Box 555, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
4064 Ware Corner Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 17/09/2002 Katherine Ware 9 Cliff Close, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 9 Cliff Close, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
8690 Warga Badda Nywaigi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 14/08/2017 David Thomas Marrawah Law Pty Ltd, The Hub Level 6, 200 Adelaide Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 PO Box 584, Alice Springs NT 0871 Small Documents Extract
10173 Waringhehn Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/01/2024 Melissa Chalmers 153 Pratten Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 153 Pratten Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
1760 Warlpeyangkere Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 25/05/2016 Kathy Daley C/- 23 Kyrie Avenue, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 23 Kyrie Avenue, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
3613 Warraberalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Registered on 02/06/2000 Iris Billy 12 Ganaia Street, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Lot 33a Dabus Street, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
7354 Warraberalgal Fishermen's Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Willie Lui Lot 42A, Aikura Street, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Warraber Island, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
3954 Warragudja Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Rosemary Foster Eight Mile Outstation, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 C/O Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Medium Documents Extract
2323 Warrego Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/06/2008 Allan Murphy 47 Arthur Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 PO Box 131, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Medium Documents Extract
4127 Warrego/Paroo Aboriginal Corporation for Housing and Land Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Ada Branfield 42 Broad Street, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 PO Box 67, CUNNAMULLA QLD 4490 Medium Documents Extract
4210 Warrgamay Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/06/2010 Christine Wazana George 3 Yeldham Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 PO Box 501, INGHAM QLD 4850 Medium Documents Extract
7621 Warrgamay Bada Bada Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Sarah Morganson-Kyle 9 Rosendahl Street, HALIFAX QLD 4850 39 Cooper Street, Ingham QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
9530 Warrgamay Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 23/06/2021 Tammy Choolburra 2 Elinga Court, Mount Louisa QLD 4814 2 Elinga Court, Mount Louisa QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
2071 Warrgoobulginda Aboriginal Corporation, Doomadgee Registered on 09/06/1994 Eleanor Logan Sharp Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 C/- Post Office, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Medium Documents Extract
2598 Warrgumay Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Society for Men Deregistered on 21/06/2010 Arthur Burns PO Box 891, INGHAM QLD 4850 PO Box 891, INGHAM QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
249 Warringu Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 27/01/1984 Janelle Casella 1/13 Pease Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 PO Box 6145, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
7130 Warrungu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 19/10/2008 Damien Fred 145 Harold Street, WEST END QLD 4810 PO Box 7743, GARBUTT QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
7074 Waru Sport & Recreational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Bevan Ah Kee 15 Carron Close, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869 15 Carron Close, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
1988 Warwick Aboriginal Corporation for Employment Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Coral Brown 5 Churchill Drive, WARWICK QLD 4370 5 Churchill Drive, WARWICK QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
4254 Warwick and Southern Region CDEP Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 22/06/2010 Mavis Jean Cooper 24 High Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 24 High Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
7204 Warwick Indigenous Mens Association Group Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 05/09/2011 Damien Eade 86 McEvoy Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 PO Box 548, WARWICK QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
7099 Warwick Medical Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 27/04/2012 Aneata Hickey 13 Lyons Crescent, WARWICK QLD 4370 13 Lyons Street, WARWICK QLD 4370 Small Documents Extract
9637 Watcho Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/11/2021 Jessica Watcho Unit 7/24 Goodfellows Road, Kallangur QLD 4503 Unit 7/24 Goodfellows Road, Kallangur QLD 4503 Small Documents Extract
4385 Watsonville Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 16/06/2004 Valmai Turpin 54 McKeown Road, EAST BARRON QLD 4883 54 McKeown Road, EAST BARRON QLD 4883 Small Documents Extract
9055 Wayal-Wayal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/05/2019 Andrew Warland 71 Mary Jane Drive, JULATTEN QLD 4871 71 Mary Jane Drive, JULATTEN QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
8478 Waymbuurr-warra Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/09/2016 Rickii-lee Woibo C/- Cape York Land Council, 32 Florence Stree, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 2496, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9142 WC Originalz Community Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Christine Doyle 7 Suesee Avenue, MOUNT ISA CITY QLD 4825 7 Suesee Avenue, MOUNT ISA CITY QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
7349 Wei'Num Arts and Crafts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 29/04/2010 Daphne de Jersey 45 Chakarra Street, Mapoon QLD 4874 PO Box 134, WEIPA QLD 4874 Medium Documents Extract
9983 Weipa Peninsula People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 07/06/2023 Renee McDonald 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
2772 Weribone Jack Family Descendants Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/06/1996 Maria Weribone 5A Miller Parade, EVERTON HILLS QLD 4053 5A Miller Parade, EVERTON HILLS QLD 4053 Small Documents Extract
825 Werne Ngal Karan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 18/06/2013 Annie Chong 1 Dajibuka Street, GUNUNA QLD 4871 C/- Junkuri Laka, 2 Lardil Street, GUNUNA QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
139 West Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Legal Aid Registered on 21/01/1982 Patricia Lees 4 Simpson Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 P.O Box 1555, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
3326 Western Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 30/12/1998 Fallon Whibberley 39 Constance Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 39 Constance Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Medium Documents Extract
10002 Whemalla Baayami Indigenous Corporation Registered on 23/06/2023 Joshua Hebbard 151 Hinkler Drive, WORONGARY QLD 4213 151 Hinkler Drive, WORONGARY QLD 4213 Small Documents Extract
8486 WHG Country Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/10/2016 Marcelle Mackintosh 30 Mason Street, Clifton QLD 4361 117 Hansen's Road, WONDAI QLD 4606 Small Documents Extract
9775 Whitsunday Arts and Cultural Indigenous Corporation Registered on 01/07/2022 Harold Bowen 2/265 Shute Harbour Road, AIRLIE BEACH QLD 4802 32 Warren Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 Small Documents Extract
7359 Whitsunday Sport and Recreation Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Aaron Motto 11 Catalina court, BOWEN QLD 4805 87 Powell Street, BOWEN QLD 4805 Small Documents Extract
3589 Wide Bay Aboriginal Corporation for Child Protection Registered on 05/05/2000 Jodie Lampton 2/245 Bourbong Street, Bingera Court, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 PO Box 2472, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
8911 Widi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 25/09/2018 Jonathon Fulcher Level 8 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Level 8 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 Medium Documents Extract
7887 Widjagudgeegudgee Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Phillis Douglas 149 Walden Drive, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 231 Daylight Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
7215 Wik & Kugu Art & Craft Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/05/2009 Gabriel Waterman Themp Street, AURUKUN QLD 4892 424 Wuungkam Street, AURUKUN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
9253 Wik Warriors Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/03/2020 Richard Janus 275 Ian Peinkinna St, Aurukun QLD 4892 PO Box 81, REDLYNCH QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9651 Williams Family Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Katina Leedie 13 Murray Road, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 13 Murray Road, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 Small Documents Extract
229 Williejuddara Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Julie George Williejuddara Hall, Barkly Highway, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 c/- Post Office, CAMOOWEAL QLD 4828 Small Documents Extract
8675 Wimarangga Indigenous Corporation Registered on 27/07/2017 Albert Bosen 30 Roberts Crescent, BELLBIRD PARK QLD 4300 15 The Reach Court, SPRINGFIELD LAKES QLD 4300 Small Documents Extract
1065 Winnam Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 29/08/1990 Tracey Richards 150 Whites Road, Lota QLD 4179 116 Rose Street, WOOLOOWIN QLD 4030 Large Documents Extract
548 Winton District Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 03/06/1987 Natasha Howard 16 Bladensburg Lane, Winton QLD 4735 96 Vindex Street, WINTON QLD 4735 Small Documents Extract
3415 Wiri Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 21/06/2010 Jean Sauney 65 Range Rd, SARINA QLD 4737 65 Range Rd, SARINA QLD 4737 Medium Documents Extract
8200 Wiri Bimbi Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Len Watson 11 Alma Street, WOREE QLD 4868 11 Alma Street, WOREE QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
4670 Wiri Cultural Heritage and Community Development Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Norman Johnson 19 Keenan Street, OONOONBA QLD 4811 Adaluma on Urannah Station, Bee Creek Rd, Via, EUNGELLA QLD 4757 Small Documents Extract
7953 Wiri Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Claudine Walsh 42 Place Avenue, SARINA QLD 4737 11 Langdon Street, SARINA QLD 4737 Small Documents Extract
7599 Wirrinyah Gurrnung Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/08/2011 Larena Thompson 7 Baden Jones Way, NORTH BOOVAL QLD 4304 7 Baden Jones Way, NORTH BOOVAL QLD 4304 Small Documents Extract
10451 With Our Two Hands Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 07/01/2025 Rachel Loli 6 Citron Court, Bellbowrie QLD 4070 6 Citron Court, Bellbowrie QLD 4070 Small Documents Extract
9456 Woesa Kula Indigenous Corporation Registered on 25/02/2021 Laurie Elisala Lot 60, Main Road, Dauan Island QLD 4875 Lot 60, Main Road, Dauan Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9179 Women's and Men's Alliance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 15/11/2019 Shirley Finn Unit 7, 424 Gympie Road, STRATHPINE QLD 4500 123 Youngs Crossing Road, Joyner QLD 4500 Small Documents Extract
9023 Wonnamama Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 18/03/2019 Delma Macgregor 21 Rees Street, PO Box 885, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 PO Box 885, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Small Documents Extract
9661 Woodja Wunya Stories Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 14/02/2024 Rebecca Spooner 36 Cambrian Street, Bald Hills QLD 4036 36 Cambrian Street, Bald Hills QLD 4036 Small Documents Extract
7180 Woodstock Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 10/11/2010 Brenda Van Gosliga 18 McCarthy Street, DIRRANBANDI QLD 4486 PO Box 206, DIRRANBANDI QLD 4486 Small Documents Extract
10161 Wook-koo Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/01/2024 Tracey Alexander 8 Koala Crescent, TINANA QLD 4650 10 Arcadia Street, CALLIOPE QLD 4680 Small Documents Extract
3561 Woolgar Valley Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/03/2000 Jasmine Keyes 36 Sawmill Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Lot 36 Sawmill Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
8492 Woorabinda Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Social & Emotional Wellbeing & Health Registered on 16/11/2016 Amanda Boland 104 Carbine Street, WOORABINDA QLD 4713 65 Bening Place, McDowall QLD 4053 Medium Documents Extract
8399 Woorabinda Wallaroo Health and Fitness Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Sarah Walker 198 Cressbrook Street, WOORABINDA QLD 4713 303 Kemp Street, WOORABINDA QLD 4713 Small Documents Extract
1946 Woppabura Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 16/04/2010 Robert Muir 76 East Street, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 76 East Street, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 Small Documents Extract
9584 Woppaburra Saltwater Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 10/09/2021 Imogene Percival Level 4, 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE QLD 4001 3 Chamomile Street, Griffin QLD 4503 Small Documents Extract
9837 Woppaburra TUMRA Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 20/09/2022 Shelly McArdle 26 Tabone Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703 19 Jarman Street, Barlows Hill QLD 4703 Medium Documents Extract
7964 Wujal Wujal Justice Group Indigenous Corporation Registered on 22/10/2013 Joh Anthonis Justice Group Office, Rural Transaction Centre, 120 Hartwig Street, WUJAL WUJAL QLD 4895 62 Dowling Road, Bloomfield QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
2022 Wulgurukaba Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/05/1994 Christina George 28 Warboys Street, Nelly Bay, MAGNETIC ISLAND QLD 4819 28 Warboys Street, Nelly Bay, MAGNETIC ISLAND QLD 4819 Small Documents Extract
7680 Wulgurukaba Yunbenun Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/03/2012   50 HIGH STREET, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820   Small Documents Extract
8263 Wulli Wulli Nation Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 24/07/2015 Lynette Dippel 2/39 Young Street, MOURA QLD 4718 PO Box 13, MOURA QLD 4718 Medium Documents Extract
479 Wunara Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/08/1986 Allen Punch POB 182, 64 Camooweal street, Mount isa QLD 4825 PO Box 1682, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
1738 Wungu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/03/1993 Shannah Richards (Wungu) Wolfram Camp Road, DIMBULAH QLD 4872 1413 Wolfram Road, DIMBULAH QLD 4872 Small Documents Extract
3833 Wuni-Oombra Family Disability Respite Care Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Susan Grace Prior Soloman Crescent, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Post Office, PALM ISLAND QLD 4816 Medium Documents Extract
1215 Wunjuada Aboriginal Corporation for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Service Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Irene White 19 Barambah Avenue, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 PO Box 278, MURGON QLD 4605 Medium Documents Extract
7188 Wunkula Training, Education and Business Development Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/03/2009 Anthea Stafford 45 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 45 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
7331 Wunta Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Tracy Zaro 1/52 Peninsula Development Road, COEN QLD 4892 1/52 Peninsula Development Road, COEN QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7431 Wura Group Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 11/08/2010 Natasha Lamb 50845 Burnett Highway, MOUNT MORGAN QLD 4714 354 Salamanca Street, FRENCHVILLE QLD 4701 Small Documents Extract
8848 Wurrathaa Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 15/06/2018 George Conrad 106 Ritha Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 106 Ritha Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
7157 Wuthathi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 09/12/2008 Kathy Wymarra Suite 3, 37-39 Anderson Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870 12 Close Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
8697 Wuthathi Transitional Landowning Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/07/2024 Gene Visini c/- 242 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870 242 Sheridan Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
9464 WUURUY-GULU INDIGENOUS CORPORATION Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Cassie Grillo PO BOX 80, PENINSULA DEVELOPMENT ROAD, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO Box 80, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
9917 Wymarra Productions Indigenous Corporation Registered on 16/03/2023 Elizabeth Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
9071 Wymarra Wymarra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 24/05/2019 Alex Wymarra 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870 135 Grafton Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8966 XtremeCare Australia Indigenous Corporation (Intend to Deregister) Registered on 08/01/2019 Marjorie Tatipata 3 Balerang Street, Stafford QLD 4053 C/- Pollock Partners, PO Box 305, WILSTON QLD 4051 Small Documents Extract
1886 Yaamba Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Men Deregistered on 20/11/2015 Ara Harathunian 14 Palm Springs Drive, Calavos, CALAVOS QLD 4670 PO Box 1963, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Small Documents Extract
10240 YaaY'a Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 05/04/2024 Jayd Copelin C/- Cape York Land Council, 32 Florence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 31 Millhouse Close, EDMONTON QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
1385 Yabu Mija Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 29/11/1991 Cate Teece 3 Bolton Street, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 P.O. Box 488, RAVENSHOE QLD 4888 Small Documents Extract
8934 Yabun Panjoo Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/11/2018 David Boye 27 Dickenson Place, KIRWAN QLD 4817 27 Dickenson Place, KIRWAN QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
8942 Yadhaigana Natives Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/11/2018 Georgina Blanco Lot 70 Lui Street, BAMAGA QLD 4876 6 Prosperity Way, MOUNT LOUISA QLD 4814 Small Documents Extract
9744 Yagara Magandjin Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/05/2022 Steven Coghill 17 Charles Avenue, LOGAN CENTRAL QLD 4114 2 Antrim Street, ACACIA RIDGE QLD 4110 Small Documents Extract
8636 Yalanji Joint Venture Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/09/2022 Brad Grogan 39 Constance Street, MAREEBA QLD 4880 PO Box 2682, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
4379 Yalanjiwarra Jalunji Marrjanga Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 28/07/2004 Juan Walker

Daphne Naden
1 Palm Street, COOYA BEACH QLD 4873 PO Box 1449, MOSSMAN QLD 4873

P O Box 1449, Mossman QLD 4873
Small Documents Extract
813 Yalga-Binbi Institute for Community Development Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Registered on 02/06/1989 Margaret Blackman 2 Marina Drive, Burnett Heads QLD 4670 6 Powers Street, Burnett Heads QLD 4670 Medium Documents Extract
437 Yallambee Aboriginial Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Colleen Muckan Yallambee-Oranan Park, Duchess Road - Flynn Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 854, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 Medium Documents Extract
8614 Yam Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/04/2017 Teddy Bernard 30 Chapman Rd, KOWANYAMA QLD 4892 408A Awinamay Street, KOWANYAMA QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
8512 Yamalai Ngopun Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Tara Rodgers 53 Admiral Drive, DECEPTION BAY QLD 4508 60 Kooyalee Street, DECEPTION BAY QLD 4508 Small Documents Extract
8437 Yambangku Aboriginal Cultural Heritage & Tourism Development Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 24/06/2016 Suzanne Thompson 93 Acacia Street, BARCALDINE QLD 4725 93 Acacia Street, BARCALDINE QLD 4725 Medium Documents Extract
4088 Yapatjarra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health Services Deregistered on 28/04/2017 Amanda Boland PO Box 39, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 18 Girton Street, Alderley QLD 4051 Small Documents Extract
2000 Yargin Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Leanne Edwards 77 Landsborough Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 PMB 1, NORMANTON QLD 4890 Small Documents Extract
4045 Yarool Enterprises (Aboriginal Corporation) Deregistered on 03/02/2010   As Above, BUNDABERG QLD 4670   Small Documents Extract
7199 Yarrabah Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Justice Deregistered on 21/08/2018 Harvey Thomas Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 C/- Post Office, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
1440 Yarrabah Aboriginal Corporation for Women Registered on 27/03/1992 Raelea Connolly 18 Stanley Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 10 Range Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
9489 Yarrabah Djunngaal Elders Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/05/2021 Eileen Yeatman 2 Smith Street, Yarrabah QLD 4871 20 Ambrym Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
3487 Yarrabah Seahawks Rugby League Football and Sports Club Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 07/10/1999 ASHLEIGH SCHRIEBER Lot 81 Back Beach Road, YARRABAH QLD 4871 102 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
4668 Yarraburra Kunggandji Group Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 01/02/2007 Sarah Addo 67 Murray Street, MANOORA QLD 4870 67 Murray Street, MANOORA QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
10118 Yarraman Country Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 26/10/2023 Anna Schollum 142 Brisbane Road, BOOVAL QLD 4304 C/-Unit 26 - 62 Radke Road, Bethania QLD 4205 Small Documents Extract
7908 Yarrngwynthargyn Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/07/2013 Hilda Toby 1 Balonne Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 31 Thompson Street, NORMANTON QLD 4890 Small Documents Extract
7975 YBM Enterprises Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/11/2013 Larissa Hale 142 Charlotte Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 PO Box 1011, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
1485 Yeium Cooknoeah Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Lynda Grace Holroyd Pormpuraaw Post Office, Cape York Peninsula, PORMPURAAW QLD 4871 Pormpuraaw Post Office, Cape York Peninsula, PORMPURAAW QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
7571 Yelan-awu Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 08/06/2011 Danielle Hudson 62 Keenie Street, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 62 Keenie Street, LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 Small Documents Extract
3946 Yellagundgimara Aboriginal Health Council Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/03/2002 Kelly Barclay Doomadgee Sports and Recreation Centre, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 8 Foster Street, DOOMADGEE QLD 4830 Small Documents Extract
9095 Yerongpan Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 09/07/2019 Derek Oram 21 Ibis Avenue, Deagon QLD 4017 PO Box 237, SANDGATE QLD 4017 Medium Documents Extract
7249 Yerrabi Yurdhura Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/08/2009 Kathleen Day 178 Charles Bruce Drive, Oakhurst QLD 4650 178 Charles Bruce Drive, Oakhurst QLD 4650 Small Documents Extract
7763 Yetimarla Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Roy Bauman 14 Hudson Street, KIRWAn QLD 4817 14 Hudson Street, KIRWAn QLD 4817 Small Documents Extract
1537 Yidindji Alliance Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 18/05/2010 Lloyd Stewart 16 Nymbool Road, Tabo, MOUNT GARNET QLD 4872 PO Box 94, MOUNT GARNET QLD 4872 Medium Documents Extract
7016 Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lorraine Aragu C/-PO Box 741, Edmonton QLD 4869 PO Box 741, Edmonton QLD 4869 Small Documents Extract
7731 Yidinji Bundaburra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Vanessa Lancaster 17 Marigold Street, ATHERTON QLD 4883 Unit 1/2 Lucas Street, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 Small Documents Extract
8760 Yilba Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/07/2024 Karleen Kerr 86 King Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 86 King Street, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 Small Documents Extract
8972 Yiliyapinya Indigenous Corporation Registered on 22/01/2019 Jonna-Susan Mathiessen Unit 1, 186 Douglas Street, Oxley QLD 4075 32/66 Illowra Street, The Gap QLD 4061 Medium Documents Extract
9500 Yinarr Yarning Circle Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 06/05/2021 Barbara Hubbert 15 Admiral Drive, DECEPTION BAY QLD 4508 15 Admiral Drive, DECEPTION BAY QLD 4508 Small Documents Extract
9812 YINDI Foundation Indigenous Corporation Registered on 09/08/2022 Ramone Close 1A/63 Maine Road, CLONTARF QLD 4019 1A/63 Maine Road, CLONTARF QLD 4019 Small Documents Extract
7278 Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 13/10/2009 Mikayla Down Suite 5, 61 McLeod Street, Cairns QLD 4870 Suite 5/61 McLeod Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Medium Documents Extract
10355 Yinwum Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/09/2024 Aretha Mooka 47 Clermont Street, Mapoon QLD 4874 Unit 2, 59 Dalrymple Esplanade, INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Small Documents Extract
4252 Yirandali Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 janelle ruth carlo 11 Jerome St, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 11 Jerome St, CHERBOURG QLD 4605 Medium Documents Extract
8398 Yirendali Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 04/05/2016 James Hill C/- Dillon Bowers Lawyers, 62 Blackwood Street, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 6 Southdoon Avenue, HAPPY VALLEY QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
8025 Yir'Kan Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Jan Williams 52 Stephenson Street, Scarness, HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 52 Stephenson Street, SCARNESS QLD 4655 Small Documents Extract
4314 Yirrganydji Gurabana Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/01/2004 Gavin Singleton 44 Toogood Road, WOREE QLD 4868 PO Box 840 Bungalow QLD 4870, Cairns QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
8079 Yirrmbali Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 27/06/2014 Derek Perkins 68 Spence Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870 PO Box 7785, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Small Documents Extract
3495 Yorke Island Fishermens (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Hilda Mosby C/- TSIRC Yorke Island Office, Division 12, YORKE ISLAND QLD 4875 C/- Torres Striat Regional Council Office, Yorke Island QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9447 You Be the Change Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Ayesha Slater 75 Aird Lane, Woombye QLD 4559 11 Whitton Street, WHITE ROCK QLD 4868 Small Documents Extract
671 Yuenmanda (Elder Clan Women) Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 11/06/2015 Jennifer Sewter C- Post Office, Gununa, MORNINGTON ISLAND QLD 4871 Post Office, MORNINGTON ISLAND QLD 4871 Small Documents Extract
8952 Yugambeh Region Aboriginal Corporation Alliance Registered on 15/11/2018 Brooke Hopwood 24 Kangaroo Avenue, Coombabah QLD 4216 PO Box 1875, Southport BC QLD 4215 Medium Documents Extract
9161 Yugambeh Youth Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/11/2019 Candace Kruger 106 Rio Vista Boulevard, Broadbeach Waters QLD 4218 8 Wistaria Avenue, SOUTHPORT BC QLD 4215 Small Documents Extract
7733 Yugan Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 25/05/2012 Annette Hooligan 5 Ormond Close, GORDONVALE QLD 4865 PO Box 37, MOUNT GARNET QLD 4872 Small Documents Extract
7131 Yugara-YUgarapul Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/10/2008 Lydia Oppermann 26 Ellington Street, BROWNS PLAINS QLD 4118 26 Ellington Street, BROWNS PLAINS QLD 4118 Small Documents Extract
7032 Yuggera Aboriginal Corporation for Cultural Services Deregistered on 12/05/2014 Edward Ruska 83 Henty Drive, REDBANK PLAINS QLD 4301 PO Box 180, RICHLANDS QLD 4077 Small Documents Extract
1475 Yuibera Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 04/06/2012 Beverley Ann Mooney First Floor, 60 Victoria Street, MACKAY QLD 4740 PO Box 180, MACKAY QLD 4740 Medium Documents Extract
3419 Yuibera Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 31/10/1999 Kim Brakell STM Building, Cnr River & Tennyson Streets, MACKAY QLD 4740 11 Ian Wood Drive, DOLPHIN HEADS QLD 4740 Medium Documents Extract
8057 Yulgunjii Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 06/02/2025 Christine Kyle Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Muni Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Small Documents Extract
7112 Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 08/09/2008 Monique Shepherd 116 Ham Street, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 PO Box 116, CLONCURRY QLD 4824 Small Documents Extract
3552 Yulluna Land Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 19/11/2013 Kathleen Sellers 1 Hilton Road, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 PO Box 3323, NERANG QLD 4211 Small Documents Extract
4652 Yulluna Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 08/12/2020 Max Armstrong 10 Davison Street, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 143 Miles Street, WINSTON QLD 4825 Small Documents Extract
2034 Yulu-Burri-Ba Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health Registered on 12/05/1994 Madeline Quirk 16 Dickson Way, DUNWICH QLD 4183 Barlow Street, CLAYFIELD QLD 4011 Large Documents Extract
10249 Yumbin Community Justice Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 17/04/2024 Glenda Humes 10 Martini Street, MOUNT LOFTY QLD 4350 10 Martini Street, MOUNT LOFTY QLD 4350 Small Documents Extract
3855 Yumi Bama Kimiar Atami Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Bel Lui 37 Milton Street, MACKAY QLD 4740 Po Box 1099, MACKAY QLD 4740 Medium Documents Extract
3966 Yunmen Outstation Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Frank Robert Motton 132 Yulu Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4871 132 Yulu Street, PORMPURAAW QLD 4871 Medium Documents Extract
9320 Yuragana Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 03/07/2020 La-Toya Enoch 3 Riley Court, Bellmere QLD 4510 14 Piccadilly Street, Bellmere QLD 4510 Small Documents Extract
7632 Yurruwarra(c) Dingaal Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 02/11/2011 Gordon Charlie 96 Workshop Street, YARRABAH QLD 4871 PO Box 1322, MAREEBA QLD 4880 Small Documents Extract
8723 Yuurin-Bi-Gu Indigenous Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Lester O'Burns 68 Kernich Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 68 Kernich Street, HOPE VALE QLD 4895 Medium Documents Extract
7595 Yuuru Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 22/07/2011 Brian Cobus Suite 6, 138-142 Mulgrave Road, Westcourt QLD 4870 62 Hope Street, COOKTOWN QLD 4895 Large Documents Extract
9318 Yuwaal Thiithaarr Warra Aboriginal Corporation Deregistered on 01/07/2024 Jessica McKechnie-Hart 2/16 Morgan Street, Yorkeys Knob QLD 4878 42 Machans Street, Machans Beach QLD 4878 Small Documents Extract
9480 Yuwaalaraay Euahlayi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 30/04/2021 Kym Horn C/- Queensland South NativeTiitle Services, Level 4, 293 Queen Street, BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 PO Box 7145, Holland Park East QLD 4121 Small Documents Extract
8608 Yuwi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Registered on 20/04/2017 Madeline Jones

Danielle Cameron
Unit 11, 16 Transport Avenue, Paget QLD 4740 PO BOX 5463, MACKAY MC QLD 4741

Medium Documents Extract
8087 Yuwibara Aboriginal Corporation Registered on 21/07/2014 Antwinette Vanderwolfe 9 River Street, MACKAY QLD 4740 18 Kintyre Court, BEACONSFIELD QLD 4740 Small Documents Extract
418 Zeuberr Erkep (Townsville) Torres Strait Islanders Corporation Deregistered on 24/10/2009 Nai Tapim 3/5A McKinley Street Northward, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 103 Ross River Road Mundingburra, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Medium Documents Extract
9211 Zion Fellowship Power of the Spirit Ministry Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 24/03/2020 Rannie Sam DARNLEY ISLAND, Lot 460, Airstrip Road, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Lot 77 1Main Road, DARNLEY ISLAND, ERUB ISLAND QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
8022 Zogo Tudi Torres Strait Islander Corporation Deregistered on 08/03/2023 Catharine Enosa Lot 52 Ganaia Street, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Lot 84 Phillemon Street, WARRABER ISLET QLD 4875 Small Documents Extract
9244 Zom Kolbe Kolbe Torres Strait Islander Corporation Registered on 06/03/2020 Alimah Davis 19 Yeates Crescent, Meadowbrook QLD 4131 19 Yeates Crescent, Meadowbrook QLD 4131 Small Documents Extract